Almeida Files


Loving watching the vantive sell off stall

first it was IPO then it was to PE

Private Equity have run the ruler over this and have realised it makes ZERO profit.

So now they are left with their dick in their hand no offers of any value, and the whle thing has stalled

The investors know this and the pathetic Q1 and upcoming Q2 results

There is a demoralised workforce, General managers, VPs, Directors and managers all HATE Joe , all asking the same question when will a major shareholder come in and GET RID OFF HIM.

Im afraid Baxter is not a great place to work or to invest in whilst Joe is in charge. the Fish rots from the HEAD.

Joe walks around all day saying it’s someone else’s fault what ever the topic may be. He owns no accountability or responsibility but yet he’s the CEO & COB. His leaders are no different but yet own the entire P&L and organizations under them. JA and team spin everything vs. accepting the raw facts.

It’s comical at best. I think they should adopt Shaggy’s “It wasn’t me” as the mission. The song plays on repeat in my head as I watch these people everyday.

in Europe this week he asks the same old questions 'stefan how is Perclot doing ?"

Andy "why is fluids pricing so low"

Joe how much does you flying to europe cost baxter ?

What a waste of money

Can anyone state one thing Joe has done that has been positive for the patients or shareholders during his tenure. I’m not including employees as that is a stupid question (except for a handful golden cows)