Heard from a friend that they began firing reps within a few months of launch. Reps are forced to do daily call reporting and judged on call averages ( didn't that stupidity end during the Hoover administration). Reps are doing web casts that managers have told them to just get it done, so reps are sitting in parking lots outside cheap hotels with free wifi, logging on, with managers knowledge. Sales quotas are set so high no one in the company will make bonus. Upper management is so consumed with trying to get company positioned to sell that they have no connection with their employees and have apparently created one of the worst working environments in the industry with a culture of fear run by management ignorant of oncology.

Heard being evaluated on call averages of non-MD's also. Heard that someone in upper management freaked at one of the district's holiday parties about them not entering the nurses, billing, etc. into the system (during the gift exchange). Merry Christmas.

Heard being evaluated on call averages of non-MD's also. Heard that someone in upper management freaked at one of the district's holiday parties about them not entering the nurses, billing, etc. into the system (during the gift exchange). Merry Christmas.

That was great. Make sure when you put that temporary billing clerk in your crm you include her at the webex conference call in the parking lot. Smoke breaks is considered a meeting call. Then call your manager on company voicemail and talk about your great success story on how this temp clerk on her smoke break remembered that she has seen 4 patients with 202.7. Need name, phone number, her email address and the patients name and when they are coming back in the office.

Notwithstanding an accumulated deficit of $350.3 million, management past and present has helped themselves to handsome salaries and bonuses — irrespective of success or failure!

The top three executive officers at the company — including Caruso — each earned total compensation greater than $1.2 million in the last two years. For the nine-months ending September 2009, monies spend on corporate and administrative expenses totaled $26.3 million — 39 percent more than monies spent on drug development initiatives (25 specialty sales reps were recently hired). In the comparable 2008 period, SG&A spend was $15.8 million and R&D expenses totaled $17.7 million.

Interesting posts on financial aspects. Fits into information received at recent meeting where I heard over 10 managers / marketing / execs, etc.all traveled for a Hawaiian holiday to hear a speaker talk to several local doctors. Lets see: avg of 4,000 miles flown to get there, 4,000 to get back times 10 is 80,000 miles flown, hotel and meals, to hear a speaker they could have flown to NJ or CO for several hundred dollars plus $2K honorarium. Maybe opening up the NJ offices was to get them near Wall St where this excess is commonplace. No wonder the sales and admin costs outdistance r&d.

Interesting posts on financial aspects. Fits into information received at recent meeting where I heard over 10 managers / marketing / execs, etc.all traveled for a Hawaiian holiday to hear a speaker talk to several local doctors. Lets see: avg of 4,000 miles flown to get there, 4,000 to get back times 10 is 80,000 miles flown, hotel and meals, to hear a speaker they could have flown to NJ or CO for several hundred dollars plus $2K honorarium. Maybe opening up the NJ offices was to get them near Wall St where this excess is commonplace. No wonder the sales and admin costs outdistance r&d.

Dont be silly. What you are proposing makes business sense. This meeting was packed with business opportunity. Friday afternoon devoted 1 hour and 45 minutes to treatment approaches to T cell lymphoma some of which may actually include folotyn; well at least in the refractory or relapsed patient. Owen OConnor had 15 minutes on Saturday morning to talk about new chemotherapies, including folotyn. That is 120 minutes potentially devoted to folotyn. I am certain that a lot of new information was shared and discussed, wasnt it? Maybe not. I am surprised that only 10 went.

Interesting posts on financial aspects. Fits into information received at recent meeting where I heard over 10 managers / marketing / execs, etc.all traveled for a Hawaiian holiday to hear a speaker talk to several local doctors. Lets see: avg of 4,000 miles flown to get there, 4,000 to get back times 10 is 80,000 miles flown, hotel and meals, to hear a speaker they could have flown to NJ or CO for several hundred dollars plus $2K honorarium. Maybe opening up the NJ offices was to get them near Wall St where this excess is commonplace. No wonder the sales and admin costs outdistance r&d.

This meeting was filled with at least 15 minutes of relevant and business critical information. I am sure if the meeting was in Freehold NJ just as many would have attended. Am I wrong?

I wonder how many of you Phuckers wished u had stayed at Eisai? I hear it is better since the "bitch" was fired. Eisai still suks!

Just not as bad now as Allos!

Good luck with ur new "job search"!

Mike Least was a former MGI, didnt last long at Eisai as he did not want to move the family to NJ. From what I know, he was a good guy to work under.

ML was far from "old MGI". He was part of the MGI acquisition of Guilford a year before MGI was ruined by Eisai. He was buddies with Kerry (do you see where this is going?) and brought to Allos. They are now systematically eliminating that old Guilford bunch, They finally figured out that those people are just not that good! Good guy, Yes, good manager, NO!

With no oncology experience. The company is for sale and the clock is ticking. Berns blew it when Celegene bought Glouster Pharmaceuticals and Caruso showed his hand when he told the New york times that patients die early so the real cost of pralatrexate is not known. This is what these guys know vitamins and chronic kidney disease not hematology. Dont worry they will take care of themselves.

hello asshat. Caruso gone. Why hasnt the board fired Berns? 1.40 per share? What a disgrace.

Ya the top 3 fly business class for $1000s while making big bucks and charging huge cash for an unproven drug. The gov't will come down on people like these guys soon.

Business class my a$$. Try first class ONLY, no less. Big time old boy's club. When Caruso interviewed females for mid or upper level management (MD's, etc.), or any position really that wasn't clerical, he boasted about what ball busters the females were and how they didn't know how to play nice. They were never invited for a second interview. Never.

Take Komo with you!

No chance. He does not have any friends. Look for him to set sail with Berns and Company if any company ever hires Caruso and Berns again. Otherwise until he is caught making up stuff he is staying. I have a conference call will him in 10 minutes to let him know if I have floaters or sinkers. He asks all of us to create an excel spreadsheet of bowel movements: sinker, floater, loose, solid. They all look like komo to me he don't like that when I text a turd to him