That would be because of their managers, at least for the good reps. Let’s be honest there are shit reps in every BU and one bad one can ruin the bunch, BUT I know that when I was ISS my manager literally told me to not talk about Aimovig or Repatha and to only push Otezla. I would get chewed out if he heard me talking about the other drugs because “we have specialty reps to help push those, get otezla scripts…” it pissed me off so much because it showed it wasn’t about being a good sales rep as a whole for all the products I sell but only about making up for Amgens shit decision to to buy a drug that busted! I jumped from that BU because of management pushing us to not sell all the products but just one! It’s stupid. Sure there are shitty ISS reps, but the managers are shitty, at least in our region because of our regional saying only push otezla and pushing it down on the reps!