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Adam sounds incredibly ridiculous and naive

To quote Adam I have assembled the best team in Merck and pharmaceutical business to lead this transformational change which of course includes my brother Dave too. I am confident these agents of change will bring success. Sorry sound more like the captain of the Titanic.

It is incredible difficult to buy what you are predicting when it has been these same kiss asses have led us into this sad ditch.

Just because Adam you say so is not going to make it happen. The legacy of past 4 years reflects Adam surrounds himself with sycophants and lives in the lala land.

It is amazing and true, that since 2009 your business assumptions have not panned out. Your credibility and story just does not add up. We will miss 15x15 it looks more like 15x4. You and Ken are the reasons for the current screw up. Both of you are gaming the system.

Mr. Adam H. Schechter is Executive Vice President, President - Global Human Health of Merck & Co., Inc. He is responsible for the Company’s pharmaceutical and vaccine worldwide business. Since November 2009 — President, Global Human Health, U.S. Market-Integration Leader, Merck & Co., Inc. — commercial responsibility in the United States for the Company’s portfolio of prescription medicines. Leader for the integration efforts for the Merck/Schering-Plough merger across all divisions and functions. Since August 2007 — President, Global Pharmaceuticals, Global Human Health, Merck & Co., Inc. — global responsibilities for the Company’s atherosclerosis/cardiovascular, diabetes/obesity, oncology, specialty/neuroscience, respiratory, bone, arthritis and analgesia franchises as well as commercial responsibility in the United States for the Company’s portfolio of prescription medicines. Since July 2006 — President, U.S. Human Health, Merck & Co., Inc. — commercial responsibility in the United States for the Company’s portfolio of prescription medicines.

What do you mean "ridiculous and naïve"?

This a first class assessment of the situation. Let me summarize. We need to sell more to grow. If we sell less it's a problem for our growth. Ya know this industry is complex and sometimes you just need to dumb down the message for the dopes that invest in this company. Adam has the skills.

Sales of Merck's most profitable product, its diabetes treatment Januvia, dropped 5% to $927 million, while total pharmaceutical revenues was down 2% year on year to $9.48 billion.

"In order for us to grow next year, what we have to do is see a change in that volume," said President of Global Human Health Adam Schechter on a conference call, referring to Januvia sales. "If that volume continues to decline, obviously it's going to be a problem for us to grow."

Schechter credits waning sales to decreased market share and an increase in new competitors in Januvia's drug class.


What do you mean "ridiculous and naïve"?

This a first class assessment of the situation. Let me summarize. We need to sell more to grow. If we sell less it's a problem for our growth. Ya know this industry is complex and sometimes you just need to dumb down the message for the dopes that invest in this company. Adam has the skills.

Sales of Merck's most profitable product, its diabetes treatment Januvia, dropped 5% to $927 million, while total pharmaceutical revenues was down 2% year on year to $9.48 billion.

"In order for us to grow next year, what we have to do is see a change in that volume," said President of Global Human Health Adam Schechter on a conference call, referring to Januvia sales. "If that volume continues to decline, obviously it's going to be a problem for us to grow."

Da to quote Adam, 'we need GROWTH by reducing COSTS and YES becoming "Customer Focused". My decision is to accelerate 'Customer Centricity' rollout into 2013. My plan is to do this with no additional resources or talent. I have assembled the Best Management Team in the industry to make this happen'.

Seriously Adam you have no credibility left you are living in lala land. You have surrounded yourself with a dysfunctional management entering the sink hole phase.

Wake up and deal with reality.

Dude, there is a time and place to give feedback. It sounds like your guy was just complaining and bitching; this was probably A's first meeting with him and what a negative impression that guy put forward! If it was that big of an issue his ass would have been kicked to the curb immediately - the guy probably had a crappy attitude, complaining to senior management - he probably complained to everyone...other reps, his new manager, customers and so on. Good riddance to that guy. Yeah, we don't have the sharpest tools in the tool shed in management. But what an idiot that guy was to bitch about it and think it would have some kind of impact.

