Sales team has not been impacted to date. They need us.
It is true that the sales team is needed if the product is to continue selling, however, I can come up with at least two plausible scenarios that suggest the assets will be sold off essentially for scrap value. In both cases there is no need for any employees except a limited group that will stick around for a few months and then be discharged as well.
Things you should be doing:
1. Admit that while you have a job today, you might not in a few weeks to a few months. You really don't know how this is going to shake out, and neither does anybody else (including me), so be prepared for the worse outcome.
2. Look for a new job NOW. If you find one and Dendreon lives to fight another day then you have a choice of where to land. Choice is always a good thing. At this point nobody will blame you for looking because everybody is looking (or should be). If Dendreon blows up, you are that much closer to finding a new home.
3. Stay up to date on what is happening in BK court. All the motions, objections, hearing dates, and final orders are posted on the PrimeClerk web site. Any information you get that does not come directly from the court is somewhere between speculative and total BS. The facts are out there if you care to read them.
4. Remember that DNDN is just a job, and jobs will come and go. Your spouse, your children, your extended family, and your faith will always be there for you. Protect what is real, and be prepared to let go of the ethereal.