Well-Known Member
- tinkrbelle   Oct 28, 2011 at 07:41: PM
Well-Known Member
Tink, fully cognizant that I am opening myself up to a load of verbal abuse from you and some friends of yours, I would really appreciate an explanation of your use of the term hate-monger.
Perhaps you could begin by explaining to me the difference between a Liberal hate monger and a Conservative hate monger.
1. Do I like Obama? - Personally, yes. He is a brilliant public speaker.
2. Do I like Obama's ideas as I understand them to be? - no.
3. Do I like Obama's behavior? - No, because I believe his goal is the socialization of America.
4. Do I trust Obama to do what he has said he will do? -no.
5. Do I fear that Obama has a hidden agenda? - Absolutely.
5. Am I a racist? - No. I am a devout Jew. You figure it out.
Do these things make me a hate-monger? Do they make me a racist? If you think that they do, then I must ask you for an explanation of your thought processes.
Does the fact that I believe OBlahBlah to be an Ignoranus mean that I am a hate monger or a racist? Absolutely not. It means that I believe he is an Ignoranus. So if you would like to try to get to a meeting of the minds about this, let's talk.
Hate Monger--"conservatards would keep the hatred and vile name calling of the president down".
"Does the fact that I believe OBlahBlah to be an Ignoranus mean that I am a hate monger "-- yes.
I dont think I have to explain to you your derogatory references to the president and other candidates smells of hate. There is a civil way to have a discussion when you do not agree about what a person does/says---- but to keep bashing them,personally attacking them and calling them names is not civility.
Racist? I dont know, are you? I didnt say Racist, I said hate monger.
I would say that about ANY Public figure, whether Republican or Democrat.
Look, I like some things the pres has done, and I disagree with other things; I also like some things Bush did and not others, but I have never attacked them or called them names.