RBD out of pittsburgh, Stephanie M. dropped her letter today!!
RBD out of pittsburgh, Stephanie M. dropped her letter today!!
or gal
Any other opportunities out there besides the Medicine's Company? I really don't want to be here when they ask us to sell 5 drugs and none of us can make plan or any money any more. I dont understand why nobody seems to see this point. You cannot sell 5 products successfully and get them ALL to goal. you may be able to get two to goal in you are lucky. I guess people don't mind making less bonus and more administrative bullshit.
What's wrong with going to the Medicine's company? If you don't want to be here to sell 5 drugs then I don't understand why you didn't leave already to Medicines or Durata to sell fewer products, make more bonus, and have less administrative bullshit. Stop whining about your situation and do something to help yourself. For me, I believe that we will have less products next year and that the IC issues will be addressed so I am staying.
If you are looking for opportunities try Durata, Abbvie, Gilead, Actavis, or even Entera. Good luck and I hope you find what you are looking for.
Are you a noob? just started 6 months ago? IC issues resolved ? Dude, I've been here over 8 years. They have NEVER addressed the IC issues. Not once. Bonuses are inconsistent at best. One year you make a little money, the next year they fuck you over and put your numbers so far out of reach, nobody can hit it. Just ask some of the folks at Cubist who left to go to Durata. People selling 9M in drug and didnt make a dime. So, please don't insult me by blowing sunshine up my ass. We will be ask to sell 5 products next year with a max payout of 40K IF you get all 5 to goal. You'll make half of that if you only get a couple of products to goal.
No, I am not a noob and where in my post does it say that IC issues were resolved you whining idiot? I said the IC issues WILL BE ADDRESSED and not that they are relolved. Again, you clearly can tell the future and know everything is going to stay the same or get worse here so why don't you move on already? I guess none of those companies out there with the perfect IC plans and consistent bonuses want you huh? That or you are too afraid, weak or complacent to make the jump and prefer to wallow in negativity and self pity. It's the same posters over and over on this board, lot's of complaints and very little action. Mass exodus? D-Day? 8 or 9 people leaving is a mass exodus? Go ahead and stay, I hope you get an ulcer you miserable fuck.
No, I am not a noob and where in my post does it say that IC issues were resolved you whining idiot? I said the IC issues WILL BE ADDRESSED and not that they are relolved. Again, you clearly can tell the future and know everything is going to stay the same or get worse here so why don't you move on already? I guess none of those companies out there with the perfect IC plans and consistent bonuses want you huh? That or you are too afraid, weak or complacent to make the jump and prefer to wallow in negativity and self pity. It's the same posters over and over on this board, lot's of complaints and very little action. Mass exodus? D-Day? 8 or 9 people leaving is a mass exodus? Go ahead and stay, I hope you get an ulcer you miserable fuck.
Relolved? WOW ! No wonder you suck at this company. Can't even spell "RESOLVED". I may be a miserable fuck but at least I'm not a DUMB fuck like yourself. Can't even spell. let me ask you something, Mr. "I believe whatever upper managment tells me", what other bullshit line did they feed you too to get you to stay? Did they say they were going to "Address" the salary issue? And of course, you believed them. Talk about a fucking Kool-Aid drinker. I wanted to go, sir or mam, but the territory I wanted was going to be phased out because another rep from the MC probably can cover it from his area. So, yes, I have be stuck here with stupid fucks like you who believe everything is fine and dandy. Again, so you're ok knowing that there are companies out there that pay a base of 150K while you're making a measely 116K to sell 5 drugs? 150K to sell one or two or 116K to sell 5 and a shitty bonus (probably 40K again since that seems to be the magic number for this company). And you're ok being asked to do 5 TIMES the work, 5 Times the stress level, 5 times the PME's and time away from your family at night (if you have one) to end up making 20K and a base of 116K bonus because you won't be able to get all 5 products to goal VERSUS selling ONE OR TWO DRUGS, NO FIELD VISITS FROM YOU BOSS, NO NATIONAL SALES MEETINGS, NO STUPID CAR ALLOWANCE WHERE MOST OF US LOSE OUR ASS ON, NO WAITING 2 WEEKS FOR EXPENSE REPORTS TO BE APPROVED AND PAID, NO MORE 1-2% MERIT INCREASES WHEN YOU BLOW IT OUT OF THE WATER AND THEY ACTUALLY REWARD TOP PERFORMERS THERE, NO PHOTOCOPYING 30-40 SIGN IN SHEETS INTO VEEVA AND HAVING TO INPUT THEIR INDIVIDUAL NAMES INTO THE SYSTEM AND SPENDING PRECIOUS WEEKENDS TRYING TO COMPLETE THESE ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS, NO MORE MICRO-MANAGING, FREEDOM TO HAVE COMPLETE AUTONOMY AND TRUST TO GET THE JOB DONE AND MANAGE YOUR OWN BUSINESS, NO MORE CUBEFOLIO BULLSHIT SO WE CAN RIGHT DOWN SHIT THAT I WILL NEVER USE BECAUSE DAILY PLANS CHANGE LITERALLY DAY BY DAY THUS MAKING CUBEFOLIO A WASTE OF TIME, NO MORE 15-20 MARKETING TEAM MEMBERS FOR ONE DRUG (DO WE REALLY NEED THAT MANY??), NO MORE SAMs THAT SIT ON THEIR ASS BY THE POOL EATING BON-BONS ALL DAY THAT CONTRIBUTE NOTHING TO THIS COMPANY (AS WELL AS THE CSL'S) AND ADD NO REAL VALUE. ALL OF THIS AND MAKING 150 A YEAR WITH A 50-60k BONUS POTENTIAL TO BOOT. YOU CALL THAT LOGICAL ? Help me understand how a r***** veteran rep like yourself doesnt thinK the latter is a better deal?