So how many other intimate sessions were on the docket for this candid employee, even if all he did was suck up and play pretend at the first dinner with His Eminence? None.

They ask you to be honest, but that's merely code for smile and wave your "Merck Forever" flag.

You're ability to rationalize anything is keeping you in a monthly paycheck until Adam bails with his portfolio in tact and you are left adrift.

The best---and bravest---rep I ever knew told Adam that he thought our performance measurement system was a complete fraud. He told him that right to his face, at one of those special little dinners where the magnanimous Adam the Great steps down from his thrown to let the commoners kiss his ass over dinner.

That rep was managed out of the company less than two years later. A new manager was assigned to his geography and the pressure immediately ensued. He was white, in his 40's with 14 years tenure. It was the classic story I've read on CP at least twenty times now.

This company is rotten to the core. Courage and candor...safe to speak up...

I love the view that being a white male makes you some sort of endangered species in this country. If you are 50 or older, it was illegal for blacks to vote in YOUR LIFETIME, but yet you are the victim because of the rampant politically correct culture since the mid-90s.

Focus on actual issues

So Adam to answer your question 'is Merck customer focused'? Obviously the answer is NO.
We are focused on the legal and compliance objective.

We are focused on being focused.

Honestly Adam you are the reason why the crisis at Merck will continue with no end in sight. You have created the Merck's global culture of failure, preventing any reality of progress. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. The management team which you have picked is to placate to your idiosyncrasies and not to deal with realities. You have lost credibility and trust with employees, middle management, customers, regulators, and vendors. Reinforcing a formula for failure.

'.....So focusing on same old same old reshuffle of your team is not going to change the outcome.

Honestly Adam you are the reason why the crisis at Merck will continue with no end in sight. You have created the Merck's global culture of failure, preventing any reality of progress. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. The management team which you have picked is to placate to your idiosyncrasies and not to deal with realities. You have lost credibility and trust with employees, middle management, customers, regulators, and vendors. Reinforcing a formula for failure.

'.....So focusing on same old same old reshuffle of your team is not going to change the outcome.

I SECOND this assessment. Well stated!

I have to laugh every time I hear someone in senior management talk about "a customer centric approach". Are they really this stupid? The physicians we call on are no longer (to a large extent) the prescribers. Pharmacists, managed care, and the government have stolen that role long ago. Lets face it, most physicians have neither the time or energy to prescribe a branded drug for a patient or fight an overly regulated chaotic system that frankly was put in place with the blessing of the pharma industry. Why we continue to act likes its 1990 is beyond me. It just goes to show that lawyers and Business are oil and water and we have way to many of the former sucking the life out of this company. All the nonsense that continues to flow down from the top through the DCOs and CLTs is nothing but mental masturbation that will provide no more of a fix to our problems than a fancy web site will fix Obamacare

I have to laugh every time I hear someone in senior management talk about "a customer centric approach". Are they really this stupid? The physicians we call on are no longer (to a large extent) the prescribers. Pharmacists, managed care, and the government have stolen that role long ago. Lets face it, most physicians have neither the time or energy to prescribe a branded drug for a patient or fight an overly regulated chaotic system that frankly was put in place with the blessing of the pharma industry. Why we continue to act likes its 1990 is beyond me. It just goes to show that lawyers and Business are oil and water and we have way to many of the former sucking the life out of this company. All the nonsense that continues to flow down from the top through the DCOs and CLTs is nothing but mental masturbation that will provide no more of a fix to our problems than a fancy web site will fix Obamacare

Agree this is utter garbage of buzz words and UPenn psycho babble with no meaning. Just look at the team of same idiots who have a track record of failures are leading this commercial effort.

Treating customers disparately, what a joke. Thanks Adam like Merck Engage, Customer Centered Selling, and this idea is a bust and total waste of Merck resources.

More of an embarrassment than innovation.

Agree this is utter garbage of buzz words and UPenn psycho babble with no meaning. Just look at the team of same idiots who have a track record of failures are leading this commercial effort.

