I wrote in all caps so people like you would have an easier time reading and understanding what I wrote. I was wrong. For one thing, I did not state that it was illegal to ask for a graduation date. It’s just the wrong thing to do because you are basically asking someone’s age. How would I know the application asks for a college graduation date if I didn’t apply for a job? Isn’t it implied that I applied for a job if I knew this information? Your ignorance is stunning.

I never put my date in

Never mind the sexist (and ugly) green jackets for Pclub winners, an old white man Forest tradition they just can’t give up.


(And no comments about being a wannabe, I’ve won my share)

First, you are not helping your case much writing in all CAPS.

Second, our lawyers have lawyers, if the application was out of compliance with federal and state employment laws I would be shocked.

Last, maybe just maybe apply for a job first before you indict a company with a charge of agism.

Actually... cap’s do help (you sound overly sensory) and secondly, is it time to gather people together for a class action to sue? It’s called ageism.

At the POA meeting we were talking at our table about how few people were over 40. Five years ago over half were and several were over 50. Not any more.

I see the trend moving away from hiring younger reps. I have been in the business for 20 years and have definitely noticed the trend hiring people with experience and tenure. I worked for a large Pharma company and the average age was around 45 or a little higher. Older women, I believe, are hirable but don't go into an interview looking like a frump. Make sure you look sharp, so they focus on the most important characteristics of intelligence, passion, and strong skill set to mention a few. Be very prepared to showcase your talents in your answers. I am late 50's and just got hired for a specialty position I didn't have current experience selling in the disease state. However, I bring a lot to the table and job. I may look a little younger but still they know I'm older by my resume - and I don't have my graduation date listed. They figure it out easily. I have noticed on very few applications they ask for graduation date. Maybe it was only Allergan's that asked for this year. Most are optional.

If you bring a lot to the table, they will notice, and you will get hired even if you are 50+. Have confidence.