AGE DISCRIMINATION class action SUIT starting NOW

LLY thought they could lower the cost of doing business by "letting go" some tenured reps. Well, that may just have backfired on them. Let the courts decide. YOU are not a court of law, ARE you. Until YOU have been discrim-
inated against, you have no valid input here. Buzz off.

Just turned 50 this year and have seen age related issues at Lilly and other companies so naturally I'm concerned. And yes, I've seen "fast track" people promoted over others with little or no regard to performance.

However, you use a word that bothers me, "tenured". Few people outside of college professors or supreme court justices are truly "tenured". There are plenty of people at Lilly who behave as if they are tenured simply because they have been with the company for a long time. Seniority is not the sole reason for keeping people nor should it be the sole reason for letting them go.

Just turned 50 this year and have seen age related issues at Lilly and other companies so naturally I'm concerned. And yes, I've seen "fast track" people promoted over others with little or no regard to performance.

However, you use a word that bothers me, "tenured". Few people outside of college professors or supreme court justices are truly "tenured". There are plenty of people at Lilly who behave as if they are tenured simply because they have been with the company for a long time. Seniority is not the sole reason for keeping people nor should it be the sole reason for letting them go.

Almost like saying all the "tenured" truck drivers who are going to be fired before the end of the year should flle an age discrimination suit.

What was said about seniority is spot on since that usually means those who focus on reaching "tenure" will slack off thinking they are untouchable once reached. Reality isn't like that ... sorry.

Almost like saying all the "tenured" truck drivers who are going to be fired before the end of the year should flle an age discrimination suit.

What was said about seniority is spot on since that usually means those who focus on reaching "tenure" will slack off thinking they are untouchable once reached. Reality isn't like that ... sorry.

You must have a really nice position in the corporate center... sure I've seen your type before. The real facts involved with "Answers that Matter" require several years of redundant mandatory FDA-REQUIRED training and the additional mental processing in filtering out corporate BS from reality, all while generating revenue streams accounting for about 5-10% of the salary of a "tenured" tried, tested, true-blue productive worker bee. I know exactly what my efforts are worth in terms of large dollar amounts and your pathetic attitude (really I mean pathetic because I feel sorry for you) is only spurring me toward business endeavors of my own. If I could have survived all that I have survived during my TENURE at Lilly I can survive nearly anywhere. Take your corporate center Aloha shirt Friday and shove it. Nothing personal. Just shove it.

You must have a really nice position in the corporate center... sure I've seen your type before. The real facts involved with "Answers that Matter" require several years of redundant mandatory FDA-REQUIRED training and the additional mental processing in filtering out corporate BS from reality, all while generating revenue streams accounting for about 5-10% of the salary of a "tenured" tried, tested, true-blue productive worker bee. I know exactly what my efforts are worth in terms of large dollar amounts and your pathetic attitude (really I mean pathetic because I feel sorry for you) is only spurring me toward business endeavors of my own. If I could have survived all that I have survived during my TENURE at Lilly I can survive nearly anywhere. Take your corporate center Aloha shirt Friday and shove it. Nothing personal. Just shove it.

I heard this on another board, which will not be disclosed:

“I wish we had been taught in middle school what violations of the FLSA are, how to recognize various forms of abuse of the FLSA, and what to do about it. It would have been as or more useful than the glorious on-boarding experience.”

If you want to consider a Class Action Age Discrimination Lawsuit vs. The Flower, reply to this posting. We will see if there is enough interest and look into the case on your behalf.

whats the status of your class action suit against Lilly? Have you found an attorney. They are at it in full force,,firing older reps for no reason,,they claim to have reasons, but they are weak and absurd,,clearly pre-textual.

It's not just reps. People in the age band in the mid to upper forties, in every functional area, are being let go in this never-ending mass layoff charade.

BS, BS, BS. Age has nothing to do with these layoffs. It's the least effective that are being let go. It just so happens that some of these incompetents think of Lilly as a luxury nursing home. They just sit in their cubical surfing the web all day waiting for someone to give them a big package as a reward for all those years they kept their office chair warm.

internal!! this has bled from internal to the streets. Great reps are being terminated for absolute pretext. and interestingly enough,,hmmm,,they are higher paid, and over 40,,,be careful what you call BS,,,this is not. Any names of others would be handy,,,Lilly hasnt learned from their arrogance with Zyprexa,,the attorneys seem to be deluded from the koolaid still.

I have a very honest question, please only serious responses only.

Some associates in the Technology Centers have had concerns for some years now about FDEs - not just the fact that all FDEs are young and paid less and have no rights whatsoever, but also that remaining "permanent" employees have to pick up a lot of invisible slack resulting from the lack of experience and general lack of ambition of FDEs. Much of their work must be repeated, or reviewed several times, with multiple corrections. If you look at the true productivity, it's far less than even 50% that of a career employee. Mind you, I don't blame the FDEs in any way for their perceived behavior, anyone in their position would just bide their limited time at the company and get ready for something bigger.

Also, the "PM philosophy" has at times forced career employees to "get results through people" which seems to suggest that sitting at one's desk and waiting for an all-thumbs FDE to get some work done will get them ahead faster than doing it oneself. This kind of mentality exceeds even the worst Dilbert strip.

My question is this: What if investors or FDA knew about the trend to hire temps for very time- and quality- sensitive work? On the surface, all boxes are checked on training logs, but in reality the temps (no fault of their own) are a real drag on progress. Is this a case of "being penny-wise and pound-foolish" ?

Have a good day,

A concerned colleague.

some one has no spirit and addition to no strategic insight into looking at"cost efficiency and effectiveness". Its just the lowest cost for a body with no fringe benefits. It will come back to haunt them. and I hope Karma strikes the acturaries to the depths of hells,,coals couldnt be too hot for them. But hey,,,their the ones collecting paychecks still..surpised they can sit in their chair,,they are so spineless. Kind of like all Lilly management,,go figure. Guess theyll be cooking the books when the company goes down,,,

some one has no spirit and addition to no strategic insight into looking at"cost efficiency and effectiveness". Its just the lowest cost for a body with no fringe benefits. It will come back to haunt them. and I hope Karma strikes the acturaries to the depths of hells,,coals couldnt be too hot for them. But hey,,,their the ones collecting paychecks still..surpised they can sit in their chair,,they are so spineless. Kind of like all Lilly management,,go figure. Guess theyll be cooking the books when the company goes down,,,

I really do not understand your less than Ivy League reasoning. Take it from a Harvard grad who knows. My strategy is very simple. Cut costs at all costs. Over my reign as CEO this strategy will bring me tens of millions in bonus incentives. The impact of my actions to the business will not be felt until after I've retired in complete and utter luxury. It is the perfect plan. Unfortunately for you I thought of it first. $$ JL $$

I really do not understand your less than Ivy League reasoning. Take it from a Harvard grad who knows. My strategy is very simple. Cut costs at all costs. Over my reign as CEO this strategy will bring me tens of millions in bonus incentives. The impact of my actions to the business will not be felt until after I've retired in complete and utter luxury. It is the perfect plan. Unfortunately for you I thought of it first. $$ JL $$

It all began one fine day in Harvard Square. As I sat sipping my tea and nibbling my biscuit, I looked ahead into the future. One day, I thought, I won't have to do any more chemistry. One day, in fact, I won't have to even work. Some day, all I will do is make speeches, cut staff, and count my money.

to the person who is hoping to survive by working hard and having integrity. those are the folks Lilly mngmt doesn't like,,they have a spine and won't shuck up to everything,,,theyll nod heads and read behind the subtle lines mngmt gives them, and then commit FDA violations without anyone batting an eye. Dont dare report it though,,because theyll come after you. Good luck in your fantasy land that doing the right thing and working hard is what Lilly wants. Dream on and keep taking the IV koolaid...but if you get into mngmt,,HR will protect you,,,its the loyal sales reps that are dispensible...and all the good ones they are letting go,,,and they wonder why their sales arent getting made!!
So bring it on,,,who else wants to join us for a legal wake up call to Lilly. We need just a few more folks discriminated for age or gender..

to the person who is hoping to survive by working hard and having integrity. those are the folks Lilly mngmt doesn't like,,they have a spine and won't shuck up to everything,,,theyll nod heads and read behind the subtle lines mngmt gives them, and then commit FDA violations without anyone batting an eye. Dont dare report it though,,because theyll come after you. Good luck in your fantasy land that doing the right thing and working hard is what Lilly wants. Dream on and keep taking the IV koolaid...but if you get into mngmt,,HR will protect you,,,its the loyal sales reps that are dispensible...and all the good ones they are letting go,,,and they wonder why their sales arent getting made!!
So bring it on,,,who else wants to join us for a legal wake up call to Lilly. We need just a few more folks discriminated for age or gender..

HR is only thinking about your best interests.
