Alo Numbers and Bonus

Wow, now we are complaining that our goals are too low. You guys are pathetic!!!

Actually it is management that is pathetic.They are launching me-too knock-offs that are DOA at launch.There is no respectability or integrity anymore,just more BS products that are trying to give the appearance that we are growing as a company,when in fact,we are fading away more every day.As B.B.King said in a song,"the thrill is gone baby"!

Anyone that thought this 4th entry in a small,clinical category,of which Januvia has 75% MS,was going to be well received by docs,is delusional,just like our upper management!This place does suck and is a house of cards crumbling each day.

Yeah true that. This company does suck, F...akeda does not care about anyone but upper management.

Numbers pathetic. Simply pathetic. I don't care what percent to goal is showing. If we bend the line up 600% that means we have close to 720 reps detailing a product doing $75 million in sales two years out. That ain't going to cut it. No way, no how. Been nice know 40% of you. We'll be a much lighter company after Christmas.

Numbers pathetic. Simply pathetic. I don't care what percent to goal is showing. If we bend the line up 600% that means we have close to 720 reps detailing a product doing $75 million in sales two years out. That ain't going to cut it. No way, no how. Been nice know 40% of you. We'll be a much lighter company after Christmas.

When the company projects $25 mil for year 1 and we come in way above that, I don't see how that can be bad. We are launching a new product by the end of the year, so I am confused as to why we would have layoffs.

BTW-you are an idiot.

When the company projects $25 mil for year 1 and we come in way above that, I don't see how that can be bad. We are launching a new product by the end of the year, so I am confused as to why we would have layoffs.

BTW-you are an idiot.

because a $25 million drug does not help offset the loss of a $4 BILLION drug

I thought Takeda had "Diabetes Sales Specialists" ??????

What happened to those mad skills you used to brag about?

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