After this morning's call, what are people doing now? it just me or was that the most asinine call ever made to a sales force? So unorganized. So unfair. So just unprofessional. I can't believe these are our so called leaders. Next week can't come soon enough.

Ive heard from a fairly reliable source that they are trying to get all the documents ready for Monday June 18th but there is a lot to do in order to seperate an entire sales force. Stay tuned and look for the email by mid day Friday.

So the Northeast Region has a "legal" conference call schedule for 9 am Monday morning with some lawyer in the law department. I assume our fearless leader, Rich Scatoni, is refusing to accept the inevitable.

i thought it was smart.....until i was fired and now my life is one big mess.

Double dipping IS smart! It takes a fool to be fired from BOTH jobs! Or a LIAR!
Sounds like YOU are LYING to try and prevent someone from double dipping!
Don't let this person scare you.
Many employees here at PP are SAFELY double dipping, and have been for years!

Now the Purdue families are fleeing to the country!!! Asking us to stay home if we aren’t comfortable and worried about legal issues........People wake up and smell the shit, we are toast, over, history, and unemployed!! If you don’t get your resume together and head out of your ass then you don’t deserve to have a job, well maybe as a trash man, or working for McDonald. I have two final interviews and I am going to double dip until Purdue lays us off.......Get real......

FO. Let us relax for a week or two and enjoy the severance. As far as double dipping...Good luck with that...and as far as garbage men and McDonalds workers go, They all work 10x as hard as you ever did and probably have more pride in what they do...So yeah...FO.

FO. Let us relax for a week or two and enjoy the severance. As far as double dipping...Good luck with that...and as far as garbage men and McDonalds workers go, They all work 10x as hard as you ever did and probably have more pride in what they do...So yeah...FO.

Dipper here:
Apparently what YOU are too dumb to realize is that no one has to put in the time or effort to work much at either job!
Remember: It's NOT what you do that counts. It's what people THINK you do that counts!
I've been double dipping for the same 2 companies for 8 1/2 years now! (PP plus my same other pharma job).
I enjoy the benefits of double dipping (financial) and will continue to double dip.

Good for you. So your entire existence is made up of lies and Kabuki theater. Awesome if you have no self respect and enjoy constantly covering your tracks. So much easier to just do the right thing in life.

Dipper here:
Apparently what YOU are too dumb to realize is that no one has to put in the time or effort to work much at either job!
Remember: It's NOT what you do that counts. It's what people THINK you do that counts!
I've been double dipping for the same 2 companies for 8 1/2 years now! (PP plus my same other pharma job).
I enjoy the benefits of double dipping (financial) and will continue to double dip.
I would love to know your other pharma company. My guess is INSYS.