I was contacted for an EES position earlier today; I was initially told these reps are the 'Captains of the Squad' and if you're at plan you're making $150K/yr. I've worked for a major ortho distributor for 3 yrs, but have some concerns about the direction it's heading in. Pricing is killing everyone, and the industry is starting to get commoditized. Not to mention the fact that I don't have my own territory and I'm salaried at $70K. EES sounded like a good move, but after reading all these comments about average tenure, idiot reps who don't know their way around an OR, and backstabbing management.
So my question to the guy who left EES and is making twice as much, working half as much, if ortho is getting commoditized (spine's next so get ready), and EES is not as rosy as the recruiter made it out to be, where is the next real opportunity to make some scratch?