Amway, way to sell out Jeff!

Is nutrilite manufactured under pharmaceutical conditions following pharma protocols and testing? no. There are several products on the market that are, though they are few and far between. That is the point.

How anyone can scientifically say that "X company has the best multi on the market" is beyond me. That is also the point.

Re: Amway, way to sell out Jeff! scamway stinks!

big mistake for meta to get involved with scamway and viceversa. scamway already royally screwed up interleukin genetics and lost tons of money in the process. funny to me that anyone thinks scamway/nutrilite are top notch but...
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
---Joseph Goebbels

NO. SP and XYMOGEN are the only companies over $40M that are still 100% family owned. Blackburns own majority of XYMOGEN and the Dubois family owns a similar large share % of SP.

All the rest are owned and run by people that have no business being in this undustry. Remember Borders Books? Well the went under because after an acquisition they hired a bunch of CEO's w/ NO industry experience. Companies that sell in our niche experience the same....Flat. Growth.

Ignorance is bliss, but I do like the pairing of XYMO and SP, Xyto vs AK, Blandians vs Royalians. I wonder if 3 years from now, some poster might be posting, "Remember Xymogen? They couldn't pass dietary supplement gmps and were shut down by the FDA . . . " Has the comet passed its apogee?

Ignorance is bliss, but I do like the pairing of XYMO and SP, Xyto vs AK, Blandians vs Royalians. I wonder if 3 years from now, some poster might be posting, "Remember Xymogen? They couldn't pass dietary supplement gmps and were shut down by the FDA . . . " Has the comet passed its apogee?

That happens in your wet dreams. XYMOGEN is only getting stronger and stronger.

I am woman, hear me roar. Xymo, like Helen Reddy, is a one hit wonder. Will we see you on VH1 in 2015?

How many Meta reps have begged to leave that dump and come work for Xymogen? In fact more than 5 in 2011.

How many Xymogen reps have gone to work for Amway? ZERO. If it's a one hit wonder why wouldn't they all leave now?

Need I say more? If it was a one hit wonder and Meta was so amazingly great, science was just too sound, wouldn't Katke's son in law come back home? He's had many offers. So have the rest of us. Management opportunities, the works. We are ethical enough to leave a company who's morals have been sucked out long.....ago......

You guys have no talent. No products to sell and your science is pathetic. Your best speaker is a guy that looks like Santa Claus and lectures to functional docs about Leaky Gut as if it's ground breaking new research.

It's so unfortunate but expected when people who have no idea what they are talking about just say things because they think reading something on the internet MUST be true or knew someone who knew someone that was part of something and that their word HAS to be a FACT.

I am not part of Amway but I do work with alot of the business owners for Easter Seals which is a non-profit organization that helps underprivileged children across the country. The FACT is ( and not from a google site, Library of Congress cited sources), Amway is an ethical and moral company. Common sense, which isn't so common nowadays, would conclude that if a company has been around for over 50 years and has no signs of contraction yet people ignorantly state things like " it's a scam" or " it's illegal", please don't expose your ignorance with nonsensical comments like these. There are people who may be business owners that utilize the Amway opportunity that may have been shady individuals on their own, but that has nothing to do with the company.

People are people. If these same people who say such factless things would hold the same ignorant standard to their respective industry of which they work in, that means if one poilice officer, doctor, teacher, receptionist, or non profit volunteer work does something bad, then ALL PEOPLE of that occupation must be the SAME way. How idiotic does that sound?

Before following the blind, please do you fact finding from credible, pay for information sites, not a google search. Don't be such a fool.

It's so unfortunate but expected when people who have no idea what they are talking about just say things because they think reading something on the internet MUST be true or knew someone who knew someone that was part of something and that their word HAS to be a FACT.

I am not part of Amway but I do work with alot of the business owners for Easter Seals which is a non-profit organization that helps underprivileged children across the country. The FACT is ( and not from a google site, Library of Congress cited sources), Amway is an ethical and moral company. Common sense, which isn't so common nowadays, would conclude that if a company has been around for over 50 years and has no signs of contraction yet people ignorantly state things like " it's a scam" or " it's illegal", please don't expose your ignorance with nonsensical comments like these. There are people who may be business owners that utilize the Amway opportunity that may have been shady individuals on their own, but that has nothing to do with the company.

People are people. If these same people who say such factless things would hold the same ignorant standard to their respective industry of which they work in, that means if one poilice officer, doctor, teacher, receptionist, or non profit volunteer work does something bad, then ALL PEOPLE of that occupation must be the SAME way. How idiotic does that sound?

Before following the blind, please do you fact finding from credible, pay for information sites, not a google search. Don't be such a fool.

I totally agree. Only trees that bear fruits gets stoned.

When a reputable company like Amway does good (more hires, better quality products, big charity givers, products all made in the USA, provides anyone with an opportunity to own a business and makes the USA a better country because of it, etc) they get tear to pieces by people who don't understand that they too have the choice to run their own business instead of being an employee all your life.

The view of life is totally more greener when you become a business owner. The people who posted all the negatives here are surely only employees who don't see that they too have the choice to own their own business.

If I were you, I would call Amway right away and see how you can be part of this growing industry instead of wasting your precious time posting negative insults about Amway and Metagenics on this forum. Just my 2 cents. Peace to All.

Did you steal that phrase from Orwell?

I was fortunate to have attended the Big Balls Jamboree last month in Gig Harbor. During the event, one theme was "People Helping People", referring to folks with large balls, and their social advantages. I even bought a tee shirt there, advocating people helping people!