For starters, the NAD’s need to get coverage on Medicare plans. How? Reduce the price of the drug! Go back to the well. By reducing the price of the drug, coverage would improve.
Second, Develop a KOL think tank. If that is even possible at this juncture. That ship may be on the ocean floor. How many patients does Sprague even have on this drug? Use only your two hands to count them.
Get Ashfaq out of his penthouse. He has a sweet deal with Bishop. Ashfaq know everyone only to hand out money. Since there is no MSL team, what the hell do we need him for. Lip service? What about getting a new Medical Director- one that can work with institutions and develop more scientific data that is useful.
If any of the above aren’t feasible, throw in the towel. This gig is not worth the headache. Move on!