Affair on a budget

Doesn't matter where you are, it's who you are with that makes everyone and everything around you disappear.

You guys are just not romantic!!!!!!!!;)

Beg your pardon darlin', my AM at the end of my marriage (we both lived at home with our spouses) specifically wanted to go to an hourly rental place with pornos and twinkle lights. We'd meet mid-pont at a bar a few miles away, have Martinis and talk, get very worked up until she'd say, "Can't we go to the 'No tell' now?" Everything disappeared from the minute we sat down in the bar until we left the 'No-tell'. Sometimes we were ther for 4 hours. It was always in the middle of the day and it was red hot sex in the afternoon - very romantic.

As per the Astroglide I've had some very romantic adventures with it - even turned one fantastic sexy partner on to it who said she didn't know about it. She loved it ! Unless, of course, she was lying - but I don't think so.

I always figure if a woman wants to see me again, it was romantic - at least enough (in her eyes) to want it again. In my later years, as contrasted to my youth, I haven't really been involved with someone who didn't want to see me again. I think that means I must be on the right track. Unless women give us guys feedback, we don't know if we're on te right track, ya know?
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And when it DOES happen....the "budget" will be lost along with everything else therefore a "tent" would be in order.

OK, you win, it does happen to careless & stupid people (just like pregnancy happens to those who aren't smart enough to use birth control). Don't hijack Wonka's thread ladies. This isn't the 'do not judge' thread, this is Economics 101 for those who already made their decision.

I say an hourly, a friend's house or bite the bullet and pay the price of a nice place - maybe a boutique hotel where you can hire a little playmate to join you?

Well now Vag, sweetie, baby doll....I am not high-jacking...BUT (don'tcha just hate the buts)....there are many people that are smart enough to use birth control YET it doesn't always work (not full proof) same would stand for those smart enough to think they couldn't get caught. Sorry, just had to throw that out there. LOL

Oh and the playmate to join in? JMO, but that would be one too many people that would be "in the know" of the naughty behavior. Just sayin'.... kind of like "I'd tell ya but then I'd have to kill ya" LOL

I was pullin' your leg on the 'playmate' and actually, I do like the 'butts'. :cool: