AMGEN takes 780 million $ charge to settle

Gee, Kevin. That $780 million would have kept a lot of employees in their jobs. In stead, you throw them out in the street. All because you are not a moral enough man to keep you marketing and sales methods ethical (see Amgen Values.)

You are indeed a heartless, greedy man.

He is being aggresive so the shareholder make money

He is being aggresive so the shareholder make money

Assuming he has been aggressive for the last 10 years, since he became CEO, how much money has he made shareholders? Zilch. Stock price the same as when he started. And when you figure in the buy backs, it is worth less. And all of that money has just gone into his pocket, not yours.

If you take a drug then you know all the potential side effects of that drug. I think that any drug litigation should be tossed out of court for this reason.

WAKE UP!!!!!! This is not about adverse events - and I'm sure there are many based on the recent awakenings RE: label changes. This 3/4 billion cash stash is about selling the spread by encouraging practices to bill for overfill and profit from it with excel spreadsheets that detail all. Your lawyer friend at ATO is simply that, a lawyer friend taking you on a wild goose chase.

In my book, 3/4 billion dollars to settle is the same as saying: " We know what is going on but we will not stop doing "the right thing"!. That is, to feed the Board of Directors and the biggest vulture of them all, Kevin Sharer and his musical band.

WAKE UP!!!!!! This is not about adverse events - and I'm sure there are many based on the recent awakenings RE: label changes. This 3/4 billion cash stash is about selling the spread by encouraging practices to bill for overfill and profit from it with excel spreadsheets that detail all. Your lawyer friend at ATO is simply that, a lawyer friend taking you on a wild goose chase.

Thinking that this is the first of many settlements we will see. Remember we paid off J&J over $200 mil for the same reason. Maybe once a quarter we will dump and payoff...

Is there ever going to be a time when you break the law and your held accountable?

Best summed up, 'NO'! It's been going on for hundreds and maybe more hundreds of years. Money soothes all , supposedly.

If you can make more money with a question of dishonesty, and the fine is less than the profit, why not?

Amgen still has over 1220 open litigation cases against them. It will take over 2 billion to settle these out. My buddy works at the legal dept at ATO and he said half of these were injuries because of the medication and these can be in the millions for each one. X-Amgen employees are the smallest grouping but the cheapest to settle out.

We had heard today that there are over 2300 open claims against Amgen?