Ann "Leona Helmsley" Romney Trys To Rescue Willard

I interpreted what she said as "All you people" = the leftist media hounds who do Pres Foodstamps bidding.

Once again, libruhls look for something that sticks to try anything to mask their dear leaders epic FAIL.

Who knew they were part of the "leftist media"?

Who knew the "leftist media" was so huge too?

WASHINGTON – A majority of Americans, including almost a third of Republicans, say GOP presidential contender Mitt Romney should release more tax returns than the two years he has promised to disclose, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds.

No, Ann is saying "we're better than you and every other candidate who ran for president as well as anyone looking to be confirmed for a cabinet position. The rules don't apply to go clean up the dressage horse poop in the corner."

Now, what does willard have to run on other than he got rich through offshore tax havens and showing others how to extract wealth from this country? Lets talk about HIS record.


Your reaction is my proof. That and a far superior education compared to yours.

Yeah, right - Thanks for letting the readers get a glimpse into your dark and troubled mind - You have no shame.

Not enough bad things can happen to you after you tried to politicize such a horrific event in which 14 people lost their lives.

Yeah, right - Thanks for letting the readers get a glimpse into your dark and troubled mind - You have no shame.

Not enough bad things can happen to you after you tried to politicize such a horrific event in which 14 people lost their lives.

Spare us your five cent moralizing. These people are dead and not suffering.

You prefer YOUR victims alive, so that you can continually re-open their wounds. Like Ann Romney.

Your disgusting hatred of people who have achieved more than you have brands you. You can't stand it when your victims fight back. Or even worse, when they ignore you.

Spare us your five cent moralizing. These people are dead and not suffering.

You prefer YOUR victims alive, so that you can continually re-open their wounds. Like Ann Romney.

Your disgusting hatred of people who have achieved more than you have brands you. You can't stand it when your victims fight back. Or even worse, when they ignore you.

I rest my case - You really need to get some professional help.

Spare us your five cent moralizing. These people are dead and not suffering.

You prefer YOUR victims alive, so that you can continually re-open their wounds. Like Ann Romney.

Your disgusting hatred of people who have achieved more than you have brands you. You can't stand it when your victims fight back. Or even worse, when they ignore you.

Yeah, you tell em Bubbs. He's just jealous because he didnt think of marrying someone who got wealthy by saddling companies with debt until they fail, stealing their pensions and letting the taxpayer pick it up while paying little in taxes, and then offshoring the profits in Swiss bank and the Caymans away from the US Treasury.

She IS better than everyone because she knew how to pick em, and she doesn't have to answer to anyone......everyone should have a dressage horse with a $77,000 tax deduction.

Now clean up its golden poop with a smile. :D

Yeah, you tell em Bubbs. He's just jealous because he didnt think of marrying someone who got wealthy by saddling companies with debt until they fail, stealing their pensions and letting the taxpayer pick it up while paying little in taxes, and then offshoring the profits in Swiss bank and the Caymans away from the US Treasury.

She IS better than everyone because she knew how to pick em, and she doesn't have to answer to anyone......everyone should have a dressage horse with a $77,000 tax deduction.

Now clean up its golden poop with a smile. :D

Why do you hate those who are more fortunate than you? Because you know you're don't have the talent to achieve their success?
By the way, please tell me EXACTLY which laws the Romneys have broken?

Then we could talk about Gov. Romney's twenty percent reduction of unemployment in Mass.

Did Romney break the law when he reduced unemployment by 20% whilw he was Gov

  • ~T~   Jul 20, 2012 at 10:34: AM
The psycho libbies are upset because they're not getting enough attention. Every time they can't get the attention they crave, they act out a little more boldly, even outrageously.

Eventually they go out and shoot up movie theaters. To a whacko libbie, violence is a means of gaining acceptance.

flamebait :mad:

You are gripping now - Your parnoia and desperation has reached a fever pitch.

The word is "griping" not "gripping." Don't you just hate yourself when you fuck-up by not doing your homework? You do that a lot.

Now let's talk about the twenty pecent reduction in unemployment that Gov. Romney achieved? Took that sucker all the way down to 4.7 percent. And OLiar did precisely...:::crickets:::.

Now let's talk about the twenty pecent reduction in unemployment that Gov. Romney achieved? Took that sucker all the way down to 4.7 percent. And OLiar did precisely...:::crickets:::.

No deal - Your 'dodge and deflection' act doesn't work here anymore - This thread is about the Romney's wanting to hide their tax returns, in spite of calls from numerous republican leaders to release them.

Your ruse is up - Time to focus and stay on topic.