Treating customers disparately, what a joke. Thanks Adam like Merck Engage, Customer Centered Selling, and this idea is a bust and total waste of Merck resources.

More of an embarrassment than innovation.

Adam says. ....Customer Centricity will solve the Zetia and AHA issues.

The ADAM Schechter’s Magical Elixir
Some thoughts to consider....how is this different from good Account Management Practices? Why should a customer think that this CC brings better value around Januvia or Zetia?
Verdict, this is another internally focused stupid idea defined new buzz words. The value is all one-sided benefiting Merck. Look at all the time being spent to address internal bullshit.
Does this make sense?

Customer Centricity Strategic Account

Job Description
Business Context
Customer Centricity at Merck aims at evolving the company’s business model by disproportionately investing in its most valuable customers to drive profitable growth and creating a sustainable competitive advantage through customer excellence.

Customer Centricity will drive Merck business performance by:

· Driving growth in core business through alignment with Top Customers (how is ?Januvia and Zetia aligned when there is no value for patients with proven outcomes.

· Driving growth beyond core in new businesses aligned with Top Customer needs….explain why should a customer trust Merck employees.

· Increasing Merck productivity through focus on Top Customers

The job holder will actively manage a portfolio of projects with multiple stakeholders involved (both internal and external)

Essential Functions
% Time

· Develop a cohesive customer strategy for selected top customers, including definition of initiatives and execution plan

· Assess best ways to communicate the rationale and substance of strategic decisions regarding top customers

· Create supporting outputs & tools to help generation of quality outputs


Project Management/ Planning

· Coordination, tracking and progress monitoring of planned and ongoing initiatives for top customers

· Identify/anticipate potential risks and define/implement mitigation plans

· Provide visibility to Senior Management on initiatives progress in a simple and continuous manner

· Coordinate work streams from multiple areas within the company and ensure/facilitate their work together as One Merck


Business Intelligence

· Work with the Business Intelligence team and customer teams to integrate key market/company inputs into customer plans and initiatives

· Define and measure KPIs to monitor progress on each initiative

· Search complementary information sources within the organization that can be value added to define customer strategies or tracking plans



· Prepare corporate-wide communications of top customers progress and initiatives status through different channels for different audiences

· Liaise with regional/global stakeholders to ensure progress in USA is well spread throughout the organization

You must love big government at Merck. Reading that corporate speak drivel makes me think Merck is lucky to sell anything. What total BS. In reality it has no meaning or value, I know, but doesn't it sound awfully good?

I love the view that being a white male makes you some sort of endangered species in this country. If you are 50 or older, it was illegal for blacks to vote in YOUR LIFETIME, but yet you are the victim because of the rampant politically correct culture since the mid-90s.

Focus on actual issues

you've got some funny math, pal.

The Fifteenth Amendment (Amendment XV) to the United States Constitution prohibits the federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude". It was ratified on February 3, 1870, as the third and last of the Reconstruction Amendments.

Adam lets see how dated is your approach is compared to what Novartis was doing in 2008 related to being more customer focused.

Novartis changes in the field in 2008.

Dear Colleagues,

The outlook for our business is strong, but our market is changing and so must we to ensure our future success. Building from our position of strength, we need to align our strategy to address the emergence of newer customers, pricing pressures, aggressive generic competition, increasing payor and consumer influence, and diversity of markets across the country. Further, we must consider shifts in our portfolio.

That's why we are proactively transforming our entire organization to be more centered around customers. The key to this strategy is putting the customer at the center of everything that we do. This new approach removes old barriers and creates the flexibility needed to win in the future.

As you'll recall, last October, we took decisive steps to change our commercial model in order to overcome these changes, and specifically to maximize our Cardiovascular and Specialty Medicines businesses with dedicated Operating Units. That was the right approach then and we want to build on it as we move our business forward. Today, I would like to share with you how we are taking our Operating Unit approach to the next level with the Customer Centric Initiative (CCI) – a transformation that will shift the focus of our entire organization from a brand-focus to a customer-focus model.