And clearly you apparently under the delusion things are going to change here. So you too have a crystal ball. Why do they even have to analyze anything or think about giving the sales team more money? Why so long, Mr. Wizard? A little piss ass company like Durata increased the salaries by 10K overnight with stock options in a split second. They have had MONTHS to make corrections and you sit on your ass and think everything is ok and that "changes will be addressed". Give me a fucking break. You, sir, are truly a douchebag. Maybe you believe the moon is made of cheese too.
And by the way, jackass, its going to be more than 8 or 9. You need to check your numbers. Many waited till AFTER their bonus was deposited. Next few weeks, you will see more like 20-30 folks leave.
Great post and spot on. You sound like someone that really gets it and with that wonderful attitude of yours any company would be lucky to have you. MC doesn't know the mistake they are making by not hiring you, but hang in there and with any hope MC will see what a prize they are missing out on and hire you when the first chance comes along. This may in fact work out for your benefit since I'm quite certain that when IONSYS and Carbavance get approval the MC will triple salaries and bonus to make the compensation commensurate with the tripled workload. $450,000 base salary and $165,000 in bonus? You bet. Yeah baby! Go MC!
Wonderful attitude because I speak the truth? You it like I see stick your head upper management's ass and believe anything they what does that make you? A fucking sheep.
2 drugs, 150K plus 50-60k bonus potential versus selling 5 drugs, 116K, 40K potential bonus now, I'm no mathematician but maybe I'm the r***** for considering the 1st option. You're the smart one apparently, oh wise one...
You are completely correct!! If the senior management at cubist was truly interested in making things right by the salesforce, then why did we just find out that the "MVP" award NO LONGER PAYS CASH!!!!!!. That $2500.00 award that we used to get in CASH, will now be 2500 POINTS!!!. But don't fear, management "is taking care of us"!!! Your an idiot to believe that management at Cubist gives a shit about us. Stea and Rob just made a boat load of $$$$ in august and will again. You getting paid out on some BS bonus plan. If they truly wanted to make things right, they would admit to the sales force that they "GROSSLY" OVERESTIMATED the 1h quota for Dificid. then they would make people even by bringing everyone up to 100 for just the 1h, then 2h your on your own. Same with Cubicin. By the way "access Sivextro Sucks!!!!!!!! another failed attempt by a half ass company. Good luck to all that stay and to those that leave, but please DO NOT drink the kool aid any longer!!!!
Pat, why don't you shut the fuck up already. You are making the entire region look bad. You are just BITTER because you know you are stuck here and Brad would never hire you.
You are completely correct!! If the senior management at cubist was truly interested in making things right by the salesforce, then why did we just find out that the "MVP" award NO LONGER PAYS CASH!!!!!!. That $2500.00 award that we used to get in CASH, will now be 2500 POINTS!!!. But don't fear, management "is taking care of us"!!! Your an idiot to believe that management at Cubist gives a shit about us. Stea and Rob just made a boat load of $$$$ in august and will again. You getting paid out on some BS bonus plan. If they truly wanted to make things right, they would admit to the sales force that they "GROSSLY" OVERESTIMATED the 1h quota for Dificid. then they would make people even by bringing everyone up to 100 for just the 1h, then 2h your on your own. Same with Cubicin. By the way "access Sivextro Sucks!!!!!!!! another failed attempt by a half ass company. Good luck to all that stay and to those that leave, but please DO NOT drink the kool aid any longer!!!!