An Explanation of Theory of the Mind

Tink, fully cognizant that I am opening myself up to a load of verbal abuse from you and some friends of yours, I would really appreciate an explanation of your use of the term hate-monger.

Perhaps you could begin by explaining to me the difference between a Liberal hate monger and a Conservative hate monger.

1. Do I like Obama? - Personally, yes. He is a brilliant public speaker.
2. Do I like Obama's ideas as I understand them to be? - no.
3. Do I like Obama's behavior? - No, because I believe his goal is the socialization of America.
4. Do I trust Obama to do what he has said he will do? -no.
5. Do I fear that Obama has a hidden agenda? - Absolutely.
5. Am I a racist? - No. I am a devout Jew. You figure it out.

Do these things make me a hate-monger? Do they make me a racist? If you think that they do, then I must ask you for an explanation of your thought processes.

Does the fact that I believe OBlahBlah to be an Ignoranus mean that I am a hate monger or a racist? Absolutely not. It means that I believe he is an Ignoranus. So if you would like to try to get to a meeting of the minds about this, let's talk.

Hate Monger--"conservatards would keep the hatred and vile name calling of the president down".
"Does the fact that I believe OBlahBlah to be an Ignoranus mean that I am a hate monger "-- yes.
I dont think I have to explain to you your derogatory references to the president and other candidates smells of hate. There is a civil way to have a discussion when you do not agree about what a person does/says---- but to keep bashing them,personally attacking them and calling them names is not civility.
Racist? I dont know, are you? I didnt say Racist, I said hate monger.
I would say that about ANY Public figure, whether Republican or Democrat.
Look, I like some things the pres has done, and I disagree with other things; I also like some things Bush did and not others, but I have never attacked them or called them names.

"what evidence is there that tax increases are beneficial to the economy". Put another way, one might ask "can you name a country which has ever taxed it's way to prosperity?"

That is a loaded question, but some of your answers might be in the article.
"prosperous" can have different meanings, by what standards are you measuring??
I'll give you one example-- Germany has high taxes yet they are very prosperous in that there citizens enjoy a very high standard of living. They have good low cost health care, good education, good salaries, job secuirty, High GDP, good infrastructure, clean cities, high exports, High manufacturing base, good pensions, etc.. Does this mean that they taxed their way to proseprity? I dont know.

Tink, fully cognizant that I am opening myself up to a load of verbal abuse from you and some friends of yours, I would really appreciate an explanation of your use of the term hate-monger.

Perhaps you could begin by explaining to me the difference between a Liberal hate monger and a Conservative hate monger.

1. Do I like Obama? - Personally, yes. He is a brilliant public speaker.
2. Do I like Obama's ideas as I understand them to be? - no.
3. Do I like Obama's behavior? - No, because I believe his goal is the socialization of America.
4. Do I trust Obama to do what he has said he will do? -no.
5. Do I fear that Obama has a hidden agenda? - Absolutely.
5. Am I a racist? - No. I am a devout Jew. You figure it out.

Do these things make me a hate-monger? Do they make me a racist? If you think that they do, then I must ask you for an explanation of your thought processes.

Does the fact that I believe OBlahBlah to be an Ignoranus mean that I am a hate monger or a racist? Absolutely not. It means that I believe he is an Ignoranus. So if you would like to try to get to a meeting of the minds about this, let's talk.

I'm still wondering about what you call an ignoranus. Your preoccupation with anus is somewhat puzzling. For all of the blather and crap that you spew, there is spell check you could use.
As for you list, you got #1 right, the rest are are just more blather and crap.

"what evidence is there that tax increases are beneficial to the economy". Put another way, one might ask "can you name a country which has ever taxed it's way to prosperity?"

That is a loaded question, but some of your answers might be in the article.
"prosperous" can have different meanings, by what standards are you measuring??
I'll give you one example-- Germany has high taxes yet they are very prosperous in that there citizens enjoy a very high standard of living. They have good low cost health care, good education, good salaries, job secuirty, High GDP, good infrastructure, clean cities, high exports, High manufacturing base, good pensions, etc.. Does this mean that they taxed their way to proseprity? I dont know.

