Age discrimination lawsuits.

I can't believe this is the direction medicine is headed. Retina specialists are an arrogant group, but they are trying to do the right thing for patients. This fucking group of people (Protocol for: Jastreboff AM, Aronne LJ, Ahmad NN, et al. Tirzepatide once weekly for the treatment of obesity.) and this company (eli lilly) is beyond unethical. Put down the 3 bags of chips, 3 bags of candy, and 3 trips to the fast food joints every day and start eating differently. Also, get off the couch and go for several walks per day. Only eat three meals per day from 7 am to 6 pm (no snacking). You'll lose weight healthily and naturally. You don't need this shit drug.

1. 150 minutes of physical activity per week isn't enough.
2. Eat 1500 calories per day, less than 50g of added sugar, less than 80g of fat, and less than 2,000mg of sodium.
3. An ethical set of objectives would read "To Evaluate" not "To Demonstrate"
4. People should be fasting for at least 8 hours every day of the week, not just when showing up to these shit-biased visits.
5. The food companies want to make money from you eating unhealthy, the drug companies want to make money from you being fat from eating unhealthy, and the government pretends like they have your best interests in mind while profiting from both the food and drug companies.

"Protocol for: Jastreboff AM, Aronne LJ, Ahmad NN, et al. Tirzepatide once weekly for the treatment of obesity.
N Engl J Med 2022;387:205-16. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2206038
This trial protocol has been provided by the authors to give readers additional information about the work."

After a 2-week screening period, participants were randomly assigned in a 1:1:1:1 ratio to receive tirzepatide at a dose of 5 mg, 10 mg, or 15 mg or placebo, administered subcutaneously once weekly for 72 weeks as an adjunct to lifestyle intervention. Lifestyle intervention included regular lifestyle counseling sessions, delivered by a dietitian or a qualified health care professional, to help the participants adhere to healthful, balanced meals, with a deficit of 500 calories per day, and at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week."

"To demonstrate that tirzepatide 10 mg QW is superior
to placebo for:
• percent change in body weight AND
• percentage of participants with ≥5% body
weight reduction
To demonstrate that tirzepatide 15 mg QW is superior
to placebo for:
• percent change in body weight AND
• percentage of participants with ≥5% body
weight reduction"

"On all office visits, study participants should be reminded to report to the site
before taking study drug (s) in a fasting condition, after a period of
approximately 8 hours without eating, drinking (except water), or any significant
physical activity. Since some screening procedures need to be completed in the
fasting state, Visit 1 may be conducted over more than 1 day to ensure necessary
conditions are met."

so uh yeah sure I get all my medical advice from some moron on cafepharma. Look genius, if you did any research in obesity you would realize that “dieting “ doesn’t work. People who diet can back the weight they lose time after time. Now if you’re talking lifestyle changes-yes that works sometimes if you actually stick to it. But there’s the rub. Most don’t. And clearly you really don’t know how Mounjaro or Trulicity works…so there’s really no point in arguing with you. Hey, besides, your mom needs her phone back.

On an age discrimination thread?
This is probably the person who keeps posting the same off-topic stuff on other Lilly threads. But whoever it is wants us to believe that their ability to do a Google search makes them a scientific expert. They wouldn't last a minute in a graduate program, let alone a pharmaceutical company, where you have to defend your positions in person. Real scientific debate does not happen on CafePharma, behind the curtain of anonymity.

You are exactly correct. The incremental value of a sales representative calling on a doctor’s office is close to nothing. The Ken and Barbie dress up and go to “work” day is a joke. My favorite is when the districts and regions make a big deal when sales goals are met, knowing all along the sales teams had nothing to do with achieving those results. Doctors get their information so many other ways, you could reduce the number of sales representatives by 75% and have ZERO impact on sales.

How ignorant! Reps are just sample delivery and service people these days!

First, real product salespeople are the MSL’s and the physician opinion leaders who pitch from the podium! Secondly, direct to consumer advertising and influencers are the new

My favorite pharma pitchman was Dr. Scott Gottlieb who left his federal job for Pfizer. He did off-label promotion as a board member all over media in interviews for months pushing their vaccines.

How ignorant! Reps are just sample delivery and service people these days!

First, real product salespeople are the MSLs and the physician opinion leaders who pitch from the podium! Secondly, direct-to-consumer advertising and influencers are the new

My favorite pharma pitchman was Dr. Scott Gottlieb who left his federal job for Pfizer. He did off-label promotion as a board member all over the media in interviews for months pushing their vaccines.

Call out the instigators
Because there's something in the air
We got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here
And you know it's right
And you know that it's right
We have got to get it together
We have got to get it together now.

