Amryt Pharma

Simple Formula:

Founder hires Big Pharma executive as Head of Commercial.

- Head of Commercial hires sales and market access leadership based on their own insecurities, bringing in less intelligent “yes men” who can be controlled and stoke the Executives’ ego.

- Market Access hired because they have a lot of contacts in the payer community, even though they have never been able to leverage these contacts to gain favorable payer status for any of their products and usually blame the sales teams for lack of product sales.

- Sales leadership is typically big pharma friends or former colleagues (loyalist and yes men) or relatively inexperienced “leaders” who are eager to please “puppies” to their master (VP or Head of Sales).

Founders and Scientists continue to buy the line of BS from the Presidents and VP of Commercial Leadership that they hire, unknowingly starting off with a “Big Pharma” culture instead of a Start-up culture. It’s easy to blame the Founders and Scientists for making this mistake but we all know they:

- Are arrogant and believe their medicine is so good that it will actually sell itself.

- Are awkward introverts in many instances and are easy to fool with a great line of BS.

- Are either 1) completely hands off from commercial and provide little oversight to ensure their company is going to be successful, or; 2) complete control freaks that micromanage every decision being made, not allowing any chance of creating a successful commercial culture of trust, transparency and teamwork that must take place in a start-up.

There are many reasons start-up continue to fail, even with phenomenal products. It has been very rare to find a successful start-up over the past couple of years AND YET THIS TREND CONTINUES.

SUCH A WASTE! Founders and Scientists who are looking to form a successful start-up commercial team - WAKE UP!!!!!!!

Why all of this is a surprise to anyone I can not understand. It took JW & this company over 18 months to find someone for this role after 10+ candidates backed out (some even after they received their offers) only to find and land SF for the role. When you dig deep enough into the bag of chips there are only generally crumbs at the bottom. She was the first domino and this will continue to go in this direction until either everyone finds a new home or the performance of the team and products is dismal (and they will be). Godspeed all.

This pretty much sums it up. Almost everyone i know is looking to get out so unless you are unemployed or looking for a depressing culture

I do not work at Amryt. What specifically is depressing about the culture, is the field team culture depressing, home office or both? What was great about the culture previously that changed? Thank you.

I do not work at Amryt. What specifically is depressing about the culture, is the field team culture depressing, home office or both? What was great about the culture previously that changed? Thank you.

There isn't.. I'm not sure if you could take advice from anyone on this site who is speaking about others the way they are. Amryt is a great place to work.. its a small company and its busy. You need to be willing to roll up your sleeves to get the job done but its rewarding to work here and I can tell you management cares... so I would suggest going to them instead of bashing them and a company on the internet who truly wants to help.

There isn't.. I'm not sure if you could take advice from anyone on this site who is speaking about others the way they are. Amryt is a great place to work.. its a small company and its busy. You need to be willing to roll up your sleeves to get the job done but its rewarding to work here and I can tell you management cares... so I would suggest going to them instead of bashing them and a company on the internet who truly wants to help.

Appreciate the insight Sheila and/or Brad.

The biggest disappointment is not that there hasn’t been opportunity while working at Amryt. There is always an opportunity to learn and do more than your specific job. Joe Wiley started out as a good leader…he stopped communicating…people left…he started communicating again and the company had an amazing 2020 during a global pandemic. 2021 is doing amazingly and then they buy the dismal Chiasma and keep all the people! This is where Joe messed up…the very team that made this company successful is being pushed aside and the chiasma people who failed at launching a product…in every function…is taking over. Their arrogant, entitled attitudes and behaviors are going to push the good people to leave. I wish as do a lot of us they joe or Sheila would see the cancer that has been allowed to take over the culture.

Agree 100%

There isn't.. I'm not sure if you could take advice from anyone on this site who is speaking about others the way they are. Amryt is a great place to work.. its a small company and its busy. You need to be willing to roll up your sleeves to get the job done but its rewarding to work here and I can tell you management cares... so I would suggest going to them instead of bashing them and a company on the internet who truly wants to help.

The biggest disappointment is not that there hasn’t been opportunity while working at Amryt. There is always an opportunity to learn and do more than your specific job. Joe Wiley started out as a good leader…he stopped communicating…people left…he started communicating again and the company had an amazing 2020 during a global pandemic. 2021 is doing amazingly and then they buy the dismal Chiasma and keep all the people! This is where Joe messed up…the very team that made this company successful is being pushed aside and the chiasma people who failed at launching a product…in every function…is taking over. Their arrogant, entitled attitudes and behaviors are going to push the good people to leave. I wish as do a lot of us they joe or Sheila would see the cancer that has been allowed to take over the culture.

Pay attention......more people to leave in early 2022. Great companies are hiring and great people need to be at a better place than this big pharma black hole

they don’t care if she runs the good people out. She thinks she has the A team and it’s laughable and sad at the same time. Just wish Joe would wake up. The cia will get extended if this current leadership team gets their way.

they don’t care if she runs the good people out. She thinks she has the A team and it’s laughable and sad at the same time. Just wish Joe would wake up. The cia will get extended if this current leadership team gets their way.

HJ is a joke...he is a manipulative person who thinks he is more important and knowledgeable than he is...he doesn't get that SF is using him and as soon as she's done with him, he's in the dog house. He burned bridges with good people for whatever SF promised him...

they don’t care if she runs the good people out. She thinks she has the A team and it’s laughable and sad at the same time. Just wish Joe would wake up. The cia will get extended if this current leadership team gets their way.

There are only a few of us left from when Amryt acquired Aegerion...since SF and her minions, stock fell 50%, horrible purchase of Chiasma, and 80% turnover. SF keeps saying "we need people who want to be at Amryt" Those who left didn't leave Amryt, they left them up and're almost at 100% turnover, that has to be eye opening.