What distinguishes CCI is that it is a comprehensive strategy that goes beyond just structure. We are making changes to develop more integrated teams throughout our entire organization to enable us to be smarter about our customer needs and further grow both our Primary Care and Specialty Medicines portfolios. We will achieve this by bringing all brands that are primary care focused into one Operating Unit while dedicating our Specialty Medicines Operating Unit to specialist customers and the products they need to serve their patients. It will provide greater flexibility and more efficient resource allocation driven by a deeper knowledge of local customer needs – positioning us for greater top line growth and improved overall productivity.

The first step is moving from a one-size-fits-all approach to a more customer-centered approach that is flexible and adaptable on a market by market basis. In addition, our changing healthcare environment requires that we be able to address multiple customers individually, not just the traditional office physician.

Establishment of Five Regional Primary Care Operating Units &
Primary Care Marketing Organization

To drive this cross-functional account management approach and enable us to better address customer and market needs, we are organizing our primary care business into five geographically-based operating units, each led by a locally based General Manager and supported by a cross-functional, collaborative team. The teams will include business leaders, human resources, finance, business planning and operations. These cross-functional regional teams will represent the entire primary care portfolio – including Diovan, Tekturna, Exforge, Reclast, Exelon Patch and Enablex. And they will be empowered to determine how to most effectively align resources to support their customers and business.

The General Managers will report directly to me. I am pleased to announce that two established leaders from our organization will be leading two of the regions:

* Christopher Kaplan will lead the Northeast OU as well as the development of a national Sales Center of Excellence, which will be led by Senior Director Jim Niebanck.
* Gerry Melillo will lead the Southeast OU.

Additionally, I am happy to welcome three new executives to our organization:
o Jeff Bailey will lead the Midwest OU.
o Gary Menichini will lead the Central South OU.
o Tony Yost will lead the West OU.

Jeff Bailey brings to this role more than 20 years of leadership experience in pharmaceutical sales and marketing as well as manufacturing and operations, having held positions at Johnson & Johnson with Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation and Janssen Pharmaceutical. Gary Menichini joins us from General Electric Healthcare, where he was Zone Vice President and General Manager, Diagnostic Imaging, and responsible for over $600 million in diagnostic imaging revenue in the Radiology imaging market. Tony Yost joins us from Innovex North America, where he was President and oversaw commercial operations and business development and helped the company reverse a trend in declining performance. Tony also spent more than five years in the Acute Coronary Business Unit at Schering-Plough, overseeing sales of $300 million and 100 employees.

The GMs will be supported by a headquarter-based Primary Care Marketing organization that will cover four therapeutic areas: hypertension, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease and overactive bladder. Brian Goff, previously Executive Director, Cardiovascular Marketing, will assume the role of Vice President & Head of Primary Care Marketing, reporting to me.

Brian will lead an experienced team of marketers who manage the Primary Care brands. Joining the Primary Care marketing team, is Duncan McKechnie as Senior Director, Valsartan Brands (including Diovan/HCT, Exforge/HCT and Valturna). The current Product Directors will continue to lead their respective brands: Ameet Mallik (Tekturna/HCT), Kristen Harrington-Smith (Exforge/HCT), Paul McGinley (Reclast), Bill McNey (Exelon Patch), and John Kramer (Enablex).

Specialty Medicines Operating Unit Maintains National Focus

In addition to the five Primary Care Operating Units, there will be one Operating Unit for Specialty Medicines that will remain nationally aligned and will focus entirely on specialist customers and the products they need to serve their patients. These therapeutic areas will include: Respiratory & Infectious Disease, Neuroscience, Multiple Sclerosis, Transplant, and New Products. Jayson Dallas, previously Vice President of Neuroscience, will head the Specialty Medicines Operating Unit, reporting to me. Tim Maloney will assume responsibility for Multiple Sclerosis Franchise; Dagmar Rosa-Bjorkeson for Respiratory and Infectious Disease; John Weinberg for Transplant; Debbie Henderson for Neuroscience as well as hormone replacement therapy; and Steve Rubino for New Products, all reporting to Jayson. We will no longer support Ophthalmics products and the General Established Medicines (GEM) will now be called Mature Products and supported within US Managed Markets.

