American Express Company Elects Dr. Daniel Vasella to Board of Directors


You must remember one most important thing abut biz in general. It is crooked by design. Bigpharmafia is one of the "best" or worse depending what side you are on.If you read some of the threds here you saw what has been done at Novartis to get the max profit out of the world's sick and their health care systems regardless of type they are, private or public. Novartis is an equal opportunity crook so they steal from anyone they can. Who is behind such a fantastic success? Vaseall of course. He is the captain of Novartenic unsinkable ship thus evryone wants him on their board to take advantage of his incredible experience and knowledge as a main crook.
Amex is not much better in terms of honesty and integrity. They also steal and plunder wherever they can, starting with their loneshark type of interests they charge their victims/customers. Now they want to go further in their quest to extort max profits but to do that they need someone like Weasella (yes he is a weasel) who would show them the crooked way into a brighter future that will cost the public in billions of extra loot they will take from them. Since Amex is worldwide co as Novartis is, that means they will harvest that loot in the same jurisdictions as your crooked co does. Danny Weasella is just perfect for them and are willing to pay whatever necessary. You know he does not come cheap either. With base sallary of close to $ and huge bonuses, Amex will have to open their bank and jut let him take what he wants.
Not bad for someone withy mental health issues, not that it is anything wrong with it. Infact in the biz as it is it is an advantage, for no normal person could do shit that he and fuckers like him do.