Add to list France and Belgium, Netherlands and Switzerland. The right amount of taxation, coupled with the right priorities lead to strong and vibrant societies, something this country had until the GREED factor or the 80's became the standard, coinciding with the rise of radical conservatardism.

Hate Monger--"conservatards would keep the hatred and vile name calling of the president down".
"Does the fact that I believe OBlahBlah to be an Ignoranus mean that I am a hate monger "-- yes.
I dont think I have to explain to you your derogatory references to the president and other candidates smells of hate. There is a civil way to have a discussion when you do not agree about what a person does/says---- but to keep bashing them,personally attacking them and calling them names is not civility.
Racist? I dont know, are you? I didnt say Racist, I said hate monger.
I would say that about ANY Public figure, whether Republican or Democrat.
Look, I like some things the pres has done, and I disagree with other things; I also like some things Bush did and not others, but I have never attacked them or called them names.
Then we're going to have to agree to disagree. Obama is, in my opinion, an evil person who is cynically working to destroy the fabric of our country. He wants to gain control of the government through violent revolution and class warfare and maintain control through violence and thought police.

There is evidence available in how he treats his political enemies. Obama will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. He has demonstrated that he will lie, steal, cheat, and kill (yes I said kill) to achieve his aims. Obama has already demonstrated his enmity to Israel and was forced to adopt a more conciliatory tone by pressure from NATO countries.

I do not hate Obama. I fear Obama. Obama fomented Class Warfare in this country and is missing no opportunity to further that aim in his speeches. He has an entire generation of American children at his disposal who are ready to believe any claptrap they are fed.

The fact that you think that anti-Obama Americans are hate mongers without recognizing that Obama never misses an opportunity to add fuel to the racial warfare and class warfare in this country makes me wonder if this whole exercise is just a waste of time.

Tink, fully cognizant that I am opening myself up to a load of verbal abuse from you and some friends of yours, I would really appreciate an explanation of your use of the term hate-monger.

Perhaps you could begin by explaining to me the difference between a Liberal hate monger and a Conservative hate monger.

1. Do I like Obama? - Personally, yes. He is a brilliant public speaker.
2. Do I like Obama's ideas as I understand them to be? - no.
3. Do I like Obama's behavior? - No, because I believe his goal is the socialization of America.
4. Do I trust Obama to do what he has said he will do? -no.
5. Do I fear that Obama has a hidden agenda? - Absolutely.
5. Am I a racist? - No. I am a devout Jew. You figure it out.

Do these things make me a hate-monger? Do they make me a racist? If you think that they do, then I must ask you for an explanation of your thought processes.

Does the fact that I believe OBlahBlah to be an Ignoranus mean that I am a hate monger or a racist? Absolutely not. It means that I believe he is an Ignoranus. So if you would like to try to get to a meeting of the minds about this, let's talk.

Now go take your meds, and while you're at it, take your little friends with you. You all need more than a little help with your hate and anger

Add to list France and Belgium, Netherlands and Switzerland. The right amount of taxation, coupled with the right priorities lead to strong and vibrant societies, something this country had until the GREED factor or the 80's became the standard, coinciding with the rise of radical conservatardism.

And as usual you are dead wrong. When you bash the '80s and Reaganomics, you expose yourself as a fool because his economic policies worked by any objective standard and no he did not run up the debt other than in building up the military which was sorely needed at the time.

Translation: I'm horrendously biased and foolish.

I don't really care what people like Rocknwolf or Breakingnews think. Their souls are lost. There is no point in arguing with them. The ones that concern me are people like Tink, who have memorized the rhetoric, but have said things that would indicate that she really doesn't want to believe it.

I'm not sure if there's hope for her or not. Probably not.

And as usual you are dead wrong. When you bash the '80s and Reaganomics, you expose yourself as a fool because his economic policies worked by any objective standard and no he did not run up the debt other than in building up the military which was sorely needed at the time.

You and your little friend man-crush on Reagan is the stuff gay porn is made of.
You either ignore or lie about Reaganomics and the conservatard fable of increased tax revenue do to his cuts for the wealthy. Reagan RAISED TAXES 7 TIMES, he eliminated most deductions for working people, he started the tax on social security, and he spent and spent until he had deficits every year, and the first trillion dollar debt. He also forced Bush 1 to have to raise taxes to keep the deficits down while the debt continued to grow.
Conservatards really should read an occasional book instead of watching the liars at Faux, and listening the rambling of fat Limbaugh.

