Another District Manager gone

Arrogance, ignorance, and incompetence. Not a pretty cocktail of personality traits in the best of situations. No sirree. Not a pretty cocktail in an office-mate and not a pretty cocktail in a head of state. In fact, in a leader, it's a lethal cocktail.

Graydon Carter

You Phadia junkyard dogs will soon get the lethal cocktail. You can quote any poet you want; but you will soon be dismissed. M.Z.;s elimination list is almost finalized. The rest of you will be gone.. Discrimination; tough sh-t The last Phadia employee will be J.B. Our head of I.D.D.. Cry discrimination all you want. We will be a successful company once again. Go ahead and try kicking up; as management will say; we will get back to you and will investigate it. Case closed! It will never happen. You will never get any correspondence from mgt. You are either with us or against us. We run this company our way. If you don't like it ; follow the exit sign.

You Phadia junkyard dogs will soon get the lethal cocktail. You can quote any poet you want; but you will soon be dismissed. M.Z.;s elimination list is almost finalized. The rest of you will be gone.. Discrimination; tough sh-t The last Phadia employee will be J.B. Our head of I.D.D.. Cry discrimination all you want. We will be a successful company once again. Go ahead and try kicking up; as management will say; we will get back to you and will investigate it. Case closed! It will never happen. You will never get any correspondence from mgt. You are either with us or against us. We run this company our way. If you don't like it ; follow the exit sign.

Motivating. Time is short and you're running out of people to blame for poor leadership

You Phadia junkyard dogs will soon get the lethal cocktail. You can quote any poet you want; but you will soon be dismissed. M.Z.;s elimination list is almost finalized. The rest of you will be gone.. Discrimination; tough sh-t The last Phadia employee will be J.B. Our head of I.D.D.. Cry discrimination all you want. We will be a successful company once again. Go ahead and try kicking up; as management will say; we will get back to you and will investigate it. Case closed! It will never happen. You will never get any correspondence from mgt. You are either with us or against us. We run this company our way. If you don't like it ; follow the exit sign.

Thanks Tara, Jason, Kevin or Paul. You demonstrate great leadership. Maybe you will one day break away from mommies nipple and try being successful on your own.

A current employee..... Sittin back and collecting my base and draw
PSS certified bitches!!!!! just bought myself another year

Be grateful you have a base ' car' medical insurance 'and expense account.. When we take that away from you ; we will see who is sucking on mommies nipple Respect this company' or move on ..Why don't you just leave now if you are that angry. We rule the logistics of this company ; as you work for us.. We tell you what to do ; how to do it; and when to do it. Take that and roll it around your mouth you miserable human being.

Stupidity combined with arrogance and a huge ego will get you a long way.

It's a deep and all but certain truth about narcissistic personalities that to meet them is to love them, but to know them well is to find them unbearable. Confidence quickly curdles into arrogance; smarts turn to smugness, charm turns to smarm.

Be grateful you have a base ' car' medical insurance 'and expense account.. When we take that away from you ; we will see who is sucking on mommies nipple Respect this company' or move on ..Why don't you just leave now if you are that angry. We rule the logistics of this company ; as you work for us.. We tell you what to do ; how to do it; and when to do it. Take that and roll it around your mouth you miserable human being.

I'm not going anywhere ....... great base for me to cut grass all day, workout and shop. Nice car for driving my kids to school and picking them up at 3:00pm. I don't have to grow my business at all, and I still get $40,000 in bonus and free growth with Lab Corp.

My manager has no clue because he doesn't spend any time with me in the field and I will always know more about the business than he does. I'm PSS certified bitches!!!!!!

Tara, Jason, Kevin and Paul are too busy sucking mommy's nipple to know any better.