Allergan Management Considering Realignment


For the first time that I can remember working here I actually heard some upper managers in home office talk about realigning the field force. It was talked about consolidating the blue and gold teams and only having one. Yes even layoffs were talked about. Next week VZ associates will be at home office to talk about realignment and consolidating some of field sales particularly in eye care. It is deemed there are too many reps out there for lastacaft and restasis. Too much overlap especially considering the lack luster sales of lastacaft and lack of growth with restasis. Comments? I'll try to keep you informed from an insiders prospective.


For the first time that I can remember working here I actually heard some upper managers in home office talk about realigning the field force. It was talked about consolidating the blue and gold teams and only having one. Yes even layoffs were talked about. Next week VZ associates will be at home office to talk about realignment and consolidating some of field sales particularly in eye care. It is deemed there are too many reps out there for lastacaft and restasis. Too much overlap especially considering the lack luster sales of lastacaft and lack of growth with restasis. Comments? I'll try to keep you informed from an insiders prospective.

I have a hard time believing this...if you had said the red/silver team...maybe as we are going to lose luminance to the generic house, Watson and all products have generic invasion. When it comes to the blue/gold I think the conversation would be about ending a contact with the purple team prior to lay~offs of allergen reps. We certainly have too many reps in the same offices with old products and nothing new on the horizon. We are becoming know for re formulations instead of new and innovative drugs.

I have a hard time believing this...if you had said the red/silver team...maybe as we are going to lose luminance to the generic house, Watson and all products have generic invasion. When it comes to the blue/gold I think the conversation would be about ending a contact with the purple team prior to lay~offs of allergen reps. We certainly have too many reps in the same offices with old products and nothing new on the horizon. We are becoming know for re formulations instead of new and innovative drugs.

Mis type. We are going to lose Lumigan to generic house

it would make sense. The current model is horrible. all divisions need to combine so they can play off each other, share information and energize sales. Why lay off when eyecare is soooo profitable? Just shuffle things around a bit.

Well they realigned Neurosciences. Three seperate sales forces selling the same product. We now have counterparts all outside hires and a shitload of new BS managment jobs. Neurosciences has offcially jumped the shark and is full blown big pharma.