Amgen terminates the Novartis contract.

Just finished reading the legal complaints from both Amgen and Novartis. Let me tell you honestly, Novartis is fucked.
You are so right. Novartis tried to double dip with the CGRP's Amgen will win this. Now not one of us have read the orginal contract but I have a feeling Amgen stated Novartis can not dabble in the CGRP market. Oh but we are not it is one of our wholly owned subsidiaries. Yes the Novartis reps will not be selling Amovig for much longer. I feel for you.

PDI contract can be canceled early for small penalty. We could take back gilenya and also do DSE until ofa comes out of pipeline in early 2020. We will be getting out of migraine it’s just a matter of time. Co promoting drugs RARELY works. This was a mistake. Amgen can have Aimovig and continue to stumble and fumble their way to a 30% share nationally. Seriously been a flawed launch every step of the way. Novartis needs to get back to focusing on Novartis owned products. Plus, I hear there is interest to maybe buy an early development Tau blocker that looks good in phase 2 for Alzheimer’s since the BACE inhibitors look like a bust. We aren’t going anywhere. Laying us off would be adding to the billion dollar plus mistake that was this Amgen joint venture. Been here a long time, I don’t see mgt eating the money they threw at this thing and losing the talent and people they have invested in too. But I do agree, we doubt we will be promoting Aimovig beyond 2020

Yes we will receive the good old pink slip. It will be as pink as the pillow the cat is sitting on (The CP question). Well let's brush up our resumes. Best of luck to us.