Alex is a Douche-Bag

Alex speaks the truth, he can be counted on to deliver facts and engage his audience to a point where the will run through a firewall for him!

What does our leadership do? Mispronounce our $2 billion drug, change IC plans mid quarter, screw storage units, savings cards mailing, marketing material return, and fumble the communication around deleting NPs!!

We need leadership like Alex!!

Also, I heard that Alex is sleeping with Iris, but it's just a rumor and shouldn't reflect negatively on his ability to lead!!

Alex speaks the truth, he can be counted on to deliver facts and engage his audience to a point where the will run through a firewall for him!

What does our leadership do? Mispronounce our $2 billion drug, change IC plans mid quarter, screw storage units, savings cards mailing, marketing material return, and fumble the communication around deleting NPs!!

We need leadership like Alex!!

Also, I heard that Alex is sleeping with Iris, but it's just a rumor and shouldn't reflect negatively on his ability to lead!!
And Alex doesn't need to have his picture tied to every announcement, email, contest update, tweet or bowel movement either.

Alex is the MAN!