Oh yeah!!! We just lost another quality CBM!!! Great job Corporate!!!!
Levari left??? WOW!!! This corporate culture is really starting to crumble!!!! More quality people out the door and no defensive posture from Cubist. WTF is upper management doing?!?!? I heard they all had a nice meeting in pebble beach CA for a "retainment stragaty meeting". What's the stragagy guys??? sit on your hands and do nothing while the MEDCO steals your best people??? Maybe you should ask TC to put another video email out about expense reports and other trivial bullshit!!! Cubist reminds me of the last scene in Animal House where Kevin Bacon is saying "All is well, remain calm" while everyone stampedes over him!!!!!!
Fact: There was no meeting in Pebble Beach, you do not know what you are talking about. Funny how vocal you are on this board versus real life.
TMC has pulled the slimiest of slimy moves. It shows just how desperate they are with that horrible PI they got from the FDA. Their entire strategy is to try and damage the competition. I have never seen anything like it in 20 years of antibiotic experience. Those that go there are in for a world of hurt. The days of daily infusion are coming to an end but not with that drug. Ask your your big academic centers that have looked at it and you will see.
News Flash: We've been in a world of hurt at cubist for the last couple of years!!! No one is making any real money anymore. The med co is doing what any company would do with a new division; they're paying for our talent. What's so awful about that??? I think the folks that went to Durata may have made a mistake. They could be in another Optimer situation, but the Med co is a real company with a real pipeline. Have you seen the KPC gram neg in their pipeline? Their Pain patch? It's a real compnay with real money behind it. Your 20 years of AB experience are working against you in this situation. Wake up!!! This entire industry is getting worse every year!!! Make some money while you can.
Those big academic centers you mentinoed... Pissed all aver Cubicin 10 years ago also.
Great point...What some of these cube heads don't realize is that Cubist years ago was a one-drug company and very high risk if you think back. Now, for some reason according to Cubist, the Medicines Company is this crappy, high risk company that will crash and burn because of their so-so pipeline. My, have times have changed. Most start-up or new divisional start-ups are high-risk/high payoffs. They are very cash-rich have a multitude of products to keep them afloat for a while. If Cubist was smart they would have had divisional sales forces: One group for Cubicin, Sivextro and C/T and the other for perhaps Entereg and Dificid. But no...We are going to have to sell it all and risk maybe getting TWO products to goal and lose thousands of dollars on the other products that don't make it to goal since realistically most reps can sell maybe two products well. Not five. So, kiss your 40K away per year. It will be more likely 20K now.
Completley agree!! What good are great drugs to the salesforce if we're not in a position to make any money from them??? Cubist has fallen asleep at the wheel and has taken this sales force for granted. Not once has anyone in management addressed these IC issues. Instead we get condecending bullsiht about expense reports and uselss tools.
Cubist management doesn't care if you leave. They have someone waiting to take your place as I type this.
And they are all loaded $$$. They don't care if they turn the entire SALESFORCE over twice this year. They will cry all the way to the bank. Sorry to break this news to you.