ACNE POA- Waist of time

please tell me Janet sharp stood up again Ns said you didn’t pull through. And then her stay at home Mom who crunches numbers for her while shaving her callus’s off her feet builtvrepirts showing you are not taking advantage of your market access opportunities

Hahahaha. Love it.

please tell me Janet sharp stood up again Ns said you didn’t pull through. And then her stay at home Mom who crunches numbers for her while shaving her callus’s off her feet builtvrepirts showing you are not taking advantage of your market access opportunities

Hahahaha. Love it.

Just how do these people still have jobs ?

Goga and his dopey marketing team probably listened to Dilip and are having all materials designed and produced in India. Should be interesting. Lousy printing, Old English spelling, misspellings, smiling patients from India with no teeth and rubies in the foreheads. Should go over well in the USA. Should be ready in six months max.

This is shameful. Never seen so much dysfunction.
Does Dilip know how effed-up things are ?

Because the Indians are rice and coffee and beans sakes people. Commodity brokers.

They hire analysts and consultants to tell them what to do.

Janet and her wannabe cronie crunch symphony data and press it on your head and Indians like that.

Too cheap to hire good consultants, and, more importantly, they don’t trust anyone but ‘their own’.

But you’re right on the coffee beans and rice.

please tell me Janet sharp stood up again Ns said you didn’t pull through. And then her stay at home Mom who crunches numbers for her while shaving her callus’s off her feet builtvrepirts showing you are not taking advantage of your market access opportunities

Hahahaha. Love it.

There is no crunching of any data. The JS graphs have been the same since the Symphony data was first initiated. Over 90% coverage by most of the meaningful plans. Same data, just change the brand. The missing data is what is the out of pocket co-pay that is in place for the patient acquisition? Patients will accept up to $50 without much resistance. Once you start going over $75 and into the hundreds, there is a dramatic increase in scripts being abandoned or switched. SUN potential opportunity coverage data has always been a fraud. The key is evaluating probable acquisition that is a factor of cutting deals on co-pay, not a fault of salesmanship. Sales can generate a script. Managed Markets need to ensure that the script has a chance to be filled. The finger pointing over the years has been a hoax.

There is no crunching of any data. The JS graphs have been the same since the Symphony data was first initiated. Over 90% coverage by most of the meaningful plans. Same data, just change the brand. The missing data is what is the out of pocket co-pay that is in place for the patient acquisition? Patients will accept up to $50 without much resistance. Once you start going over $75 and into the hundreds, there is a dramatic increase in scripts being abandoned or switched. SUN potential opportunity coverage data has always been a fraud. The key is evaluating probable acquisition that is a factor of cutting deals on co-pay, not a fault of salesmanship. Sales can generate a script. Managed Markets need to ensure that the script has a chance to be filled. The finger pointing over the years has been a hoax.


Goga and his dopey marketing team probably listened to Dilip and are having all materials designed and produced in India. Should be interesting. Lousy printing, Old English spelling, misspellings, smiling patients from India with no teeth and rubies in the foreheads. Should go over well in the USA. Should be ready in six months max.


At the pace we are going there will only be one franchise left at the end of 2019... Oncology

Right, sure! SUN Pharma with the current state of management and caring will make a mark in oncology. That is the best laugh we had all year. Try the only division left will be commodity generics. Selling antibiotics, diuretics and metformin for a penny a pill to CVS in bulk.