Allergan Management


I have interviewed with Allergan twice. Both times I met with anal retentive, dispassionate, no-personality a**holes that didn't even seem happy to be interviewing at all.

What saddens me the most about this industry is these are the types of people that keep their DM jobs while likeable DMs lose their jobs.


couldn't agree more. majority of allergan managers think so highly of themselves but are not that good. most spend their time gossiping rather than trying to motivate their teams. you can tell the good ones. they dont gossip, they support their teams and actually have good numbers time and time again. their reps love them becuase they feel safe and protected and supported by them. they need to weed out the nerdy managers that just gossip and are full of hot air and bad jokes and let some real people get the job done.

these so called managers are terrible! I have never seen so many male chauvinist gossips in my whole life. A bunch of losers who think they are all that. This woman can and will show these 'men' how it's really done. Time the central area had some real talent. Watch out losers! Scott, get real man. Come on

One problem is that they believe everything that is written on some resume or LinkedIn account- check this Allergan gem-

Innovative and articulate Sales Professional with experience in the implementation of strategies that cultivate increasing sales revenue, overall account growth and positively impacting business-to-business relationships. Proven performer in exceeding weekly, monthly and yearly goals while demonstrating top quality management skills in challenging situations.

All smokes and mirrors for show- no substance in the field- Scott has done a horrible job at hiring qualified managers- Need to clean house! Some territories won't ever come close to making numbers- managers threaten/probation run thru hoops- It should be the manager that's gone. If they can't motivate to get the numbers needed then who can?

You shouldn't need someone to motivate you. Top performers find a way to be successful no matter who is managing them. Looks like you are searching for someone to blame. Just look in the mirror. Only thing that you have control over is your life.

Not True- Are you going to put your life on the line for someone who doesn't have your back? Gonna stay in a marriage because the other doesn't love you but your trying really hard? You have to have some motivation to be successful..lower end management or upper- apparently your a very lonely person BUT VERY SUCCESSFUL! Your manager hates you but you kick butt in the business word- Kudos to you........

Where do you come up with the correlation that I am lonely? Bottom line is I work for myself and to get it done for my family. Who gives a shit that your manager doesn't motivate you. Successful people are self motivated. You have to come to grips with that at the end of the day they are just doing a job and they really don't care about you.

Then working for yourself means you are not a team player and would probably stab your partner in the back to get ahead- sweeeeet. Would love to be on your team NOT! What you need to understand is that your manager makes or breaks you- bottom line. Your manager pulls your strings even if you don't know it. And when does Motivated and Successful go together? Ask the fine people in the upper midwest...Bust their ass's and nothing and go nowhere. I guess if your are up and out every day and make the 9-10 calls a day then your motivated...lots of people do it but they don't all make trip or bonus's.

And most managers are not motivating- their only looking out for number 1- we are disposable for someone who will be a bit more hungry-

Then working for yourself means you are not a team player and would probably stab your partner in the back to get ahead- sweeeeet. Would love to be on your team NOT! What you need to understand is that your manager makes or breaks you- bottom line. Your manager pulls your strings even if you don't know it. And when does Motivated and Successful go together? Ask the fine people in the upper midwest...Bust their ass's and nothing and go nowhere. I guess if your are up and out every day and make the 9-10 calls a day then your motivated...lots of people do it but they don't all make trip or bonus's.

And most managers are not motivating- their only looking out for number 1- we are disposable for someone who will be a bit more hungry-

Get used to it you lazy pos. If you dont work you will be replaced by someone who will work. 10% of the country is out of work and would love your job. Instead of bitching, try being grateful. While brushing up on YOUR resume, you may want to learn where to use YOUR and YOU'RE.

If managers are not supposed to care about the reps they manage or motivate them then what the he'll are they good for? Field managers...easiest job at allergan, no selling, never get fired even if your team never wins, dont have to give a shit about the ppl that work for you, what are you good for? Ridealongs, approving expense reports? Good reps get the job done without the manager. We're used to you not offering us jack but a pain in the ass and slowing me down when you get in my car