acquisition-new wave surgical!

Even though I'm pissed i lost the line I have to say it is probably a steal. Every account I had ordered constantly and the techs sell it for you so keeps growing. I know they were getting orders around the world and my territory was getting crazy. Its cost little to make so its mostly profit for cov.Guess that's the down side to good product is that you lose it eventually.

Covidien reps should be excited about selling Dhelp. New Wave sales increased over 1200% over the last three years and accounts that order this product don't tend to stop ordering. It's a no-brainer in robot cases because it warms for over 5 hours. It is also a no-brainer in lap cases with lots of dissection because it has 2 other products in every kit that help clean the scope and the trocar. Covidien reps should thank the new wave reps, who are now probably out of a job, for making their pockets heavier for a very minimal amount of selling work.

WOW , now maybe they will break out the plunger only to help clean the ethicon trocars.
Now about the new wave reps.... really. It was brought to market by independents in some parts of U.S., what really sold it was when a smart independent partnered with robot reps and got on a list then boom it was endorsed by intuitive.

I work for Intuitive and this is a solid product. Nothing exciting, but it works, and takes up less space than a scope bath. Also, those bags they use to keep the bath sterile aren't cheap. I have converted all of my accounts to Dhelp. I would partner w/ your Intuitive rep to get this in. As previous poster said, it's a one and done sale.

wont need as much if XI ever hits market.

Why is Xi immune to fogging? warm work area's with cold gas blowing on them = fogging.
All the vendors have tried warming the gas or humidification and only been marginally succeful

So Xi won't fog. I guess you will be getting mass orders then.

How many times does can you divide the cost of a new robot by $40. I'd rather by a defogger and not make another large capital investment.

WOW , now maybe they will break out the plunger only to help clean the ethicon trocars.
Now about the new wave reps.... really. It was brought to market by independents in some parts of U.S., what really sold it was when a smart independent partnered with robot reps and got on a list then boom it was endorsed by intuitive.

I cannot believe the lack of class shown here... Frankly, you haven't a clue of what you are talking about. The New Wave reps busted their butts to grow this business, and they lost their jobs so you could get another source of revenue, have some compassion. Too bad we couldn't swap the naysayers here with some of those guys, they would probably pound the pavement harder and have more class while doing so.

I cannot believe the lack of class shown here... Frankly, you haven't a clue of what you are talking about. The New Wave reps busted their butts to grow this business, and they lost their jobs so you could get another source of revenue, have some compassion. Too bad we couldn't swap the naysayers here with some of those guys, they would probably pound the pavement harder and have more class while doing so.

Any New Wave rep that was in this for the long haul has no idea how startups work.

I'm curious as to why Koziol would suggest in the letter posted up on New Wave's website?

"We encourage utilizing authorized distributors to avoid direct shipping fees."

This really shows the difference between a direct sales force and an independent one. Dhelp is a bottom of the bag widget for the Covidien sales force because you are made to reach quota instead of working to make money. The independents that launched this widget of a product were making $20,000 take home a month or more! Independents don't care what they sell they care about "what is it going to pay me."

This really shows the difference between a direct sales force and an independent one. Dhelp is a bottom of the bag widget for the Covidien sales force because you are made to reach quota instead of working to make money. The independents that launched this widget of a product were making $20,000 take home a month or more! Independents don't care what they sell they care about "what is it going to pay me."

The way I was trained that was called sales

YEP but they were not making that much they only paid 15% then went direct once sales started ramping up ,they needed focus reps. . Plus you need multiple lines , just for this reason. Very short window for those types of reps. Not many products/lines that can support for extended period of time. Great gig awesome money . Look at our versa step(Innerdyne),,hernia mesh,Harmonic(ultrascision)many more.

Can't wait to get my new commission check with my new wave sales. For those of you that busted your a$$ to get that one trick pony off the ground my family and I want to thank you.

I work for Intuitive and this is a solid product. Nothing exciting, but it works, and takes up less space than a scope bath. Also, those bags they use to keep the bath sterile aren't cheap. I have converted all of my accounts to Dhelp. I would partner w/ your Intuitive rep to get this in. As previous poster said, it's a one and done sale.

I don't see how this helps in a great deal in robotic cases...once the scope goes in, it seldom comes out for cleaning. At least that is my experience. What am I missing?

I don't see how this helps in a great deal in robotic cases...once the scope goes in, it seldom comes out for cleaning. At least that is my experience. What am I missing?

Your missing the part when the scope comes to get cleaned about 20 times a hours. Are you not in surgery or are you to busy texting your bro's. the scope get junk on It all the time.