• Mon news: Ventyx gets boost from Sanofi. PhRMA IRA legal challenge gets new life. AZ breast cancer drug disappoints. Teva’s once-monthly schizophrenia med. AZ gets FDA approval for first self-administered flu vaccine. See more on our front page

Ah monday. The start of pretending I work for Novartis.

Ah man, I hate to say it. But I'm here and ticked that I have to be dressed and act like I'm paying attention. My "vacation" the rest of the week starts when I leave tonight.

Fucking r*****s still perpetrating lies.... Get a life, you DON'T work for Novartis.

*Yawn* what do you care?

I'm leaving Phoenix after another rather boring tiresome un-motivating Hem/Onc meeting. And, even though you can't accept it, I am going to get paid. I'm taking Friday off, do a little weed, and I'm likely taking Monday off as well.

*Yawn* what do you care?

I'm leaving Phoenix after another rather boring tiresome un-motivating Hem/Onc meeting. And, even though you can't accept it, I am going to get paid. I'm taking Friday off, do a little weed, and I'm likely taking Monday off as well.

Look... Is this Mati Teo? I am not your imaginary girlfriend and you are not a Novartis employee. So go get high and enjoy fantasy because your reality is nothing but sad.

I'll speak my mind at the meeting... All you fucking pussies will be silent. Understand the difference Internet-Hero? I never did hear any of you fake-ass Novartis wannabe employees give any specifics of where you are staying, what time the meeting starts or which travel agency booked your accommodations. Pathetic bitches.

Speaking of pathetic bitches... It's about time for the ultimate douche-bag "Nofartus-Guy" to chime in with yet another pathetic comment. M/F'er has never even worked for this company. Can you imagine the level of patheticness it would require to achieve such a low in life.

It's Friday and just like every other day of the week.. Losers continue to pretend to work for Novartis.

Some people post anonymously and pretend to be brain surgeons or professional football players and losers here can only dream of working for Novartis.... PATHETIC!

Quit fakin' the funk on a nasty dunk, cause at the end of the day you still just a punk.

It's Friday and just like every other day of the week.. Losers continue to pretend to work for Novartis.

Some people post anonymously and pretend to be brain surgeons or professional football players and losers here can only dream of working for Novartis.... PATHETIC!

Quit fakin' the funk on a nasty dunk, cause at the end of the day you still just a punk.

Yo! MTV raps!!

I rarely work on Mondays - and never on Fridays (too much paperwork, telecoms). My friends down south go fishing on weekends - pretty much year round, unless it's Duck or Turkey season - they leave on Fridays, come back on Mondays.

A year later.... after both a 70% downsizing, followed by a 50% downsizing and still a growing number of losers pretending to work for Novartis. How can this be? Less and less people working for Novartis, yet more people post here, pretending to work for Novartis. Seriously, how pathetic can a person possibly be?