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Amgen battling Pfizer for Celgene bid

please buy Celgene and have their management take us over!

Every time I see the Celgene reps they are smiling, whistling and skipping. The offices seem to love them, even the bad offices.

They must be doing something right. When I talk to them, they just smile and say their sales leader expects them to go see docs and that's it. No meetings. No teleconferences. No DM ride alongs. Just go sell docs.

Please do a reverse merger.

I hate this place and all of our big pharma retreads who claim they aren't big pharma. The worst.

please buy Celgene and have their management take us over!

Every time I see the Celgene reps they are smiling, whistling and skipping. The offices seem to love them, even the bad offices.

They must be doing something right. When I talk to them, they just smile and say their sales leader expects them to go see docs and that's it. No meetings. No teleconferences. No DM ride alongs. Just go sell docs.

Please do a reverse merger.

I hate this place and all of our big pharma retreads who claim they aren't big pharma. The worst.
You must be confusing Celgene reps with another company or they’re great pretenders. Teleconferences galore, IC changes quarterly, and DMs do ride often. Sales force openings continually as turnover has been very high in past year.

You must be confusing Celgene reps with another company or they’re great pretenders. Teleconferences galore, IC changes quarterly, and DMs do ride often. Sales force openings continually as turnover has been very high in past year.

Sorry little fella, but your hate won't play here. EVERYONE knows Celgene doesn't do teleconferences. If you are claiming they do, you aren't in the know. The IC changes once a year and the documents describing it are provided BEFORE the incentive period begins. DMs do ride, at least mine does one day about every 4 weeks. TO is I'd say above average because you have to sell to get paid. A bunch of entitled derm reps washed out the first 3 years when they realized they couldn't sell.

It's ok, little fella, we still love you.

Sorry little fella, but your hate won't play here. EVERYONE knows Celgene doesn't do teleconferences. If you are claiming they do, you aren't in the know. The IC changes once a year and the documents describing it are provided BEFORE the incentive period begins. DMs do ride, at least mine does one day about every 4 weeks. TO is I'd say above average because you have to sell to get paid. A bunch of entitled derm reps washed out the first 3 years when they realized they couldn't sell.

It's ok, little fella, we still love you.
You have no idea what you’re talking about

I don't know anyone on here and I'm not a Celgene rep but I talk to them and the 3 I cross over with all say they don't ever do teleconferences and they only have a 1 day meeting once a year. They all wish they could get together even more but their management is militant that they stay in the field.

I don't know anyone on here and I'm not a Celgene rep but I talk to them and the 3 I cross over with all say they don't ever do teleconferences and they only have a 1 day meeting once a year. They all wish they could get together even more but their management is militant that they stay in the field.
Annual Field readiness meeting is almost one week long so only 1 day meeting not true. Just sayin’...

I don't know anyone on here and I'm not a Celgene rep but I talk to them and the 3 I cross over with all say they don't ever do teleconferences and they only have a 1 day meeting once a year. They all wish they could get together even more but their management is militant that they stay in the field.

Sounds like their leadership gets it. I bet it doesn't last.

We used to be a great place to work and then the big pharma goons came over here and infected everything. Worse, we believe we aren't big pharma.

I bet they hire a bunch of big pharma buffoons and ruin it just like everything else.

In the meantime, I need 18 months.

you must confusing that with Oncology liddle fella.

Celgene I&I mets once a year for one day.
No wonder I&I drags the company down and is not the reason any company would have interest in buying Celgene. Sounds like no accountability as compared to hematology & oncology. Foolish to keep bragging about lack of teleconferences & one meeting a year. Keep living in your liddle fella world. It won’t be around for much longer.

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