When I stand, my back to the sea
A big white cloud, looking right down on me
Sound of the sun, missing my eyes
Everything's clear, everything's bright

If you don't think a dime-piece drives prescription numbers, then you are an idiot. All these products and commercials are damn near the same and physicians already know this. If you have a nice ass walking into your office in a short skirt you'll have numerous positive benefits. First, the patient sees that dime and thinks, wow, this doctor must be good to have her coming to see him. Second, he (the physician) is going to do whatever it takes to make her happy hoping it leads to something more. Third, they do bring some level of joy to the world they occupy (if only briefly).

Call out the instigators
Because there's something in the air
We got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here
And you know it's right
And you know that it's right
We have got to get it together
We have got to get it together now.

When I stand, my back to the sea
A big white cloud, looking right down on me
Sound of the sun, missing my eyes
Everything's clear, everything's bright

If you don't think a dime-piece drives prescription numbers, then you are an idiot. All these products and commercials are damn near the same and physicians already know this. If you have a nice ass walking into your office in a short skirt you'll have numerous positive benefits. First, the patient sees that dime and thinks, wow, this doctor must be good to have her coming to see him. Second, he (the physician) is going to do whatever it takes to make her happy hoping it leads to something more. Third, they do bring some level of joy to the world they occupy (if only briefly).

This is the truth. Not every person is the same and the truth isn't always nice.

Rape me
Rape me, my friend
Rape me
Rape me again
I'm not the only one
I'm not the only one
I'm not the only one
I'm not the only one
Hate me
Do it, and do it again
Waste me
Rape me, my friend
I'm not the only one
I'm not the only one
I'm not the only one
I'm not the only one

Fact three: The MOST QUALIFIED individuals for pharmaceutical sales are attractive women.

As a male, I stand little to no chance of fairly competing against an attractive female in pharma sales.

It's not what you know in pharma sales. Let's face it, very few, or none of you, have ever treated a patient. Therefore, you are not qualified to have any sort of intelligent opinion that would lead to a meaningful discussion about treating patients. All you know is what this company trains you to know. Pharma sales revolve around what can you do for me and/or what you look like.

It's not age discrimination. It's hiring the most qualified individuals.

Dude. If this is your thought process, I hate to break it to you, but you’re just a terrible rep. Full stop. I know plenty of beautiful, stupid, female reps that docs like to look at, but don’t respect, and many older male and female reps they will listen to and consider their knowledge- I know a lot of beautiful, brilliant female reps the doctors trust and respect because of their brain, and stupid guys they won’t see. It takes all kinds. If you think you’re being outsold because you don’t have a vagina, that’s a YOU problem, not a vagina problem. Sorry to be the one to point that out. Oh, and some of us went to graduate school and have relevant advanced degrees, so we do know more than “what pharma companies taught us”. More than sex separates skill.

so uh yeah sure I get all my medical advice from some moron on cafepharma. Look genius, if you did any research in obesity you would realize that “dieting “ doesn’t work. People who diet can back the weight they lose time after time. Now if you’re talking lifestyle changes-yes that works sometimes if you actually stick to it. But there’s the rub. Most don’t. And clearly you really don’t know how Mounjaro or Trulicity works…so there’s really no point in arguing with you. Hey, besides, your mom needs her phone back.

And clearly you’re misleading people if you’re telling them they’re aren’t going to gain any weight back when they d/c a GLP-1…

Dude. If this is your thought process, I hate to break it to you, but you’re just a terrible rep. Full stop. I know plenty of beautiful, stupid, female reps that docs like to look at, but don’t respect, and many older male and female reps they will listen to and consider their knowledge- I know a lot of beautiful, brilliant female reps the doctors trust and respect because of their brain, and stupid guys they won’t see. It takes all kinds. If you think you’re being outsold because you don’t have a vagina, that’s a YOU problem, not a vagina problem. Sorry to be the one to point that out. Oh, and some of us went to graduate school and have relevant advanced degrees, so we do know more than “what pharma companies taught us”. More than sex separates skill.

Have you ever treated a patient?

Call out the instigators
Because there's something in the air
We got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here
And you know it's right
And you know that it's right
We have got to get it together
We have got to get it together now.

When I stand, my back to the sea
A big white cloud, looking right down on me
Sound of the sun, missing my eyes
Everything's clear, everything's bright

If you don't think a dime-piece drives prescription numbers, then you are an idiot. All these products and commercials are damn near the same and physicians already know this. If you have a nice ass walking into your office in a short skirt you'll have numerous positive benefits. First, the patient sees that dime and thinks, wow, this doctor must be good to have her coming to see him. Second, he (the physician) is going to do whatever it takes to make her happy hoping it leads to something more. Third, they do bring some level of joy to the world they occupy (if only briefly).

You need to find a hobby.

you all have a free lunch for as long as corporate HR wants you. It is REALLY that simple. When they don't, your life will become hell and you will not have the faintest clue why. Professional assassins.

This is so true. Many years ago the head of compliance was actually a former millitary sharpshooter. And a woman , what a combo