
you all have it wrong

Check out The Orthopaedic Implant Company. They have a distal radius plate that is state of the art. And, it's priced at half of all the big boys. The game is over reps!

Re: you all have it wrong

Check out The Orthopaedic Implant Company. They have a distal radius plate that is state of the art. And, it's priced at half of all the big boys. The game is over reps!

Obviously this tool has never actually sold anything. Carry a bag in the field for a while, obtain some solid relationships and then visit. We may allow your comments to be taken seriously at that time.

Are you all kidding? Look at market share, that tells you who is using what. Orthopedic network news. Keep selling cheap stuff to surgery centers, that will make you a nice income.