So you are overpaid..........for doing a bangup job with Amrix. That's why they had to bring in more reps to sell.

Amrix has been FLAT since Inventiv started in December. Amrix finally started to take off when more Cephalon reps hit the field in February. Not Inventiv reps, CEPHALON reps. All the new folks started in Feb - ironically when the Amrix numbers FINALLY started to move. You don't think Upper Management sees the obvious???

Why, you ask? Because Cephalon hires top notch experienced professionals that know how to sell, were past top performers in their previous companies and didn't have partners. Inventiv reps have never worked alone so they never know what it is like to be accountable for their sales.

Sorry guys, but the number speak for themselves. Cephalon reps are still driving this ship. They only brought you guys on because they thought a rentable sales force could do the same kind of work. Obviously not.

Amrix has been FLAT since Inventiv started in December. Amrix finally started to take off when more Cephalon reps hit the field in February. Not Inventiv reps, CEPHALON reps. All the new folks started in Feb - ironically when the Amrix numbers FINALLY started to move. You don't think Upper Management sees the obvious???

Why, you ask? Because Cephalon hires top notch experienced professionals that know how to sell, were past top performers in their previous companies and didn't have partners. Inventiv reps have never worked alone so they never know what it is like to be accountable for their sales.

Sorry guys, but the number speak for themselves. Cephalon reps are still driving this ship. They only brought you guys on because they thought a rentable sales force could do the same kind of work. Obviously not.

So your understanding is that the "rent a reps" started in January...
then in February to quote you "All the new folks started in Feb - ironically when the Amrix numbers FINALLY started to move"

so you Cephalon reps move the numbers within days of going into the field???

This shows me you have little to no understanding how this industry works.


How can you be "top notch experienced professionals” if you do not know how to adapt to an ever changing environment? You have new partners helping you, so why would you alienate them? My Cephalon partners work well with me. I have no complaints.

Amrix has been FLAT since Inventiv started in December. Amrix finally started to take off when more Cephalon reps hit the field in February. Not Inventiv reps, CEPHALON reps. All the new folks started in Feb - ironically when the Amrix numbers FINALLY started to move. You don't think Upper Management sees the obvious???

Why, you ask? Because Cephalon hires top notch experienced professionals that know how to sell, were past top performers in their previous companies and didn't have partners. Inventiv reps have never worked alone so they never know what it is like to be accountable for their sales.

Sorry guys, but the number speak for themselves. Cephalon reps are still driving this ship. They only brought you guys on because they thought a rentable sales force could do the same kind of work. Obviously not.

You Cephalon reps truly work magic. Instantly you make an impact??? don't you know it takes about 6 months to see the results in the numbers? You real know how the numbers work and I'm sure you will do well(Ha Ha). Just be thankful you have an increaed share of voice!

You Cephalon reps truly work magic. Instantly you make an impact??? don't you know it takes about 6 months to see the results in the numbers? You real know how the numbers work and I'm sure you will do well(Ha Ha). Just be thankful you have an increaed share of voice!

What is with the elitism with some of the CNS reps???

I am a CNS rep, and am thrilled to have inVENTIV on board.

Guys...wake up.
If inVENTIV sticks around, we don't really have to sell AMRIX anymore!!!

Are you guys nuts???
Hooray, for inVENTIV!!!

So your understanding is that the "rent a reps" started in January...

The PCP sales force hit the field in December. If you guys actually knew how to sell Amrix you would know a good rep can see results the same week they are out. That is the difference between a new rep to the industry and an experienced rep. If you need 10 calls to sell Amrix you should be embarrassed.

To the moron that think it takes 6 months to drive sales, you won't last here very long. That is why you work for Inventiv

SEEING the results is the problem. I have stimulated plenty of docs to Rx. Just got December numbers yesterday but thye only reflect a few days of actual work. The other data showing recent Rxs is very limited-=-just not tracking enough docs to mean anything yet. NOW, BOTH sides: no more bitching and name calling--just go to work.

NOTE: ignore the shit from our "friendly competitors" as well as former competitors who got dumped and couldn't get on with either InVentiv or Cephalon.

Who is the genius who just changed the reason why we did so well with Amrix in 2008? This company has done so well because we GO WHERE THE BUSINESS IS.

Now some idiot thinks it's a good idea to have T and P targets? Is this a joke? These targets are worthless and someone in corporate wants to measure us on these. Well some of them may be decent but some suck. Stop creating pointless metrics to justify your jobs. This isn't big pharma

Jim Reilly what are you thinking?? Amrix is 60% of our bonus and you gave the big MR doctors to a rentable sales force and instead you want us to waste our time with these nobody, decile 4 doctors?

Kiss your lofty amrix goals for 2009 buh-bye.

Well they are regretting it all now Amrix is moving at the pace of a slug. Don't blame Jim - after all it's MM fault for listening to the crap Andy was trying to sell him in the first place

So your understanding is that the "rent a reps" started in January...

The PCP sales force hit the field in December. If you guys actually knew how to sell Amrix you would know a good rep can see results the same week they are out. That is the difference between a new rep to the industry and an experienced rep. If you need 10 calls to sell Amrix you should be embarrassed.

To the moron that think it takes 6 months to drive sales, you won't last here very long. That is why you work for Inventiv

You're a fucking idiot. Who ever hired you got snowed and should be fired..........keep giving yourself a pat on the back, it sure beats your sales numbers....allstar.