AH Announcement

Hopefully Alexander and Quita are a package deal? I imagine she hasn't announced yet because she is over on Linkedin self promoting her virtue, as usual. Hey everybody look at me!

Is it me, or did Quita appear narcissistic and unprepared on today's call in front of Teresa? She was asked about Islamophobia and Antisemitism and somehow made it about herself.

I have to give credit to Aviv and Teresa's response. It was heartfelt, mature, and balanced. It wasn't even fair to put Quita after her. It's a shame when other GEC members can speak more eloquently about diversity and tolerance than the Chief Diversity Officer - time's up, Quita?

I work for Bayer and it seems that Bill Anderson is implementing the DSO model he did with Roche and Genentech. They announced layoffs months ago and we are in the dark. Anyone that went through this explain how he did it? Seems that he is laying off managers first. We all think it’s coming before end of Q4 to show profit for investors since he announced we have $0 cash flow and over $55B in revenue. Bayer is tanking. What did he do with Genentech?

Is it me, or did Quita appear narcissistic and unprepared on today's call in front of Teresa? She was asked about Islamophobia and Antisemitism and somehow made it about herself.

I have to give credit to Aviv and Teresa's response. It was heartfelt, mature, and balanced. It wasn't even fair to put Quita after her. It's a shame when other GEC members can speak more eloquently about diversity and tolerance than the Chief Diversity Officer - time's up, Quita?

Girl is in a tough spot.

The DEI movement was all about her and her people. Now other marginalized groups have caught on and are demanding their share of the DEI goodie bag.

The situation in Gaza makes it even more difficult given the ties of BLM to that group we can’t mention that runs the country we can’t mention for fear of being censored.

So we are back to can’t we all just get along ….

Is it me, or did Quita appear narcissistic and unprepared on today's call in front of Teresa? She was asked about Islamophobia and Antisemitism and somehow made it about herself.

I have to give credit to Aviv and Teresa's response. It was heartfelt, mature, and balanced. It wasn't even fair to put Quita after her. It's a shame when other GEC members can speak more eloquently about diversity and tolerance than the Chief Diversity Officer - time's up, Quita?

I work for Bayer and it seems that Bill Anderson is implementing the DSO model he did with Roche and Genentech. They announced layoffs months ago and we are in the dark. Anyone that went through this explain how he did it? Seems that he is laying off managers first. We all think it’s coming before end of Q4 to show profit for investors since he announced we have $0 cash flow and over $55B in revenue. Bayer is tanking. What did he do with Genentech?

Have you seen our stock price….. nothing good. He will flatten out the organization hence the removal of managers. With that comes zero accountability for people and it just goes downhill from there. Good luck!

She is an over paid narcissist that loves to play a victim card. Problem is she has never been a victim, just a self promoting divisive loser.

Funny thing is reading all the linkedin comments from arse kissing scred of d&i gene employees. Unbelievable those tools would write mistruths just to stay on the queen of divisiins good side. She is an embarrassment to not only our company but our race.

She is an over paid narcissist that loves to play a victim card. Problem is she has never been a victim, just a self promoting divisive loser.

Funny thing is reading all the linkedin comments from arse kissing scred of d&i gene employees. Unbelievable those tools would write mistruths just to stay on the queen of divisiins good side. She is an embarrassment to not only our company but our race.
