Another one bites the dust .... Opening?

It's funny, I had my balls busted interviewing for the Philadelphia territory. Only to have to have the hiring manager ghost me after breaking my balls, I found it interesting that there has been so much turnover in one territory in such short time frame. It tells me that the problem might not be the reps they are hiring but actually those doing the hiring instead.

I am thrilled that I was ghosted, I just find it funny that there is such incompetence in all levels of mangement no matter who the pharma company is.

You needed a job and benefits, no matter how cheap and bad they were. Cumberland is the sewer of the pharma industry. They have nothing going on, no pipeline, a narcissistic CEO and batcrap crazy corporate staff. You’re better off cross them off your list. Best of luck for the future.

You needed a job and benefits, no matter how cheap and bad they were. Cumberland is the sewer of the pharma industry. They have nothing going on, no pipeline, a narcissistic CEO and batcrap crazy corporate staff. You’re better off cross them off your list. Best of luck for the future.
You are 100% correct!

The word going around is that they are firing people now just before they reach retirement age. Scum bags!!

This company has 20 recruiters working on each position. The Hiring Manager, A.L. - who started as a Rep and has moved up conducts day-long cattle call interviews. He feels very important to have so many unemployed representatives interviewing and delights in making the candidate feel uncomfortable. He tells those he is interviewing that he googles them to see their age and background. And he does it all with a puffed chest and smirky grin. Best of luck to anyone who works for this man..

Truth is there is nothing to be had here but people who have residual income or another gig of some sorts. NO REP- not a single one works. Not a single one knows how to navigate a hospital. Not a single rep know how to use the worthless CATZ CRM. It’s all just collect a paycheck until somebody either snitches you out or you are discovered by not working. Products are for shit. Pricing too far out. In the words of Curt Cobain/ “ just entertainers. Stupid entertainers”-

Who the fuck cares who left. U have too much fucking time on your hands wondering “ who the fuck left???” “ what’s going on???”””— why?? !!! YOU DONT WORK ! Spread your endless worthless gossip by calling and posting instead of working. You act like your everybody’s friend but your a just a bleach-washed up dumb ass who has nothing to gain but attempt to climb this worthless corporate ladder that you still can’t seem to master despite your infantile phone calls you make to everyone when they leave or get fired- just to speak as if you know…
Ya! I pegged you bitch! Called you out for what you really are- don’t make me leave your initials. Wait… I won’t have to. Everybody knows you and what you do…

Who the fuck cares who left. U have too much fucking time on your hands wondering “ who the fuck left???” “ what’s going on???”””— why?? !!! YOU DONT WORK ! Spread your endless worthless gossip by calling and posting instead of working. You act like your everybody’s friend but your a just a bleach-washed up dumb ass who has nothing to gain but attempt to climb this worthless corporate ladder that you still can’t seem to master despite your infantile phone calls you make to everyone when they leave or get fired- just to speak as if you know…
Ya! I pegged you bitch! Called you out for what you really are- don’t make me leave your initials. Wait… I won’t have to. Everybody knows you and what you do…

Who the fuck cares who left. U have too much fucking time on your hands wondering “ who the fuck left???” “ what’s going on???”””— why?? !!! YOU DONT WORK ! Spread your endless worthless gossip by calling and posting instead of working. You act like your everybody’s friend but your a just a bleach-washed up dumb ass who has nothing to gain but attempt to climb this worthless corporate ladder that you still can’t seem to master despite your infantile phone calls you make to everyone when they leave or get fired- just to speak as if you know…
Ya! I pegged you bitch! Called you out for what you really are- don’t make me leave your initials. Wait… I won’t have to. Everybody knows you and what you do…

Sure, Todd.

Who the fuck cares who left. U have too much fucking time on your hands wondering “ who the fuck left???” “ what’s going on???”””— why?? !!! YOU DONT WORK ! Spread your endless worthless gossip by calling and posting instead of working. You act like your everybody’s friend but your a just a bleach-washed up dumb ass who has nothing to gain but attempt to climb this worthless corporate ladder that you still can’t seem to master despite your infantile phone calls you make to everyone when they leave or get fired- just to speak as if you know…
Ya! I pegged you bitch! Called you out for what you really are- don’t make me leave your initials. Wait… I won’t have to. Everybody knows you and what you do…