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Amgen 2018 Layoffs

does anyone know about the CAR group in building 15? I think they are a new group now but they I wanted to know if they have long term stability before trying to move into the group

does anyone know about the CAR group in building 15? I think they are a new group now but they I wanted to know if they have long term stability before trying to move into the group

Run the other way. Not a new group.. just leftovers after micromanager CAA gutted that group from people she didn’t like.. it’s pretty much yes people who will ship out of ATO any day.. on a whim

Were screwed. We've no mortality benefit . Wait until managed care plans jump on this in first quarter . If were not preferred were in trouble. We can't spin class effect with no data to back it up. Layoffs are the least of our worries.

Has anyone with an inside scoop heard anything? Heard a new facility in ASF was in the works at some point, but more recently heard no decision has been made about a new facility in ASF yet...not sure if this could be related to accommodating potential downsizing from ATO site, particularly in research.

Training is a few weeks of home study and about 2-weeks away in California, potentially followed by a few more weeks in California, depending on the BU and product mix.

The NE leadership is bad across all BUs. That’s the number 1 reason people start to look. Pay is also below industry average. The new hire salary cap (max they can offer) is LOW.

Interview like you want the job, take the job if you need a job and keep your options open.

Thanks in advance to the poster above for responding to the potential new hire's question. So, I too am considering a move from another pharma co to Amgen and I get the whole idea that grass is not always greener on the other side concept. Is there still a concern of a potential layoff in 2019? If so, anticipated timeframe? What BU(s?) I would kindly appreciate if someone could clarify what product(s) a Red Team Senior Specialty Rep sells, how well those products are doing overall, and like most branded product issues, just a brief comment if there are a lot of managed care hurdles to jump daily to get scripts thru. Sorry to also ask, but what is an average base salary range for this position. Thanks again for the reply(ies.)

It depends what business unit guy our looking to get into. The cardio job is a gamble for you to be honest. The competitor has some landmark trial results being published soon which will greatly effect those sales team. The PC teams will have cuts for sure. Usually people leave because of job security. Amgen still will always look good on your resume as it's considered a high calibar pharma company working with biologics. Training is a few weeks with another few weeks of homestudy prior to training. Pretty standard . That's the honest truth- hope it helps . Disregard all the wise ass comments you've received.

Where does Oncology blue team fit into the above? Do they also hire externally or usually only from within as a promotion?

Red Team is Repatha 90% and Corlanor remaining 10%. Repatha is still pretty brutal to sell hence the recent 60% price cut. Lots of turnover in this division. I would imagine this year has to go well or there has to be some kind of shake up.

Red Team is Repatha 90% and Corlanor remaining 10%. Repatha is still pretty brutal to sell hence the recent 60% price cut. Lots of turnover in this division. I would imagine this year has to go well or there has to be some kind of shake up.

Thank you to the poster above. Cardiology in general is a tough space to be in rn. Novartis is struggling w/ Entresto going into it’s fourth year and the jury is out as to when another round of layoffs will happen in that division. Repatha I’ve been told has been an uphill battle on both price and MC. I’m sure your CEO’s announcent to reduce it’s cost by 60% will help, but If the big nationally MC players are not covering it, the challenge still remains. Good luck to all of you selling Repatha. What is the salary range for Senior Specialty reps in this div? Thanks

Salary ofcourse depends on where your coming in at. I would guess that you wouldn’t get much over 125k. No equity either when you sign on. Have to wait for end of first year for that.