AirSupra Launch

I would take ten MH’s over that person leading the northeast region for RST. Her DSM’s toe the line but several are not fans. A great many reps do not trust her. When I say many, I mean like the vast majority. She is the kind of person who would eat her own excrement if it was met with applause from her superiors. Knowing her history of HR issues, surprised she is still here.
Fake, intimidator and disingenuous. Certainly not the attributes of a “leader”.

What is the freaking PLAN with the co-pay cards? Blind leading the blind. Prioritize please. Being a group of ostriches burying your heads in the sand isn't a way for a brand team to operate, no matter what you tell us about working hard to find a solution.

I would take ten MH’s over that person leading the northeast region for RST. Her DSM’s toe the line but several are not fans. A great many reps do not trust her. When I say many, I mean like the vast majority. She is the kind of person who would eat her own excrement if it was met with applause from her superiors. Knowing her history of HR issues, surprised she is still here.
Fake, intimidator and disingenuous. Certainly not the attributes of a “leader”.


RST is not getting it done!! Folks are beginning to ask

Wow.... 2 exclamation points. You must really be in the know.
Let's see... RST pre-launches Airsupra with no formulary coverage and a card that most docs don't use. Yet, the expected 3000 RX's for Q4 RX's were over 12K. PCP represents conservatively 90% of rescue scripts. So, how youze doin' there? Let's also remember that PULM's see 70-80% of their patients are Medicare. How is our coverage there? PCP's? Probably 50/50 or even more in the commercial space.
Will admit the other drug has flattened. Maybe managed markets can close gaps with Med D plans we aren't on. Cigna D? How about the three sub plans for UHC/AARP? In certain markets those three subplans combined approach 50% (sometimes more) of the AARP RX's.
If you were a provider and ran into issues a few times trying to get B on AARP Basic, AARP Walgreens or AARP Saver Plus, how long would you go w/o saying screw it and use the drug of least resistance? Most would just go the easy route.
And while I'm at it, can we update the messaging? 3+ years of the same old message.

So, if folks are beginning to ask, maybe they should be asking managed markets when they will get contracts signed that levels the playing field.

Been awfully quiet out there around more commercial plans coming into the fold.....
For a drug that is supposed to be setting records, MM's should be getting contracts from large payers signed daily. Anthem? Cigna? Others?
Bueller Bueller...

Been awfully quiet out there around more commercial plans coming into the fold.....
For a drug that is supposed to be setting records, MM's should be getting contracts from large payers signed daily. Anthem? Cigna? Others?
Bueller Bueller...

Yup.... Silence is deafening. As usual, PBM's and then nada. Can't wait to see the spin cycle come end of 24' when we get access to very few Part D plans. AZ can F up a wet dream.

Brand team is all about a "revolutionary" product. Large MCO's are stating; we don't think so. But what would one expect when the WAC/AWP is just a bit high for two generic drugs in one device. Better start re-evaluating your pricing and pricing strategy kiddies.

Still have not seen the commercial on TV. NBA playoffs....nada. NHL playoffs....nope. NFL draft....zilch.

Maybe it was timing on my part but not sure who is making the decisions on what stations to throw on the dino. May want to expand the channels and/or amount of times it airs. Same goes for Breztri.

Ask me about Jardiance, Trelegy and Ozempic.... obnoxious how often they are on the tube.

Wanna really drive demand? Plaster dino on all major networks (include the financial networks like CNBC and Fox Business, HGTV, ESPN, NFL network, Fox news, and msnbc).

Food for thought....

Still have not seen the commercial on TV. NBA playoffs....nada. NHL playoffs....nope. NFL draft....zilch.

Maybe it was timing on my part but not sure who is making the decisions on what stations to throw on the dino. May want to expand the channels and/or amount of times it airs. Same goes for Breztri.

Ask me about Jardiance, Trelegy and Ozempic.... obnoxious how often they are on the tube.

Wanna really drive demand? Plaster dino on all major networks (include the financial networks like CNBC and Fox Business, HGTV, ESPN, NFL network, Fox news, and msnbc).

Food for thought....

Stay in your lane, Tonto!

I own the road, so everything is my lane. Its great to see that we have captured so many more plans after the initial wave (the same ones at every launch). Better get moving kiddies or the co-pay cards will die a hard death.
Certain retail chains actively not filling scripts, insurance companies mis-labeling Airsupra as a maintenance med., and issues with using cards. This is the kind of shit that should have been worked out prior to launch not as we move into the second half of the year and launch.

I own the road, so everything is my lane. Its great to see that we have captured so many more plans after the initial wave (the same ones at every launch). Better get moving kiddies or the co-pay cards will die a hard death.
Certain retail chains actively not filling scripts, insurance companies mis-labeling Airsupra as a maintenance med., and issues with using cards. This is the kind of shit that should have been worked out prior to launch not as we move into the second half of the year and launch.

Road owner, stop whining like a little bitch on CP and call your supervisor to set up a meeting to vent your brilliant insights to higher ups!

It's funny how the VP of MM "retired" a few months back and Joris assumed the helm. Well, under the leadership of Joris not one major plan has been added since the initial onslaught at launch. So when are you "retiring" Joris?

It's funny how the VP of MM "retired" a few months back and Joris assumed the helm. Well, under the leadership of Joris not one major plan has been added since the initial onslaught at launch. So when are you "retiring" Joris?
Yup....just another week in the books and no new major insurers jumping on board. I guess those folks don't see the "revolutionary" product that sits in front of them. Better get on AARP, Wellcare, Humana D, Silverscript and Aetna D for 25' or this product will die on the vine. Why can't AZ learn from previous MM mistakes? Lather, rinse, repeat.

Say what you will about GSK but they knew how to play the MM game. At least, they were much more effective at it than AZ.