AMO, Abbott Medical Optics

Speak somebody speak. Why is corneal "kickoff" meeting taking place later than the other divisions? Should I be worried? And my people? So many changes so fast and to be put on hold?

amo in general is a mess. catherine mazzacco treats people like crap because she has no clue about any of the amo businesses especially corneal. she bullies people and calls them idiots but the only idiot is her. She was supposed to be the savior of amo but sales have second double digit since she arrived. When are John capek and miles white going to wake up and realize she is the problem and not the solution. Unfortunately, she is female and Abbott never fires women so she probably has a job for life and will continue to treat people poorly.

she is paying the price now for treating george neal like crap and firing him. Since he is now CEO of AMO's largest lasik customer, he is making life miserable for her and she deserves it!

Now, today, Catherine, the president, Murthy, and Jeff Castrillo told their latest lie to the Corneal sales and marketing team. First, they didn't include the corneal Team in the Jan sales meeting with the rest of the sales groups and now at 2pm on the friday before the rescheduled corneal meeting was to start next monday, march 4th. nice notice!! it gets better, the reason (lie) they gave was because Murthy and Catherine had to go to a mandatory meeting at abbott corporate. well, this meeting has been scheduled for sometime and they had a small part in the meeting anyway. they weren't crucial to the meeting taking place. the executive team is a bunch of liars and have no integrity.

just think of the hundreds of thousands of dollars that the company just wasted on cancelled airfares, cancelled hotel rooms and other commitments. who is going to hold catherine accountable for that? she should be fired for that alone!!!!

It is definitely in turmoil. The just had a lay off today in corneal. Mazzacco got rid of all the old people that had all of the knowledge. She has set them up for failure. This is obviously age discrimination.

Now we have to go to a silly sales meeting next week to hear mazzacco give us more bs to justify their decision. I have to cancel my vacation to go to this stupid meeting.

If you are in corneal and didn't get invited I would check with your manager. Could have been an oversight since nobody seems to be in charge of corneal. All of the smart people have left the building with the lay off. The inmates are now running the asylum.

Let's see.....

Sr management is committed to the Corneal business.
Last week, we rightsized the business to make it profitable for the future.
We will pursue a new retail focussed strategy to be successful.
On the professional side, we will focus on strategic accounts such as Lenscrafters.

Of course, we shouldn't believe what she says since she said the sales meeting was cancelled because she couldn't be there. We now know that it was cancelled because of the planned lay off. So once again, she lied to us which is her track record. We shouldn't believe anything any management person says and just go do our job until we can find one with a good company that values their employees.

I don't know how she can show hervface in front of us after what she just did to our colleagues. But then again she doesn't care about us as people and is probably proud of what she did with the lay off.

corneal will probably be sold off. They probably need cash to move into more profitable spaces that require some investment capital, ie femto cataract etc. AMO is in a mess.