
in USDS, the new Future of Working guidelines were just expected, EY, AP and one other person can WFH...since there's no logic/transparency as to who can/can't WFH, this is blatant favoritism at its finest.

a juicy tidbit on AP: a few weeks ago, she was on a Meet with camera off -- which she does habitually in flagrant defiance of USDS policy -- and in the middle of the call, she accidentally turned her camera on.

You'll never guess what we saw...she was in a swimsuit, lounging in the POOL with a DRINK in hand!!

you really can't make this stuff up. FoW is destined to be short-lived, folks.


Word on the street is that EY gets to WFH because she's done moved to the East Coast. Muss be nice to move wherever you want and still get exceptions. If she can do it, why can't everyone else??

I agree that new leadership is weak but USDS has a long history of this. The person leading the group before AP had favoritism for one of her friends reporting to her, who already had the perks of working remotely even before COVID. There was absolutely no transparency in the WFH guidelines for that employee.

The entire USDS LT lacks experience, go to Global for every question and downplay their smarter experienced employees. It’s annoying having smart discussions with them as it goes above their head. It’s in everyone’s interest that they stay away from the office! and yes favoritism is inherited - passed on from previous USDS LT!

Oh the USDS LT consider themselves to be Princesses! They ain’t going to office. The company shouldn’t pay for their flights or accommodation if they ever visit office as the campus is considered primary work location. Otherwise, they should pay the people who go to office for their house rents too.

I agree that new leadership is weak but USDS has a long history of this. The person leading the group before AP had favoritism for one of her friends reporting to her, who already had the perks of working remotely even before COVID. There was absolutely no transparency in the WFH guidelines for that employee.

The new leadership (especially JE, AP..) are the dumbest. There’s no point discussing anything with them as they won’t get it. AP used to be in a previous team, she is not even qualified to be in the role she is in. They say she used to work in hotels. Again, she was hired on the basis of favoritism. Why would you want to see any of them in the office?

The previous leadership was outright cruel and that ECs friend direct report SG, she always felt as though she had mental issues. She was far from normal!

I was not going to write on here because of my principles as I am Ok with giving face-to-face feedback, but I do think that the actions of the USDS leadership team warrant this post; yet I also fear retribution because of their most recent communication to our team today. Last week the leadership team traveled in person to the office, presumably to meet for damage control over these posts. They had a pop-up session with the team to discuss the topics THEY wanted to discuss and when some REAL questions came out over the PollEv, they completely avoided answering them. What kind of leaders shy away from answering tough questions AND on top of it, send a follow-on email today to chastise us because we asked these challenging questions about their remote working policies, un-transparent hiring practices and lack of experience base. It seems like NO ONE is running USMA any longer….

Genentech mostly comprised of Asians is the most Anti-Asian companies out there. Asians get over looked over management positions offered to under qualified white or black because of their sexual orientation. They only need our hard work to delegate too as others take our shine. Pathetic company.

Dear SALTe - You shut PollEv! How are you going to shut this?
The email from EY mentioned about team’s morale, it is not team’s morale but only some so called “SALT” leaders morale, who they know are shallow, lack experience and have been given jobs just because they are friends or their moms/ dads work here. Why is SALT expecting people to sing praises for them when the LT hasn’t done anything worthwhile for the company nor for their teams? The reason why people raise concerns is because their concerns are not heard and they don’t have a platform to go to. There are individuals who don’t want to go talk to SALT as they (as we all know) are useless, not compassionate and only there to serve their personal needs. There have been individuals who have gone to HR and we have seen how much effort and long battles they were put through. SALT now wants to take away this ‘PollEv’ platform too as they are too weak to face the reality!


OMG, all these USDS (USPS now Lol) LT had put such a monkey show last week to show they care. They have no work in hand and absolutely NO regard to the employees time who are working their a** off for this department. I wonder if this is just isolated to this department or it’s an organization wide trend?

OMG, all these USDS (USPS now Lol) LT had put such a monkey show last week to show they care. They have no work in hand and absolutely NO regard to the employees time who are working their a** off for this department. I wonder if this is just isolated to this department or it’s an organization wide trend?

Having seen other departments, I can confidently say this is isolated to this department. AP and JE are like puppets, they talk too much but completely hollow from inside. The LT play their favorites. EY should be held accountable for hiring incompetent and miserable leadership every single time.

Dear SALTe - You shut PollEv! How are you going to shut this?
The email from EY mentioned about team’s morale, it is not team’s morale but only some so called “SALT” leaders morale, who they know are shallow, lack experience and have been given jobs just because they are friends or their moms/ dads work here. Why is SALT expecting people to sing praises for them when the LT hasn’t done anything worthwhile for the company nor for their teams? The reason why people raise concerns is because their concerns are not heard and they don’t have a platform to go to. There are individuals who don’t want to go talk to SALT as they (as we all know) are useless, not compassionate and only there to serve their personal needs. There have been individuals who have gone to HR and we have seen how much effort and long battles they were put through. SALT now wants to take away this ‘PollEv’ platform too as they are too weak to face the reality!


EY is calling rest of the team as “toxic”. Isn’t it the LT that’s causing toxic environment? Sorry, but if the LT is not praise-worthy and if people question their abilities, their biased and wrongful behavior, the rest of the workforce becomes toxic!

Genentech mostly comprised of Asians is the most Anti-Asian companies out there. Asians get over looked over management positions offered to under qualified white or black because of their sexual orientation. They only need our hard work to delegate too as others take our shine. Pathetic company.

Couldn’t agree more.
There are so many skillful, talented, competent people with true leadership qualities who people look upto and admire... and yes these are Asians! The only thing they don’t have is that they are not Caucasian or American or someone’s friend/relative which apparently is the only qualifying criteria for promotion in USDS (USPS lol)!

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