Another Corporate Re-Alignment; AM Gone

I would tend to agree with the first three items, however, #4 is not totally accurate.

There are some hardworking folks at Rotech that for so long have gone unappreciated. This
causes the morale of the employee to fade. They are tired of working in locations that are understaffed with very little hope that positions will be filled.

Rotech needs to take care of their employees and the employees will take care of Rotech.

I would tend to agree with the first three items, however, #4 is not totally accurate.

There are some hardworking folks at Rotech that for so long have gone unappreciated. This
causes the morale of the employee to fade. They are tired of working in locations that are understaffed with very little hope that positions will be filled.

Rotech needs to take care of their employees and the employees will take care of Rotech.

Yeah it's the company's fault their employees are a bunch of freaks acting a fool here.

Bottom line is they are just 2nd class people. Working for a third class company.

How are theses comments off the wall? bankrupt 3 times,FBI raids at least two times.....sorry were going to have to stick with FOOLS,sorry if this offends you.
TWO chapter 11 reorganization, not THREE bankruptcies.
TWO FBI investigations, not RAIDS.
If you're going to pretend to understand business, at least do your research.

TWO chapter 11 reorganization, not THREE bankruptcies.
TWO FBI investigations, not RAIDS.
If you're going to pretend to understand business, at least do your research.
so if i search "rotech fbi raid" or "rotech bankruptcies" nothing should come up,right?.....please explain this to all us stupid people who dont understand business....arogant big headed blowhards such as yourself are rotechs biggest problem.

Keep drinking the kool-aid.
That was in 2003 imbecile. Were any charges filed?
Answer- No.

Over a few years rotech paid about $20 million in fines because of fraudulent activities.

Since then, policies have been put into place to cover their ass. Any employee that has worked in dme could tell you that.

Drivers-how many times per week are you not picking up equipment when the patient is asking for it to be picked up? This is billing for a service that is not being used. Sales reps-how many of you are bringing overnight pulse ox results to a doctor knowing the patient doesn't need O2 but you are asking for O2 anyway? Csr's-where do I begin? Coaching a referral source through filing out a cmn? Entering incorrect info on a cmn? Adding services such as pulse ox tests to Drs orders that are already signed? Falsifying f2f dates?

This is on you lcm's. All to hit you numbers. You are corrupt and you have made your employees corrupt. You wonder why the system is in debt?

Dme fraud. It happens at every dme.

Over a few years rotech paid about $20 million in fines because of fraudulent activities.

Since then, policies have been put into place to cover their ass. Any employee that has worked in dme could tell you that.

Drivers-how many times per week are you not picking up equipment when the patient is asking for it to be picked up? This is billing for a service that is not being used. Sales reps-how many of you are bringing overnight pulse ox results to a doctor knowing the patient doesn't need O2 but you are asking for O2 anyway? Csr's-where do I begin? Coaching a referral source through filing out a cmn? Entering incorrect info on a cmn? Adding services such as pulse ox tests to Drs orders that are already signed? Falsifying f2f dates?

This is on you lcm's. All to hit you numbers. You are corrupt and you have made your employees corrupt. You wonder why the system is in debt?

Dme fraud. It happens at every dme.

Drivers-how many times per week are you not picking up equipment when the patient is asking for it to be picked up? This is billing for a service that is not being used.
Don't try and lay this on OUR ass. As you are constantly saying, we drivers are monkeys. We're not doctors- we cant p/u oxygen just because a patient says to. All we can do is tell the wormy sales rep and lcm. What they decide to do is above the pay grade of a chimp.

Drivers-how many times per week are you not picking up equipment when the patient is asking for it to be picked up? This is billing for a service that is not being used.
Don't try and lay this on OUR ass. As you are constantly saying, we drivers are monkeys. We're not doctors- we cant p/u oxygen just because a patient says to. All we can do is tell the wormy sales rep and lcm. What they decide to do is above the pay grade of a chimp.

I never called u a monkey. That came out of your mouth. If you do refuse to pick up a patient though, that is dme fraud. Your center should probably be raided if you are guilty of it. Don't try putting this one on your lcm or sales rep.

TWO chapter 11 reorganization, not THREE bankruptcies.
TWO FBI investigations, not RAIDS.
If you're going to pretend to understand business, at least do your research.
I would say when the FBI show up at billing centers, orders everyone to leave, & haul off charts a raid. Computers were searched, employees questioned, & employees could not return to work until the FBI had completed their raid. One was a bankruptcy & the other a reorganization. Someone DOES need to do their research.