Amgen will buy you guys

Nope they didn't say no because they thought they could get more they said no because they felt it was under valued. I couldn't care less other than my unvested. I sold all ESPP and an options at an average of 134 and bought back in at an average of $114. I good and can retire regardless if the unvested being accelerated.

Thought they could get substantially more and they got played for 4%.

Thought they could get substantially more and they got played for 4%.

All because TC was a cardiologist trying to play oncology CEO...he got worked by a real businessman...not a doc turned marketer turned failed CEO then in a moment of dimentia HolRen gifted him this role where all he did was get lucky winning the Proteolix bid.

Thanks for your dime store financial lesson. Fiduciary responsibility goes both ways, meaning if TC and BOD agree to a price that is deemed by the shareholders as “significantly undervalued” lawsuits in turn will be forthcoming. TC in no way would have made that comment without consulting with the major shareholders like Fidelity, so suffice to say that our major holders also felt/feel that $120 was/is significantly undervalued. Nothing has changed.

In terms of fiduciary responsibility, nowhere does it say you must sell for a price, even if it’s substantially more than what your normal share pric if it undervalues the potential worth of the company. Especially if you have a plan that has convinced our major shareholders that we are worth more than the offer, and you have the resources (this is where and why the cash on hand matters) to do so. If Fidelity for instance, believes that the Aspire trial will be positive and if so the company will be worth $170 a share they very well may say to TC that they are fine with waiting it out.

Apparently the major shareholders were happy with $125 when all the other playaz walked away from the table.

All ONXX employees, be sure to remember when calculating your gains, to set aside plenty for Uncle SAM, 'cause he's gonna take a big bite out of your ass on this. Be prepared for your accountant to say "Alternative Minimum tax", You might want to start another savings account now and put in $2K in per month so you'll be ready next April. You poor saps in CA are really gonna get it.

All because TC was a cardiologist trying to play oncology CEO...he got worked by a real businessman...not a doc turned marketer turned failed CEO then in a moment of dimentia HolRen gifted him this role where all he did was get lucky winning the Proteolix bid.

Wow, I guess turning $30/share company to a $125/share one is construed to be a failure??? I wonder what success is supposed to look like....

All ONXX employees, be sure to remember when calculating your gains, to set aside plenty for Uncle SAM, 'cause he's gonna take a big bite out of your ass on this. Be prepared for your accountant to say "Alternative Minimum tax", You might want to start another savings account now and put in $2K in per month so you'll be ready next April. You poor saps in CA are really gonna get it.

Bitter much??

Nope they didn't say no because they thought they could get more they said no because they felt it was under valued. I couldn't care less other than my unvested. I sold all ESPP and an options at an average of 134 and bought back in at an average of $114. I good and can retire regardless if the unvested being accelerated.

Clearly they said said no to $120 because they could get substanially more than $120, if not then why didn't they just counter offer $125 on the original bid, since that's what they ultimately decided the stock was worth. AMGN was clearly prepared to pay it. They thought another bidder would come in 20% above the original AMGN bid. Like you, they were dead wrong.

Did you think we’d see $136 a month ago? Did you think we’d turn down $120 a share a month ago? Heavy investors are still buying in the $130’s…they’re not buying in to be sold at $140. If $120 was ‘substantially undervalued’ in TC’s mind $140 is not ‘accurately valued’. There are many different ways to do company valuations especially in biotech which has less to do with current revenue models but prospective models. Biotech like the tech industry is the second coming of the gold rush…it’s all based on speculation. Does Alexion’s mkt cap make any sense based on their revenue when using traditional valuations? Of course not. We’ve all read the same reports that say Amgen’s $120 was an over bid and we’ve read that ONXX could fetch as much as $180-$200. Since it’s all over the place I would say that noting is out of question at this point.

My understanding is that a 16% increase from the Amgen offer of $120, that TC scoffed at, is not going to get it done so scratch $140 off the board. If $140 is not going to get it done let’s bump it up to $150 a share which is a 25% increase from Amgen’s $120 a share. So let’s say that TC thought that Amgen’s offer was 25% undervalued, which I believe would be the minimum percentage break point for being undervalued. That brings the fair market value, in TC’s mind to $150. Add in multiple bidders and you can throw on another 10% premium due to up bids. That is how I come to $165.

Lastly if the market thought we weren’t selling and if the market thought we weren’t selling north of $150 we would have seen the pull back and NO going from $136.87 to the low close of $131.17 is not a pullback, that is risk adverse profit taking which is fine and expected. Pullback would be if you saw our big institutional investors dumping which has not happened.

But a 4% increase over $120 gets it done , 'cause they got played.

It’s called a negotiation…contrary to what you may think, they do not happen overnight. July 1st was when the Amgen press release went out. Today is August 14th. Sorry to have to inform you but $10B+ deals can take months to negotiate. Also stop getting hung up on ‘anonymous sources’ and ‘unnamed person with close knowledge’…99.99% of the time those are BS leaks that one side is using to apply pressure the other side…again it is called a negotiation…and like love and war…all is fair.

To answerer a few of your questions…it doesn’t really matter what the stocks does day to day so stop worrying that is went from 136.87 to 124 – it really doesn’t mean anything in terms of a buyout price. All you are seeing is the reaction to a leak…which undoubtedly came from one of our suitors to shake out the weak stomachs and rattle Onyx a bit. It happens all the time in M&A’s. Next, stop thinking this is TC’s decision. He has the BOD, Centerview, and probably has a few other M&A consultants/experts in the room helping with this process. He is talking to our largest institutional investors to get a sense at where they are at in all of this. This is not some unilateral decision that TC is making. If we as a company stand our ground on whatever number the perceived value is say $160 in the minds of the ET/Centerview/BOD than that is a good thing. Why would you want to sell the company today for $130 if you think it is worth more? The shares you have do not have any value until you sell it so what’s the big deal if we don’t sell today, the stock goes to $85 and then six months from now we sell for $170? So no, if no one is willing to pay what ‘we’ think we are worth we don’t go running back to Amgen or whomever to get a deal. Remember we have a lot of cash on hand, we are narrowing losses, and we do not need to sell – especially on the cheap. We are in the driver’s seat in this whole thing and I’m glad that TC and the board are acting like it. Would you rather not wait six months for $170 than get $130 today? If you are very risk adverse then sell everything right now for $125 and buy back if the stock drops to $100 or below.

What I’m tired of reading on here is any time there is any sort of news – real or otherwise people on here freak out. If you don’t have the stomach for it sell it all now! It’s that easy and you will still make a lot of money and you can stop worrying about it every day.

Where is this stupid idiot now?