Alo Numbers and Bonus


Get ready to be underwhelmed.
It's EDARBI all over again.
You heard it here first.

I can just tell from the doc's reaction and our managed care peeps already making excuses. Wait until the numbers are shown later this week or perhaps they will hold off on releasing so as not to demoralize us even further.

This place sux.


Get ready to be underwhelmed.
It's EDARBI all over again.
You heard it here first.

I can just tell from the doc's reaction and our managed care peeps already making excuses. Wait until the numbers are shown later this week or perhaps they will hold off on releasing so as not to demoralize us even further.

This place sux.

Anyone that thought this 4th entry in a small,clinical category,of which Januvia has 75% MS,was going to be well received by docs,is delusional,just like our upper management!This place does suck and is a house of cards crumbling each day.

Get ready to be underwhelmed.
It's EDARBI all over again.
You heard it here first.

I can just tell from the doc's reaction and our managed care peeps already making excuses. Wait until the numbers are shown later this week or perhaps they will hold off on releasing so as not to demoralize us even further.

This place sux.

25 scripts for a quarter (for the highest volume territories) and you guys are complaining already. You can tell be the doctors reaction that you can't hit that goal??

We are you even in sales?

This place sucks because we have pathetic losers like yourself.

25 scripts for a quarter (for the highest volume territories) and you guys are complaining already. You can tell be the doctors reaction that you can't hit that goal??

We are you even in sales?

This place sucks because we have pathetic losers like yourself.

I launched Edarbi. My goal was only 8 scripts per month for the first quarter of launch. Easiest 100% to-goal I've ever achieved in my career in pharma!

25 scripts for a quarter (for the highest volume territories) and you guys are complaining already. You can tell be the doctors reaction that you can't hit that goal??

We are you even in sales?

This place sucks because we have pathetic losers like yourself.

Above post must be from one of the alo product managers. They sit in the ivory tower and listen to focus groups and think they know what is going on. NEWS FLASH you little man. NO ONE WANTS THIS PRODUCT!!! Come out to the real world and see what a ridiculous task 25 Rx's for the quarter really is. Never ever going to happen with this drug. Most have already given up on it. GAME OVER for alo. Nuff said.

Above post must be from one of the alo product managers. They sit in the ivory tower and listen to focus groups and think they know what is going on. NEWS FLASH you little man. NO ONE WANTS THIS PRODUCT!!! Come out to the real world and see what a ridiculous task 25 Rx's for the quarter really is. Never ever going to happen with this drug. Most have already given up on it. GAME OVER for alo. Nuff said.

Lol, I am a rep that is in the northeast that needs 25 scripts. That means I need 8-9 by the end if July to hit goal (3 months of refills). It's game over for you, nuff said!!!

And for those talking about the edarbi launch, you guys did not have goals for the first year.

PS: company is already at 70% to goal with the nesina family and that's based off of the first 3 weeks.

25 scripts for a quarter (for the highest volume territories) and you guys are complaining already. You can tell be the doctors reaction that you can't hit that goal??

We are you even in sales?

This place sucks because we have pathetic losers like yourself.

No,the pathetic losers are upper management that have proven over and over again what losers they really are as they drag this company down even further

Lol, I am a rep that is in the northeast that needs 25 scripts. That means I need 8-9 by the end if July to hit goal (3 months of refills). It's game over for you, nuff said!!!

And for those talking about the edarbi launch, you guys did not have goals for the first year.

PS: company is already at 70% to goal with the nesina family and that's based off of the first 3 weeks.

You are right, there was not a goal for the Edarbi launch. But I did have to get 8 Edarbi scripts a month, at launch, if I wanted the equivalent of a 100% payout for the portion Edarbi contributed to my bag mix. It's all in how you sell the bonus package to the reps, but we always have a "goal" of some sort.

And btw, our bonuses are always capped despite they tell us.

Having an uncapped bonus does not make any business sense at this stage of the game. There is absolutely no history so either you over pay for under projections or under pay to make sure you cover the bottom line. Look at the rozerem launch...they probably spent more on launch bonus payout then they made on the drug. Come on we need a viable company that motivates. We need a complete overhaul on our bonus and cresset ranking system. It has never been more confusing, unfair and stuffing a circle in a square hole but yet assumptions and performance is based off this flawed system. In this profession we talk about comparing apple to apples but with this system it is more like apple to nails nails to sea horses and soon at you think you have it figured out they change the bag mix. But the craziest thing about this you are compared to people that have nothing in common with your bag mix, managed care mix, the dx state but based on this systems rep can be severely over or under rated

Having an uncapped bonus does not make any business sense at this stage of the game. There is absolutely no history so either you over pay for under projections or under pay to make sure you cover the bottom line. Look at the rozerem launch...they probably spent more on launch bonus payout then they made on the drug. Come on we need a viable company that motivates. We need a complete overhaul on our bonus and cresset ranking system. It has never been more confusing, unfair and stuffing a circle in a square hole but yet assumptions and performance is based off this flawed system. In this profession we talk about comparing apple to apples but with this system it is more like apple to nails nails to sea horses and soon at you think you have it figured out they change the bag mix. But the craziest thing about this you are compared to people that have nothing in common with your bag mix, managed care mix, the dx state but based on this systems rep can be severely over or under rated

You would expect a system that makes sense from the Keystone cops of pharma?Not going to happen.

You got yours last night because you are a DM. Us lonely reps who actually need the data will get 6/21 next week, until we get an email to tell us it will be delayed.....

I work at Novo, used to work at Takeda. I opened my Victoza data ending first week of July, Zero Nesina family scripts in my territory. Don't get your hopes up.

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