Ambry Genetics

Wait within the next 3 months there will be big news!! Amazing news!!

Is there another round of layoffs coming in Oct then another all expenses paid sales meeting I bet.

What happened to this place? It used to be a solid company now it’s just a disaster ever since the new “leadership” took over. 2 Rounds of layoffs in less than 6mo’s, anybody good left, can’t hire and their focus has shifted to patting themselves on the back.

Sad, just sad

I just applied for the Account Executive position here in Trenton. The previous comments seem bad is there something I should know? I come from 15yrs+ sales experience and account management, and have heard varying different opinions on Ambry and the new leadership there. What should I do?

I just applied for the Account Executive position here in Trenton. The previous comments seem bad is there something I should know? I come from 15yrs+ sales experience and account management, and have heard varying different opinions on Ambry and the new leadership there. What should I do?
I don’t have an answer to your question but next time I would not use specifics when describing who you are

I just applied for the Account Executive position here in Trenton. The previous comments seem bad is there something I should know? I come from 15yrs+ sales experience and account management, and have heard varying different opinions on Ambry and the new leadership there. What should I do?

I would tread very carefully. I was offered an AE position at Ambry. After hearing about Invitae layoffs, I was nervous about the status of my offer. I was reassured that I was good to go, so I resigned from my job to take the position at Ambry last month. Two days after I resigned, they rescinded my offer.

I would tread very carefully. I was offered an AE position at Ambry. After hearing about Invitae layoffs, I was nervous about the status of my offer. I was reassured that I was good to go, so I resigned from my job to take the position at Ambry last month. Two days after I resigned, they rescinded my offer.

oh no, that's not good.. What is happening there? That can't be legal.

oh no, that's not good.. What is happening there? That can't be legal.

Very sorry they treated you this way. Let it be a warning for everyone.

what a company, what a leadership, what a pile of .. I won’t say cause they will only get upset. Check out their Glassdoor, they delete every bad comment, they censor any employee who is not on “their” side. Talk about a company that was doing amazing things for customer to become a company that only cares about the C-Suite and making them money on the backs of employees

This has to be the most accurate thread on Ambry I have seen.. so bad everything from corruption of $12.5M in data corruption, to the cancelling of jobs post acceptance, the censorship of Glassdoor and to the so called leadership..

This place is an absolute disaster of a company, steer clear and know that Realm will cure all your worries!!!

Stupid is as Stupid Does and by the looks of it Ambry is a whole lot of stupid

I just applied for the Account Executive position here in Trenton. The previous comments seem bad is there something I should know? I come from 15yrs+ sales experience and account management, and have heard varying different opinions on Ambry and the new leadership there. What should I do?

Did you get the job?

Everybody is saying that this place falling apart. Based on the Glassdoor and discussions here it seems to be true and trending in a downward spiral. Is it true, another round of layoffs are coming?

i sense:
a)someone who couldn't get in
b)someone who couldn't cut it

either way, we know who you are lol

These comments are the funniest and dumbest ever.

As if "getting in" a company is so great? LOL. Are you serious? The company needs a good employee more than a good employee or sales rep needs the company. The fact that you don't understand that comment shows your lack of intelligence.

Couldn't cut what? The interview? The process?
It is not about "cutting" anything. A job is just about making money. Getting paid what you are worth.

If you think these companies are so great, and you need the job so bad because everyone wants it, you are so wrong.

Only people that don't have the ambition to start their own company (where the big money is) or get into a much more lucrative career (sales is not a high paying job anymore, in case you haven't noticed) are going to think they have such a great "job".

So the "lol" is on you.

Stop using "lol" as well.

Its makes you seem very stupid.

Who is this person talking about?? I think it’s a bot, a very rudimentary bot

These comments are the funniest and dumbest ever.

As if "getting in" a company is so great? LOL. Are you serious? The company needs a good employee more than a good employee or sales rep needs the company. The fact that you don't understand that comment shows your lack of intelligence.

Couldn't cut what? The interview? The process?
It is not about "cutting" anything. A job is just about making money. Getting paid what you are worth.

If you think these companies are so great, and you need the job so bad because everyone wants it, you are so wrong.

Only people that don't have the ambition to start their own company (where the big money is) or get into a much more lucrative career (sales is not a high paying job anymore, in case you haven't noticed) are going to think they have such a great "job".

So the "lol" is on you.

Stop using "lol" as well.

Its makes you seem very stupid.

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