Ann "Leona Helmsley" Romney Trys To Rescue Willard


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Ann Romney Says Enough Is Public About Mitt’s Money

Why won't Mitt release more tax returns? Ann Romney answers; "Because there are so many things that will be open again for more attack... and that's really, that's just the answer." In other words, he has something to hide. If the Romneys don't want people to see their tax returns, then Willard should drop out of the race.

If you want to be the President of the United States, then the people of this country should get to know about your behavior over the past 8-10 years. Given the questions surrounding Romney's time at Bain, he ought to release everything from 1999 forward.


Ann Romney Says Enough Is Public About Mitt’s Money

Why won't Mitt release more tax returns? Ann Romney answers; "Because there are so many things that will be open again for more attack... and that's really, that's just the answer." In other words, he has something to hide. If the Romneys don't want people to see their tax returns, then Willard should drop out of the race.

If you want to be the President of the United States, then the people of this country should get to know about your behavior over the past 8-10 years. Given the questions surrounding Romney's time at Bain, he ought to release everything from 1999 forward.

Told ya!

What does this have to do with her "you people" comments to go along with "none of your business, the rules don't apply to us" attitude on display?
That's purely your take which is of little value and patently prejudiced.

If Romney was up to no good, the IRS would be on him like stupid on Obama supporters. You guys have nothing good to sell on your candidate, so you want a lengthy, confusing tax return to use for making up lies and distortions. If he does give you 5 years of returns, you'll say he'd didn't give you 6. He gives you 10 years' returns, and you'll bitch that he didn't give you 15. So there is no pleasing you duplicitous morons, because you're not after truth. You're after campaign slogans.

Maybe when Obama turns over the Fast and Furious documents, and his college transcripts, then we'll talk about disclosure for Romney.

That's purely your take which is of little value and patently prejudiced.

If Romney was up to no good, the IRS would be on him like stupid on Obama supporters. You guys have nothing good to sell on your candidate, so you want a lengthy, confusing tax return to use for making up lies and distortions. If he does give you 5 years of returns, you'll say he'd didn't give you 6. He gives you 10 years' returns, and you'll bitch that he didn't give you 15. So there is no pleasing you duplicitous morons, because you're not after truth. You're after campaign slogans.

Maybe when Obama turns over the Fast and Furious documents, and his college transcripts, then we'll talk about disclosure for Romney.

How about an even swap: Romney's transcripts for OhBlahBlah' transcripts.


If Romney was up to no good, the IRS would be on him like stupid on Obama supporters. .

The IRS has no control over "the club". The guvment has no control over "the club".

When you're in the club, you control the guvment. Folks bitch about the guvment not passing legislation. Legislation gets passed when "the club" says it gets passed.

So tell me'd I do?

That's purely your take which is of little value and patently prejudiced.

That's your opinion, which is of no value and wreaks of hypocrisy.

If Romney was up to no good, the IRS would be on him like stupid on Obama supporters. You guys have nothing good to sell on your candidate, so you want a lengthy, confusing tax return to use for making up lies and distortions. If he does give you 5 years of returns, you'll say he'd didn't give you 6. He gives you 10 years' returns, and you'll bitch that he didn't give you 15. So there is no pleasing you duplicitous morons, because you're not after truth. You're after campaign slogans.

Perhaps you can explain to the readers why an ever growing number of CONSERVATIVE/GOP pundits and politicians are also calling for Willard to release more tax returns? Are they also, as you say, 'patently prejudiced'?

Maybe when Obama turns over the Fast and Furious documents, and his college transcripts, then we'll talk about disclosure for Romney.

Once again, your weak attempt to deflect falls flat - Try sticking to the subject of the OP - This is about Romney and his tax troubles.

BTW, This just in:

Ohio GOP leader calls on Romney to release more tax records

That's purely your take which is of little value and patently prejudiced.

If Romney was up to no good, the IRS would be on him like stupid on Obama supporters. You guys have nothing good to sell on your candidate, so you want a lengthy, confusing tax return to use for making up lies and distortions. If he does give you 5 years of returns, you'll say he'd didn't give you 6. He gives you 10 years' returns, and you'll bitch that he didn't give you 15. So there is no pleasing you duplicitous morons, because you're not after truth. You're after campaign slogans.

Maybe when Obama turns over the Fast and Furious documents, and his college transcripts, then we'll talk about disclosure for Romney.

No, sorry but that is what she said:

"we've given all you people need to know"

Conclowns have spent the past 3 days putting your own take on edited words by the president in a speech about small business, so you know where you can stick your indignant outrage.

But if your reasoning is that if there was anything illegal, the IRS would have caught it. Not so. And I will use Tim Geitner and Charlie Rangel as examples. Did they catch them or were improper things discovered either by the media or during confirmation disclosure?

I can't hear ya punk?

And the argument isnt whether anything illegal is in the tax returns. It is whether he used loopholes to avoid taxes. He's already admitted to helping foreign investors set up offshore entities for THE PURPOSE OF US TAX AVOIDANCE. In other words, here is how you can come here and exploit our system without paying into it. Some patriot huh.

The fear the willard camp has is that there are things in their so distateful to the rest of america, he could not finish his candidacy and you dimwits know that too. :D

Now, what is the record YOUR candidate is running on? He has none he can prove other than he got rich. The MOB and Columbian drug cartels got rich too.

No, sorry but that is what she said:

"we've given all you people need to know"

Conclowns have spent the past 3 days putting your own take on edited words by the president in a speech about small business, so you know where you can stick your indignant outrage.

But if your reasoning is that if there was anything illegal, the IRS would have caught it. Not so. And I will use Tim Geitner and Charlie Rangel as examples. Did they catch them or were improper things discovered either by the media or during confirmation disclosure?

I can't hear ya punk?

And the argument isnt whether anything illegal is in the tax returns. It is whether he used loopholes to avoid taxes. He's already admitted to helping foreign investors set up offshore entities for THE PURPOSE OF US TAX AVOIDANCE. In other words, here is how you can come here and exploit our system without paying into it. Some patriot huh.

The fear the willard camp has is that there are things in their so distateful to the rest of america, he could not finish his candidacy and you dimwits know that too. :D

Now, what is the record YOUR candidate is running on? He has none he can prove other than he got rich. The MOB and Columbian drug cartels got rich too.

I interpreted what she said as "All you people" = the leftist media hounds who do Pres Foodstamps bidding.

Once again, libruhls look for something that sticks to try anything to mask their dear leaders epic FAIL.

I interpreted what she said as "All you people" = the leftist media hounds who do Pres Foodstamps bidding.

Once again, libruhls look for something that sticks to try anything to mask their dear leaders epic FAIL.

The psycho libbies are upset because they're not getting enough attention. Every time they can't get the attention they crave, they act out a little more boldly, even outrageously.

Eventually they go out and shoot up movie theaters. To a whacko libbie, violence is a means of gaining acceptance.