You tell us. What is mazzacco going to do? Has she answered any questions? No. I asked a direct one and she pontificated but did not answer. Tb
You tell us. What is mazzacco going to do? Has she answered any questions? No. I asked a direct one and she pontificated but did not answer. Tb
As an outsider looking in, your attidude is precisely the problem. Any bozo can ask questions, the real deal effects change without complaining.
Now we have to go to a silly sales meeting next week to hear mazzacco give us more bs to justify their decision. I have to cancel my vacation to go to this stupid meeting.
Now we have to go to a silly sales meeting next week to hear mazzacco give us more bs to justify their decision. I have to cancel my vacation to go to this stupid meeting.
corneal will probably be sold off. They probably need cash to move into more profitable spaces that require some investment capital, ie femto cataract etc. AMO is in a mess.