Allergan vs. Alcon compensation, stability, culture. Anyone from Alcon jump ship?


Working as an alcon rep here. Things are really shaky here with the Novartis takeover, don't know how long I can keep a job. Peers are also looking elsewhere, tenured reps are dropping like flies because of our hideous unattainable goals.

Offered a spot here, anyone here jump ship from alcon to allergan? Pay? Stability? I'm weary of the valeant takeover. Please no "get out of the pharmaceutical industry as soon as you can" comments, I'm aware of this changing managed care culture. Thanks in advanced!


Please take a look at Alergan's SG&A and R&D for the last 3 years. Then consider that AGN will have to show around 700 million savings in 2015.

Then figure out where they can get most of this 700 million savings. Atleast 70 % will come out of SG&A.

Good Luck

Great company. A few people have gone to Alcon and back again. What division? I would say aesthetics is the best but the other divisions besides maybe uro are good

Assumption that if you were offered a job that will be available open position.

Valeant won't get us

Great company. A few people have gone to Alcon and back again. What division? I would say aesthetics is the best but the other divisions besides maybe uro are good

Assumption that if you were offered a job that will be available open position.

Valeant won't get us


How are the pods broken down? From what I know there is one rep pushing combigan/ restasis, and another promoting lumigan and lastacaft? Anyone know the starting salary of either or? Is is territory specific? Thanks!


How are the pods broken down? From what I know there is one rep pushing combigan/ restasis, and another promoting lumigan and lastacaft? Anyone know the starting salary of either or? Is is territory specific? Thanks!

Four reps selling lumi, combi, alpha, & restasis. Mostly dog products. No growth over the last few years-only price increases. Declining volume. Ranked against generic products-some made by us. Managed care coverage at an all time worst.
Old time/out dated market share and stack rankings. Your territory is head to head against every other territory. Not goal driven. If you are not in a major metro territory you will make no money. Bonuses are capped, so do not expect much. If you finish in the top ten each trimester and allergan meets its sales numbers (getting rare) you will be very lucky to make $30,000 in bonus. No other perks.
Three to four week route sales. No variance.
Would not recommend it unless you are desperate. They know you are (desperate) and will not offer much of a starting salary for a 'specialty' company. Mostly unhappy, micromanaged people.

Four reps selling lumi, combi, alpha, & restasis. Mostly dog products. No growth over the last few years-only price increases. Declining volume. Ranked against generic products-some made by us. Managed care coverage at an all time worst.
Old time/out dated market share and stack rankings. Your territory is head to head against every other territory. Not goal driven. If you are not in a major metro territory you will make no money. Bonuses are capped, so do not expect much. If you finish in the top ten each trimester and allergan meets its sales numbers (getting rare) you will be very lucky to make $30,000 in bonus. No other perks.
Three to four week route sales. No variance.
Would not recommend it unless you are desperate. They know you are (desperate) and will not offer much of a starting salary for a 'specialty' company. Mostly unhappy, micromanaged people.

Could you share a salary range? What do you think would be the top I could get. I have 10 years of experience. Thanks for the information.

Could you share a salary range? What do you think would be the top I could get. I have 10 years of experience. Thanks for the information.

DO NOT work for Allergan Eyecare!!!

The division had layoffs in January of 2014! The company showed ZERO loyalty to Allergan employees (1 out of 4 Allergan representatives were terminated) and kept the inVentiv contract employees instead!

Eyecare division is a POD system and has too many representatives! In most areas there are currently 3 Allergan representatives and 1 inVentiv contract representative in a POD calling on the same doctors and selling the same products.

DO NOT believe the people that will tell you they make $120k a year in salary+bonus working for Allergan Eyecare! They are either the rarity (1%) or just plain lying!

Salary in Allergan Eyecare on average can range from $55k to $75k with bonus pay out being on average from $15k to $25k a year.

Allergan just announced more layoffs today! I am predicting (my opinion) that Allergan Eyecare will downsize again going from 3 to 2 eyecare representatives per territory to go along with the inVentiv contract representative.

Allergan Eyecare is the most unstable and worst division within the company!!! Hope this helps!!!

not to mention the bullying managers. i'd tell you to check the other posts about them, but they always magically disappear. here's to you NE managers, I hope you all get what you deserve.

Could you share a salary range? What do you think would be the top I could get. I have 10 years of experience. Thanks for the information.

10 years in Eyecare might get you $78k. You will be the new kid on the block-today a 13% reduction in employees was announced.

I would not come to work here for any amount of money. Most managers are so bad-and make your work life and non-existent personal life HELL!