another rep gone - abbott nutrition

It is a newly created position that will have large geography and specific call points. The goals will be unrealistic and likely unattainable. So, after a year's experiment and failure management will completely change your role or dump the salesforce as they have done before.

Some managers will be good, others will micromanage you to death.

If you have a good job with security now stay with it.

Thank you, I apprecite your feedback.

This management team has absolutely no idea how negative the impact to the sales force when the undeserving win trips. What should motivate actually has the opposite effect. But they remain clueless.

This management team has absolutely no idea how negative the impact to the sales force when the undeserving win trips. What should motivate actually has the opposite effect. But they remain clueless.

Motivation from who goes to TPC is the least of the problems. Be more concerned with goals, evaluations, coaching reports, bonuses and jobs!

Looks like they are getting rid of reps and now doing a big expansion? Got a call back saying I did not make the cut at final interviews and many other positions not filled with candidates that also were flew in for interviews. What are they looking for? Anyway, after reading posts here looks like I avoided a bad situation.

It takes a special person to be able to handle this type of abuse. Not everyone is cut out for this. Consider yourself lucky.

I agree with the quote above. Every single person who I have met that worked for Abbott has said they felt abused and these folks worked for different divisions at different locations. This leads me to believe the Source of the problem is Abbott Upper Management.

It's all related. The chosen ones get passes while others get grilled.

This is unfair however, this happens at EVERY company.
it is awful but that's life.
If you're not part of the "in" crowd, it's better to find other options.
Don't waste your life being miserable. Some other company will treat you better.