Anthony M


Great with numbers! Wiz kid.

Awkward, secretive leader that has difficulty building trust and motivating others. Not sure how long the partnership with GNE will last.
Director Sari D can't find anything positive to say about our remote call recordings which is extremely demotivating. My current manager used to work at the mall before coming here. I agree this contract won't last long.
Ditto. The remote program under Anthony and Sari D is a circus. Several people are getting ready to bail so there should be open positions on the GNE contract for people who appreciate and thrive in a dysfunctional environment. I think my manager came from selling cell phones.
Ditto. The remote program under Anthony and Sari D is a circus. Several people are getting ready to bail so there should be open positions on the GNE contract for people who appreciate and thrive in a dysfunctional environment. I think my manager came from selling cell phones.

Let’s be honest. There is very little access to prescribers in oncology, even for the Genentech reps. We are talking to medical assistants, patient service reps, and nurses and have no influence on prescriptions whatsoever.
Agree it is rare getting someone with prescribing influence to chat. Rookie leadership and management make it even harder to learn the call techniques required that would increase our chances of success. Long story short, this is a circus. Looking elsewhere while collecting a free check.
Our remote team recently had a call recording debrief session where Sari Passwater was lurking in the background. Like clockwork on these team calls, she can’t help herself from making everyone feel inadequate with her negativity.
I am also on the Ashfield partnership remote program with GNE. Looking for another more serious role outside of this contract. Was hoping I could trust Anthony the boy wonder. Too many secrets, surprises and zero structure.
I have a great remote manager. She was a field manager with Xofluza. Most other managers were promoted quickly after they made a few good remote calls and Anthony took them under his wing.
Sari Passwater, that is a good one! She reminds me of Owens mom on “Throw Momma from the train”. Going on a final interview with Syneos then bailing Assfield Healthscare.
Anthony made a brilliant visionary move in February when he downsized the GNE contract team for “Budget” reasons. Experienced reps and Managers were cut while new inexperienced reps and managers “on the cheap” were kept. Many remaining managers and Directors were friends of Anthony and have less than 5 direct reports!! That was a move that can only be made by inexperienced Leadership. This is why Ashfield GNE fails time and time again with “on the cheap, knee jerk” strategy. Unfortunately they are doing the same thing with the relaunch of Xofluza.
Would never ask Anthony to Zoom a key customer of mine that was vital to regional or national sales for GNE. His ear piercings, tattered baseball cap and lack of timeliness would be the end of that business for GNE.
Not sure yet if I can trust him. I know contract work is uncertain and risky but Anthony takes secrecy and keeping us in the dark to the next level. I am actively looking for an inside sales role with a more reputable company.