Addition through subtraction in the DBU


Many good people in the DBU sales organization remain although some poor performers remain as well. We lost some good performers because of certain biases in the selection process but some rotten apples are gone through VERP or elimination. Still a long way to go to be elite.

Many good people in the DBU sales organization remain although some poor performers remain as well. We lost some good performers because of certain biases in the selection process but some rotten apples are gone through VERP or elimination. Still a long way to go to be elite.

We lost many great reps through this most recent reorganization! Many have been with Lilly for decades! Blatent age discrimination going on in this company! Lilly is like the mainstream media! The ONLY thing that matters is Black lives! Not any other ethnic minority’s either! Replace older reps with younger/black reps! This place is horrible! I’m sorry to see these great people go!

Many good people in the DBU sales organization remain although some poor performers remain as well. We lost some good performers because of certain biases in the selection process but some rotten apples are gone through VERP or elimination. Still a long way to go to be elite.

We have lost many great people during this most recent reorg.! Many reps have been around for decades and they have been replaced by millennials or black reps.! No other ethnic group! Lilly has followed mainstream media and now ONLY black lives matter! These reps won’t be able to find a bathroom in a clinic yet alone talk with an HCP! Lilly, I predict your earnings will be in the trash this year and you think that is bad, 2019 will be worse! Time for the rest of us to go elsewhere! Lilly may even be taken over by a bigger pharma company! Everyone, watch your Backs!

It won’t be long before novo eats our lunch. With so many millennials now being hired by Lilly, other companies who have more experienced reps will prosper. And those millennial reps will gain experience at Lilly then move to the competitors who will pay more.

We have lost many great people during this most recent reorg.! Many reps have been around for decades and they have been replaced by millennials or black reps.! No other ethnic group! Lilly has followed mainstream media and now ONLY black lives matter! These reps won’t be able to find a bathroom in a clinic yet alone talk with an HCP! Lilly, I predict your earnings will be in the trash this year and you think that is bad, 2019 will be worse! Time for the rest of us to go elsewhere! Lilly may even be taken over by a bigger pharma company! Everyone, watch your Backs!
Cry me a river of white privilege, homeboy. Our future is one of prosperity, while yours is to rot in the shadows.

Lilly is replacing all of the seasoned reps with millennials that make less than half of what we make. It's just a matter of time before they get hit with a class action lawsuit. It's so obvious what they are doing. Meanwhile, my manager acts like she does not know anything about whats happening around us. Maybe it's because shes also young & fresh. Shame, we used to work for such a secure company. Now all they care about is millennials that work for peanuts. I've given them so many years & I know my days here are counted. Anyone making over 100K will be cut in the next round for sure. They could not get rid of all of us this time around to not make it obvious. But they will on the next one. #shade

Lilly is replacing all of the seasoned reps with millennials that make less than half of what we make. It's just a matter of time before they get hit with a class action lawsuit. It's so obvious what they are doing. Meanwhile, my manager acts like she does not know anything about whats happening around us. Maybe it's because shes also young & fresh. Shame, we used to work for such a secure company. Now all they care about is millennials that work for peanuts. I've given them so many years & I know my days here are counted. Anyone making over 100K will be cut in the next round for sure. They could not get rid of all of us this time around to not make it obvious. But they will on the next one. #shade
Trump's mandate to drastically reduce drug prices will no longer allow Lilly to overcompensate a non-productive, mediocre sales team. Your days of a cushy job are numbered.

Trump's mandate to drastically reduce drug prices will no longer allow Lilly to overcompensate a non-productive, mediocre sales team. Your days of a cushy job are numbered.
I agree. A $100K+ a year for an entry-level job that any general business college grad can do is ridiculous. $75 should be the cap for today's talent market.

This ship has been sinking for a long time and we all know it. The DBU is a joke and DR is a POS Canadian First Class Ass! Let’s face it, if a Rep has relationship, Better drug and Formulary in that order.... well that my friend is called Check Mate.
Novo now has 2 out of 3 and the last one will soon follow in 6-12 months.
The weight reduction alone with Ozempic Vs Trulicity @ nearly 2x is enough to swing most GLP-1 writers to switch over to Ozempic if both covered on formulary.. These are the facts and you they can’t be disputed unfortunately no matter how much my DSM keeps saying otherwise! That damn head to head study Novo did Vs Trulicity was a death blow.

This ship has been sinking for a long time and we all know it. The DBU is a joke and DR is a POS Canadian First Class Ass! Let’s face it, if a Rep has relationship, Better drug and Formulary in that order.... well that my friend is called Check Mate.
Novo now has 2 out of 3 and the last one will soon follow in 6-12 months.
The weight reduction alone with Ozempic Vs Trulicity @ nearly 2x is enough to swing most GLP-1 writers to switch over to Ozempic if both covered on formulary.. These are the facts and you they can’t be disputed unfortunately no matter how much my DSM keeps saying otherwise! That damn head to head study Novo did Vs Trulicity was a death blow.

Novo has better relationships as well.

This ship has been sinking for a long time and we all know it. The DBU is a joke and DR is a POS Canadian First Class Ass! Let’s face it, if a Rep has relationship, Better drug and Formulary in that order.... well that my friend is called Check Mate.
Novo now has 2 out of 3 and the last one will soon follow in 6-12 months.
The weight reduction alone with Ozempic Vs Trulicity @ nearly 2x is enough to swing most GLP-1 writers to switch over to Ozempic if both covered on formulary.. These are the facts and you they can’t be disputed unfortunately no matter how much my DSM keeps saying otherwise! That damn head to head study Novo did Vs Trulicity was a death blow.
Lilly doesn’t care about relationships! They only want to hire millennials and diversity hires!