Addition through subtraction in the DBU

We lost many great reps through this most recent reorganization! Many have been with Lilly for decades! Blatent age discrimination going on in this company! Lilly is like the mainstream media! The ONLY thing that matters is Black lives! Not any other ethnic minority’s either! Replace older reps with younger/black reps! This place is horrible! I’m sorry to see these great people go!

As a millennial. Keep crying snowflake!! Hahaha boo hooo “I’m old and they don’t like me” boo hoo I had decades to develop other skills sets but “selling is what I do best and they can’t possibly replace me with some college millennial” hahah reality is no one gives a crap about your selling. After 3 years my take away in pharma selling is 80% coverage and 20% “adding value” Get over it.

Millennial out :)

We have lost many great people during this most recent reorg.! Many reps have been around for decades and they have been replaced by millennials or black reps.! No other ethnic group! Lilly has followed mainstream media and now ONLY black lives matter! These reps won’t be able to find a bathroom in a clinic yet alone talk with an HCP! Lilly, I predict your earnings will be in the trash this year and you think that is bad, 2019 will be worse! Time for the rest of us to go elsewhere! Lilly may even be taken over by a bigger pharma company! Everyone, watch your Backs!

Another SNOWFLAKE! Jesus no way global warming exists with so many snowflakes around. As a millennial all I can say is HAHAHAHAHAHA why you mad?? Awwww you upset that your BS “career” takes next to no skill in today’s day and age? This job is good to make a few bucks and move on with your life. Sticking around for your coveted pension is going the way of your lord and savior’s “clean coal” hahahahaha these boards are hilarious.

Lilly is replacing all of the seasoned reps with millennials that make less than half of what we make. It's just a matter of time before they get hit with a class action lawsuit. It's so obvious what they are doing. Meanwhile, my manager acts like she does not know anything about whats happening around us. Maybe it's because shes also young & fresh. Shame, we used to work for such a secure company. Now all they care about is millennials that work for peanuts. I've given them so many years & I know my days here are counted. Anyone making over 100K will be cut in the next round for sure. They could not get rid of all of us this time around to not make it obvious. But they will on the next one. #shade

Get a life and while your at it go get another job. It was great back in the day when pharma would toss around $$ like it was candy. But they get it now. You don’t need to pay top dollar for something this is dictated by INSURANCE. The marginal gain in sales from paying you 100k+ and some millennial 50k just doesn’t add up. So yea you had it good “back in the day”. But suck it up snowflake.

Lilly doesn’t care about relationships! They only want to hire millennials and diversity hires!

Let’s be honest what in your career in Pharma made you think ANY pharma company cares about relationships?! Hahahahaha I’m actually cracking up that you thought that big pharma has any loyalty or feels any obligation to anything BUT shareholders. Let me break it down for you sweetie. The economy is full of millennials who will work for less. The work they put in is not that much less then you. Therefor you are EXPENDABLE. But go ahead keep entertaining us with “wahhhh millienials wahhh I need a diaper change wahhhh I’m such a snowflake”