"what evidence is there that tax increases are beneficial to the economy". Put another way, one might ask "can you name a country which has ever taxed it's way to prosperity?"

That is a loaded question, but some of your answers might be in the article.
"prosperous" can have different meanings, by what standards are you measuring??
I'll give you one example-- Germany has high taxes yet they are very prosperous in that there citizens enjoy a very high standard of living. They have good low cost health care, good education, good salaries, job secuirty, High GDP, good infrastructure, clean cities, high exports, High manufacturing base, good pensions, etc.. Does this mean that they taxed their way to proseprity? I dont know.

You are making me very frustrated. I have attempted to explain this to you at great length, and you continue to miss the point. I have listened to four different Liberal Arts majors attempt to tell me how wonderful it is to spend money. None of that matters! Let me try this one more time. We can come back to the subject of Germany later, but you should note that quite a lot of what you said about the German economic system is incorrect. Put that aside for the moment, please.

I must be saying this poorly, because I'm not getting through to you. ...Let's try it this way:

Suppose you have a dollar.
Every month, for twenty years, you have received your dollar and put it to work this way: Food = 20¢. Rent = 40¢. Clothing = 10¢. Utilities = 10¢. Taxes = 10¢....Kids lunches, doctor bills, movies, gas for car, everything else = 8¢...Savings = 2¢.Total monthly spending = $1.00.

OK. Now suppose government expenses rise. It doesn't matter what expenses, just any old expenses. The mayor comes on TV and announces that he must raise taxes to 15¢ to cover expenses. But you still only make a dollar a month. So, OK, you're short a nickel. The first thing you do is cut savings to 0. Now you're three cents short. OK, pick something else to can't cut rent or food, so you cut clothing. No more designer jeans for the kids. They'll have to make do with hand-me-downs. Great! Ok, now you can still get through the month with your dollar and the government has its tax money. A couple of months go by.

Here comes the mayor. Raises taxes again. Again you make adjustments and life goes on. Now you have decided that you need to do some advance planning in preparation for the next tax increase. But you don't know how much it's going to be. Uh oh. What do we do now?....Oh, ok, let's cut a nickle out of our food budget, switch to powdered milk, and put the money into the piggy bank to save for the next tax increase. You're OK, you're still covering your bills. Time passes.

Oh shit! Another tax increase! It's more than I planned for! Oh god, I don't have enough money. The grocery store where you shop goes out of business so now you have to drive an extra ten miles for food. The extra miles puts a strain on your old beater of a car, and it breaks down. You can't afford to replace the car, but you have a credit card. Good deal! You just go down and buy a new car! Now you've got car and credit card payments and you still only get a buck a month.

Here comes the mayor. The grocer lost his store and has to go on welfare to feed his 8 kids. The town has to pay for it. Oh goody, tax increase time. But that's OK....I'm a truly caring person and it's for a good cause, and it's good for the economy, right? It's important for the state to take care of it's residents, right?

Yo go to the piggy bank. Oh shit! I don't have enough to make the mortgage payment! The evil banker needs to feed HIS 8 kids, so you lose the house. Now you're homeless. But that's OK...the city will pay for it...right? All they have to do is raise taxes, right?

Are you beginning to see it now? I certainly hope so. If you haven't seen it yet, I'm not sure there's hope for you. Notwithstanding all of the above, there are two governments whose leaders have taxed themselves to prosperity. Saddam Hussein and Muhamar Khadaffi. I don't know of any others.

"If wishes were horses, beggars could ride" - Old English Proverb

And that, my dear, is why Barrack OBlahBlah is an Ignoranus.
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Now go take your meds, and while you're at it, take your little friends with you. You all need more than a little help with your hate and anger

BB's anger sterms from getting beat all over this board like a rented mule.

He got crushed on the John Edwards thread worse than any poster ever has in the history of CP.

It's almost like taking candy from a a baby when responding to any of his elliptical posts/threads.

You are making me very frustrated. I have attempted to explain this to you at great length, and you continue to miss the point. I have listened to four different Liberal Arts majors attempt to tell me how wonderful it is to spend money. None of that matters! Let me try this one more time. We can come back to the subject of Germany later, but you should note that quite a lot of what you said about the German economic system is incorrect. Put that aside for the moment, please.

I must be saying this poorly, because I'm not getting through to you. ...Let's try it this way:

Suppose you have a dollar.
Every month, for twenty years, you have received your dollar and put it to work this way: Food = 20¢. Rent = 40¢. Clothing = 10¢. Utilities = 10¢. Taxes = 10¢....Kids lunches, doctor bills, movies, gas for car, everything else = 8¢...Savings = 2¢.Total monthly spending = $1.00.

OK. Now suppose government expenses rise. It doesn't matter what expenses, just any old expenses. The mayor comes on TV and announces that he must raise taxes to 15¢ to cover expenses. But you still only make a dollar a month. So, OK, you're short a nickel. The first thing you do is cut savings to 0. Now you're three cents short. OK, pick something else to can't cut rent or food, so you cut clothing. No more designer jeans for the kids. They'll have to make do with hand-me-downs. Great! Ok, now you can still get through the month with your dollar and the government has its tax money. A couple of months go by.

Here comes the mayor. Raises taxes again. Again you make adjustments and life goes on. Now you have decided that you need to do some advance planning in preparation for the next tax increase. But you don't know how much it's going to be. Uh oh. What do we do now?....Oh, ok, let's cut a nickle out of our food budget, switch to powdered milk, and put the money into the piggy bank to save for the next tax increase. You're OK, you're still covering your bills. Time passes.

Oh shit! Another tax increase! It's more than I planned for! Oh god, I don't have enough money. The grocery store where you shop goes out of business so now you have to drive an extra ten miles for food. The extra miles puts a strain on your old beater of a car, and it breaks down. You can't afford to replace the car, but you have a credit card. Good deal! You just go down and buy a new car! Now you've got car and credit card payments and you still only get a buck a month.

Here comes the mayor. The grocer lost his store and has to go on welfare to feed his 8 kids. The town has to pay for it. Oh goody, tax increase time. But that's OK....I'm a truly caring person and it's for a good cause, and it's good for the economy, right? It's important for the state to take care of it's residents, right?

Yo go to the piggy bank. Oh shit! I don't have enough to make the mortgage payment! The evil banker needs to feed HIS 8 kids, so you lose the house. Now you're homeless. But that's OK...the city will pay for it...right? All they have to do is raise taxes, right?

Are you beginning to see it now? I certainly hope so. If you haven't seen it yet, I'm not sure there's hope for you. Notwithstanding all of the above, there are two governments whose leaders have taxed themselves to prosperity. Saddam Hussein and Muhamar Khadaffi. I don't know of any others.

"If wishes were horses, beggars could ride" - Old English Proverb

And that, my dear, is why Barrack OBlahBlah is an Ignoranus.

Do you mean Inyouranus, since you continue to use that term? I guess you really are a DQ.

Hate Monger--"conservatards would keep the hatred and vile name calling of the president down".
"Does the fact that I believe OBlahBlah to be an Ignoranus mean that I am a hate monger "-- yes.
I dont think I have to explain to you your derogatory references to the president and other candidates smells of hate. There is a civil way to have a discussion when you do not agree about what a person does/says---- but to keep bashing them,personally attacking them and calling them names is not civility.
Racist? I dont know, are you? I didnt say Racist, I said hate monger.
I would say that about ANY Public figure, whether Republican or Democrat.
Look, I like some things the pres has done, and I disagree with other things; I also like some things Bush did and not others, but I have never attacked them or called them names.

Sorry, but your words ring hollow for one simple reason. You never once come out against Rock and Breakingnews for the same type of behavior. You never once came to the defense of President Bush when the same things and even worse were said about him.

So spare me your phony indignation about what I call Owedummyfucker. I don't give two shits if it offends you. Deal with his failures or hide behind your phony indignation. Your choice.

Sorry, but your words ring hollow for one simple reason. You never once come out against Rock and Breakingnews for the same type of behavior.

And when have you come out against 4DView, BB or MFAS for the behavior you so decry?

You stepped into a steaming hot pile of manure with your above response.

You should dress up as a hypocrite for Halloween, you wouldn't even need a costume.