Medical Aligns Regionally

The Medical field organization will also realign regionally and establish a Medical Head for each of the 5 Operating Units reporting to US Medical and DRA. Collaboration between our medical and commercial teams will drive better coordination across our portfolio at a customer level. It will also enable us to increase our focus on outcomes research and important emerging stakeholders like nurse practitioners and physician assistants. I am pleased to report two Area Medical Head appointments: Eslie Dennis for the Northeast and Les Paul for the West, both reporting to John Orloff. The other three Area Medical Heads will be appointed at a later date. In addition, Ken Massey has been named Vice President of Medical Affairs, responsible for Headquarter Scientific Operations & Content Development, Medical Information and Communication, Novartis Office of Grants and Education as well as Publication Planning, reporting to John.

Establishment of Customer Innovation Strategies

Scott Oehrlein, head of CCI, will be establishing the Customer Innovation Strategies function to realize our Customer-Centric strategy. This team will support the implementation of CCI, develop new skills and capabilities, and guide the strategy for continued evolution to meet customer needs. In the next few months, Scott will transition this role to Lisa Pilla, currently Vice President of N4/N5, who will assume this position. I want to thank Scott for his leadership in helping us realize the CCI launch and will share the details of Scott's new role at the time of his transition.

Additional Responsibility within USMM

Don DeGolyer, Head of US Managed Markets, will assume additional responsibility for Mature Products. Marion Morton will head Mature Products and assume additional responsibilities for special projects within Managed Markets, reporting to Don.

Importantly, I want to acknowledge all our Sales Vice Presidents. Their leadership and commitment have helped create our best in class field force and I am pleased to announce their new roles. Frank Arena will continue to serve as Vice President of Field Analysis Training and Sales Operations in CS&O; Steve Catalano will assume a Managing Director position in Jacksonville; Jim Immormino is joining the Oncology team to lead a new sales force effectiveness initiative; John Mandala has been appointed senior director, KAM/IMP for Specialty Medicines; and Kevin McKinnon will assume a Managing Director position in Atlanta.

Michelle Tsai joins the Operations Team of the Office of the CEO, working with June Lanoue and reporting to me.

This new strategy represents significant opportunities. However, there will be about 550 fewer positions in our organization. The majority of these positions will be in the field, and more than half have already been achieved through attrition. You can be assured that we will treat any associate who is impacted by these changes with respect, and where possible, provide the opportunity to move to another position within NPC or an NPC affiliate.

Our new commercial structure – focused on our top priority of delivering value to customers – is effective January 5.

Over the next several days, I encourage you to share your thoughts and ideas with your immediate supervisor or your department head. Keeping the lines of communication open is critical, and you will have opportunities to ask questions as we work together to transform our organization.

You will receive more updates in the coming weeks on progress as we take the steps toward our transformation.

This new approach will allow us to take advantage of market opportunities, and it is also a chance for each of you to develop new skills and develop your careers. Across NPC, we will focus on building business acumen and ownership, customer relationships and insights, while supporting innovation in processes and solutions.

With any organizational change comes the stress of dealing with uncertainty, and I recognize that the next few days and weeks will not be easy. What I can assure you is that we are moving strongly forward to secure our future growth.

You'll find details on this announcement and an organizational chart, a map of the regional Primary Care operating units, and other information about our new operating units and leadership available on the CCI intranet site.

Thanks to your outstanding performances throughout the year, we are strong and getting stronger. Together, we have made a difference working with our customers to improve the health outcomes of their patients.


Ludwig Hantson
CEO Novartis"

Finally some wisdom prevails for Timney to exist for being incompetent manager. But the worse horrible individual Craig Granowutz continues to undermine the company. Under your leadership Craig has destroyed GMA support group credibility by sweeping funds indiscriminately. This has created friction and commotion within marketing team to not support any programs within GMA.