Why would you not believe I went to presidents club and won several awards for top sales? Have you ever? I have been in this industry for 7 years! How long have you ? Levo and Avelox work great and there is no need for factive. When I tell dr's about the "power" of factive, i dont believe that it is any better than levo or avelox. I would tell friends and family to take Levo or avelox if they were sick. Why take factive? To get a severe rash? How much resistance is there with Levo or avelox? MINIMAL! You are brain washed by the company and yes I agree that rash is only one of the issues here. And you are wrong, I do still work for the company and am looking to LEAVE! Say all you want, but dont call me a liar just b/c you are BRAINWASHED!