Another lawyer running the business "priceless"


I think the OP was referring to putting lawyers with NO business experience or industry background in charge of business units, or even making the CEO. Perhaps she has more business sense and experience than Kindler, I don't know. But, common sense tells you that the person running the ship should at least have some experience in how the drug is made, sold, ...lawyers in charge=little getting actually accomplished - want proof of that, look at our congress

Amy's also been running Consumer for the past year. It's not like she just showed up one day from teaching law school at Cooley. Before she came to Pfizer, she was the managing partner of the largest law firm in the world (metrics: by revenue and by number of attorneys). Running her down because she's a woman is also wrong - what do her shoes have to do with being a good leader? I'd bet more than half the readers of this board would agree that being a woman does not equal incompetence.

Amy's also been running Consumer for the past year. It's not like she just showed up one day from teaching law school at Cooley. Before she came to Pfizer, she was the managing partner of the largest law firm in the world (metrics: by revenue and by number of attorneys). Running her down because she's a woman is also wrong - what do her shoes have to do with being a good leader? I'd bet more than half the readers of this board would agree that being a woman does not equal incompetence.

Running consumer? She's rubber stamped and existing established (Wyeth) division Cavan Redmond handed her.

Amy's also been running Consumer for the past year. It's not like she just showed up one day from teaching law school at Cooley. Before she came to Pfizer, she was the managing partner of the largest law firm in the world (metrics: by revenue and by number of attorneys). Running her down because she's a woman is also wrong - what do her shoes have to do with being a good leader? I'd bet more than half the readers of this board would agree that being a woman does not equal incompetence.

I don't think anyone ran her down because she was a woman, it was because she had ZERO business experience! So get down off your feminist high horse and relax. And don't give me "she worked for a large law firm" crap, nothing like producing and selling a marketed product. We tried this with Kindler, putting a lawyer in charge of the business, that worked out so well for us...Why Pfizer would put a career lawyer in charge of these businesses, as opposed to someone with practical industry experience, I just do not understand...

I don't think anyone ran her down because she was a woman, it was because she had ZERO business experience! So get down off your feminist high horse and relax. And don't give me "she worked for a large law firm" crap, nothing like producing and selling a marketed product. We tried this with Kindler, putting a lawyer in charge of the business, that worked out so well for us...Why Pfizer would put a career lawyer in charge of these businesses, as opposed to someone with practical industry experience, I just do not understand...

She is not Kindler. Business as usual sales/marketing has produced big fines. What special knowledge does she lack? Bet 95%+ of sales reps. have never formulated a drug yet they sell the stuff. Same reps. never took chemistry or pharmacology. Statistics, math or any other science function important to this company. Perhaps, to think outside the box, you have to be born outside the box.

She is not Kindler. Business as usual sales/marketing has produced big fines. What special knowledge does she lack? Bet 95%+ of sales reps. have never formulated a drug yet they sell the stuff. Same reps. never took chemistry or pharmacology. Statistics, math or any other science function important to this company. Perhaps, to think outside the box, you have to be born outside the box.

Or eat a lot of box.... That seems to be a recurrent theme with the whole PFE WIL program...

FWIW, I have a degree in math as well as a MBA. After 25 years in this industry, I'll forget more about this company and this industry than lil' Miss Silver Spoon will ever know (well, at least until she takes her enormous golden parachute and bails on the HMS Titanic, err, Pfizer).

Or eat a lot of box.... That seems to be a recurrent theme with the whole PFE WIL program...

FWIW, I have a degree in math as well as a MBA. After 25 years in this industry, I'll forget more about this company and this industry than lil' Miss Silver Spoon will ever know (well, at least until she takes her enormous golden parachute and bails on the HMS Titanic, err, Pfizer).

Sorry to see you go then. I have deep respect for mathematicians (sp?). Company seems to like Executives from a few selective schools. MBA from Tuck or Harvard?

Great school. Any FDA experience? Any experience in quality? The top two issues causing marketplace worry are: cost and quality of product. How do you measure up? What is your experience?

I'm going to work for a startup as their sales director. Decent money and an ownership stake. And it looks like I should have my pick of the litter from Pfizer, Lilly, AZ, et al... I'm just looking to work another 8-10 years, then move to my beach house in Belize full-time.

Nice knowing everyone.

She is not Kindler. Business as usual sales/marketing has produced big fines. What special knowledge does she lack? Bet 95%+ of sales reps. have never formulated a drug yet they sell the stuff. Same reps. never took chemistry or pharmacology. Statistics, math or any other science function important to this company. Perhaps, to think outside the box, you have to be born outside the box.

I am guessing you are a lawyer also...and you are wrong, many of the sales reps do have science degrees...and I was not suggesting a former sales rep run the business, just maybe someone who actually had a little manufacturing experience, had actually stepped foot on a manufacturing floor...many decisions are in grey areas, reallyy kinda helps to have some practical knowledge to make an informed decision...

Great school. Any FDA experience? Any experience in quality? The top two issues causing marketplace worry are: cost and quality of product. How do you measure up? What is your experience?

Experience is built in the Courtroom and Bedroom. That's it. Plus, I got a great pair of leather stiletto shoes on 56th and 5th. Chasptick, please!

I am guessing you are a lawyer also...and you are wrong, many of the sales reps do have science degrees...and I was not suggesting a former sales rep run the business, just maybe someone who actually had a little manufacturing experience, had actually stepped foot on a manufacturing floor...many decisions are in grey areas, reallyy kinda helps to have some practical knowledge to make an informed decision...

Nice response. And very true. I am not a lawyer.

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